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Addicted Opium facts

While investigating facts about Addicted Opium, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2004 215 restaurants in the Chinese province of Guizhou were closed after being charged with lacing their food with opium to make customers addicted. In 2016, 35 restaurants in the entire country were found doing the same thing.

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When the Chinese tried to stop opium being imported by British merchants due to the increase in addiction , the British Navy attacked with gunboats.The Chinese were forced to legalise opium and give Hong Kong to the British in the Opium Wars

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens when you get addicted to nicotine. Here are 15 of the best facts about Addicted Opium I managed to collect.

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  1. Opium-Addicted Parrots Keep Raiding Poppy Farms in India

  2. Opium poppy is also used for the production of heroin. Heroin is a type of recreational drug which induces euphoria and eliminates anxiety. It produces strong addiction.

  3. Opium addiction among kids in Afghanistan is so high, there are drug rehab centers which cater purely to kids trying to quit their opium addiction. Most of which became addicts from inhaling their dad's opium smoke.

  4. Britain waged 2 wars on China in 1839 & 1856 because China began illegalizing Opium & stopping the trade of the narcotic with Britain due to its addictive effects.

  5. In 1839, Great Britain declared war on China after its government attempted to cut off the import of opium from the British because too many Chinese people were addicted to the drug.

  6. Abundant morphine stocks during the American Civil War resulted in thousands of veterans becoming addicted to opium. As a result, the St. James Society offered free heroin samples by mail in order to help addicts kick the habit.

  7. After an earthquake in southeast Iran in 2003, survivors began injecting opium on a large scales It was easily accessible due to the survivors location on a trade route for drugs coming from Afghanistan and Pakistan. By 2006, over 50% of men and roughly 15% of women were addicted.

  8. Parrots in India have become so addicted to opium that they’ve raided entire poppy farms, sometimes even stealing whole pods in order to get their fix.

  9. Wat Tham Krabok a temple established as a monastery in 1957. Over 100,000 heroin and opium addicts have since gone through the unique detox program, consisting of Buddhist meditation, Asian herbal supplementation, induced vomiting, and the consumption of a secret detoxification potion.

  10. One of the major causes of infant mortality in Victorian times was opium addiction

addicted opium facts
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Before Bayer heroin was used to treat morphine addiction, Sertürner and Company morphine was used to treat opium addiction.

Modern Western society and Ivy League universities like Harvard Yale were bankrolled and built upon opium money, the enslavement of Chinese people via narcotic addiction and opium wars to force more opium to the Chinese - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Addicted Opium. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Addicted Opium so important!

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