Airline Passengers facts
While investigating facts about Airline Passengers Bill Of Rights and Airline Passengers Per Day, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The first commercial passenger airliner to be shot down by hostile forces was refurbished, returned to service, and later became the third commercial passenger airliner to be shot down by hostile forces.
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In 2006, a woman farted on an American Airlines plane and attempted to cover up her farts by burning matches. When the passengers reported the smell of burning matches to the crew, the flight made an emergency landing in Nashville, and the FBI was called in to conduct an investigation.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what airline is best for overweight passengers. Here are 50 of the best facts about Airline Passengers Losing It and Airline Passengers Behaving Badly I managed to collect.
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To help airline passengers deal with travel anxiety, San Francisco International Airport has hired the nation's first airport therapy pig. LiLou wears costumes and performs tricks to help travelers calm down before boarding their flights.
In 2010 an unlucky airline passenger was arrested in Ireland after Slovak security officials placed explosives in his luggage for training, then forgot to remove them before the plane took off.
The record for most passengers ever carried by a commercial airliner is 1,088, by an El Al Boeing 747 during Operation Solomon, which involved the evacuation of Ethiopian Jews from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and started on 24 May 1991. This figure included two babies born on the flight.
About the Airline Employee Who Told the Passengers, Over the Plane's PA As the Plane Was Reaching the Gate, That He was Was Fed Up and Quitting, Pulled the Plane's Emergency Slide, Slid Down Holding Beers and Ran. When the Cops Caught Up To Him, the Then Ex-Employee Was Having Sex At Home.
The SriLankan Airlines president sacked the CEO after he refused to move business class passengers to economy to give their seats to the airline's president's family. He appointed his brother-in-law instead, who lacked experience. In 7 years the airline accumulated US$875 million in losses
American Airlines once sold "Golden Tickets" for unlimited first class airline travel. One passenger logged over 10,000 flights and millions of miles, flying to new cities constantly, sometimes just for a sandwich, until AA accused him of fraud and revoked his ticket.
An airline pilot ordered 30 pizzas for his passengers after finding they would be delayed for weather. The pizzas were cleared by security and sent directly to the plane.
The king of the Netherlands worked as a pilot for a commercial airline even after assuming the throne. He would welcome passengers "on behalf of the captain and crew" in order avoid announcing his name.
An airline pilot ordered 30 pizzas for his passengers, after finding out they would be delayed 2 hours for weather. The pizzas were delivered within 30 minutes by Domino’s and were cleared by security and sent directly to the plane in an official airport vehicle.
In 1957 Northeast Airlines Flight 823 crashed onto Rikers Island, New York’s 400 acre prison complex. Around 50 inmates rushed to help pull passengers from the wreckage. Later the governor set those prisoners free or reduced their sentences.
Airline Passengers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Airline Passengers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why do they call airline passengers souls by examining the linked well-known sources.
On May 25, 2000, Philippines Airlines flight 812 was hijacked by a man who robbed the passengers of their valuables and then asked the pilot to depressurise the plane so that he could jump out. He was pushed by a flight attendant out from the plane and his body was found three days later.
Some airlines will not let an adult male passenger sit next to an unaccompanied child. British Airways was sued because of this practice and lost, admitting to sex discrimination. They have since ended the policy but other airlines still defend it. - source
An American airline won the right to weigh passengers to prevent crash landings - source
American Airlines once offered a lifelong unlimited first class ticket for $350K. 64 were purchased, and they were used by the passengers far more than expected. The CEO ended up personally asking them to be bought out, and was refused.
An American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York City made an unscheduled stop at Kansas City to offload a passenger who wouldn't stop singing Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You". - source
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The Airbus 340 is the only airline passenger jet with no accidents
How many airline passengers per year?
The CEO of low budget airline Ryan Air wanted to charge passengers £1 to use the onboard toilets. The policy was never implemented because it violated EU regulations.
If a commercial airplane sits delayed on the tarmac for more than 3 hours, the FAA will fine the airline $27,500 per passenger. For larger planes, the total can be upwards of $10 million for the single flight.
The US passenger airline, Baltia Airlines, which in it's 27 years of existence has never flown a single commercial flight and claims to have been awaiting FAA approval since 1989.
Unlike most airlines after 9/11, who collectively lost over $50 billion and shed 160,000 jobs, Southwest Airlines didn't lay off one employee or ground one flight to save money. Also, when it opened at BWI Airport, fares dropped 70 percent and the number of passengers increased sevenfold.
United Airlines Flight 811, a regularly scheduled flight between Sydney and San Francisco that on February 24, 1989 had a cargo door fail at 22,000 feet resulting in explosive decompression. 9 passengers were blown out and killed. Two flight attendants were nearly lost as well