Ad Revenue facts
While investigating facts about Ad Revenue Youtube and Ad Revenue Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The reason we have access to so much free online porn, is mostly because of a man named Fabian Thylmann, who bought up many of the paid pornography sites and made them free; gaining revenue through ads instead.
how ad revenue works on youtube?
A youtuber called KevJumba built a second youtube channel and donated %100 of its ad revenue to a community in kenya which used that money to construct the first secondary school in that community and named the school after him.
What percentage of ad revenue does youtube take?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does ad revenue mean on youtube. Here are 44 of the best facts about Ad Revenue Twitch and Ad Revenue Youtube Calculator I managed to collect.
what is youtube ad revenue?
When YouTube detects copyrighted material used in a video, it gives the copyright owners the choice of either taking the video down or claiming a share of the ad revenue. As a result, Psy earns money from 40,000+ different videos using Gangnam Style.
The ad revenue made from the "charlie bit my finger" youtube video was enough for the family to buy a new house
Free services like Craigslist have decimated the classified advertising departments of newspapers, some of which depended on classifieds for 70% of their ad revenue. Research has shown that Craigslist cost the newspaper industry $5.4 billion from 2000-2007.
Ecosia, a search engine uses revenue from search ads to plant trees. According to their web around 58 million trees have been planted so far.
The guy who hosts the splendid educational youtube show "Crash Course World History" also wrote the NYT best-seller "The Fault in Our Stars", to top it off he also donates ad-revenue generated by streaming himself playing Fifa as AFCWimbledon (grass-roots fan owned English FC) to the club.
A search engine called Ecosia, every 45 searches someone makes allows them to plant a tree with their ad revenue. To date, users have planted over 61 million trees.
Despite Big Google creating Android, the impressive Chrome browser, Chromebooks, Chromecast, acquisitions of Nest, Waze, Motorola Mobility, 90% of annual revenues will still come from basic ads.
The ad revenue that is projected to be earned by Snapchat in 2017 is expected to reach more than $935 million.
Several countries added a special tax onto blank cassette tapes to counter lost recording industry revenue due to music piracy.
Ad Revenue data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ad Revenue figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why has youtube ad revenue dropped?
You can easily fact check why is youtube ad revenue low in january by examining the linked well-known sources.
There's a search engine which donates 80%+ of it's ad revenue to reforesting the Earth
There are several Youtube bots out there that go around stealing written text and images off popular news websites (CNN, BBC, etc) and then automatically "mash-up" and upload their own news videos with this stolen (plagiarized) content. Ad revenue can add up to nearly 6 digits per year. - source
A project that uses revenue generated from Google ads to buy shares of Google, and then hands common ownership of said Google shares to the public. - source
Gas companies in the U.S. received $1,278,000,000 in additional revenue just in 2007 from the added nine-tenths of a cent.
Google makes 75% of its mobile device ad revenue from iOS-run Apple devices despite Google Android-run devices outselling iOS-run devices approximately 5 times to 1 in 2014. - source
When will twitch affiliates get ad revenue?
On the subject of ad blocking, philosophers have argued that since advertisers are paying for ads to increase their own revenues, eliminating it would dilute the value per impression and drive down the price of advertising. Therefore, it wouldn't increase ad revenue to providers in the long run.
How ad revenue works?
After destroying Jerusalem and its temple in 70 AD, Rome imposed a tax on all Jews living in the Roman Empire. The revenues were donated to the pagan temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in Rome.
LeBron James donated the ad revenue from his controversial TV special, “The Decision”, to The Boys and Girls Club of America and various other charities. ESPN donated the air time for the special.
John Green played FIFA as the club AFC Wimbledon, uploaded it to YouTube and then donated the ad revenue to the club itself. As a result, he is listed as an official sponsor and has a logo on the club's kit as well as a stand named after him.
A prime example of British colonial looting: Each mile of Indian railway construction in the 1850s and 1860s costed an average of £18,000, as against the dollar equivalent of £2000 at the same time in the US. The extra costs were claimed from Indian people through added taxes and revenues.