Actor Portrays facts
While investigating facts about Actor Portrays The Geico Caveman and What Actor Portrays Thanos, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Memoirs of a Geishsa (2005) was protested for racially insensitive casting. Japan felt it was wrong to cast Chinese actors to portray Japanese people, while the Chinese felt it was insulting for a Chinese to have to portray a Japanese.
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Actor Andre Royo's portrayal of the heroin addicted character "Bubbles" from The Wire was so good, that an actual Baltimore citizen gave Royo a vial of heroin on the streets in between shoots, saying, "you need a fix more than I do." Royo calls it his "Street Oscar."
What actor portrays the mandalorian?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what actor portrays the night king. Here are 50 of the best facts about What Actor Portrays The Mandalorian and What Actor Portrays The Night King I managed to collect.
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David Prowse, the actor who portrayed Darth Vader (in form, not voice), is banned from attending official Star Wars conventions because George Lucas finds him annoying.
Rowan Atkinson, the actor who portrays Mr. Bean, has a masters in Electrical Engineering.
In "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", child actor Haley Joel Osment suggested to Steven Spielberg that to portray an Android well he shouldn't blink. Osment does not blink once during the entire film.
Jack Gleeson, the actor who portrayed King Joffrey in Game of Thrones, has retired from acting to pursue an academic career.
Before filming LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring, Jackson made the principal actors train for 6 weeks in sword fighting, riding and boating to allow the cast to bond. Later, most of the actors portraying the Fellowship got a tattoo with the Elvish symbol for the number 9.
Heath Ledger's was the first actor to ever win an academy award for the portrayal of a character in a superhero movie.
Cate Blanchett's Academy Award for playing Katherine Hepburn in "The Aviator" made her the only actor to win an Oscar for portraying another Oscar-winning actor
John Ratzenberger, the actor who portrayed Cliff Clavin in "Cheers", is the only actor to have portrayed a character in every Pixar film.
Anthony Hopkins won Best Actor for his portrayal of Hannibal Lecter, despite only having approximately 15 minutes of screen time.
Actor Alan Rickman, who portrayed Snape in the Harry Potter films, knew the full story of the character from the very beginning. When he was asked by directors why he delivered lines certain ways he would say that he "knew something they didn't."
Actor Portrays data charts
For your convenience take a look at Actor Portrays figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check actor who plays tyler in 13 reasons why by examining the linked well-known sources.
American actor Vincent D'Onofrio holds the record for the most weight gained by an actor in a movie, having gained 70 lb (32 kg) for a total weight of 280 lb (130 kg) for his portrayal of Pvt. Leonard Lawrence in Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket (1987)
George C. Scott refused the 1970 Academy Award for best actor for his portrayal of Patton because he believed every dramatic performance is unique and cannot be compared. - source
When working on "Avengers: Infinity War", the directors considered including a Sherlock Holmes joke when Iron Man meets Doctor Strange, as both actors had portrayed the characters in other media. They decided against it because they thought the joke would be too obvious. - source
The real name of the actor that portrayed Wishbone was Soccer.
Actor Conrad Veidt played a man with a disfigured, permanently-smiling face in the 1928 film "The Man Who Laughs." His portrayal became the inspiration for the character of The Joker. - source
What actor portrays thanos?
The actors who portrayed Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew - all played Winston Churchill in movies
Method of shooting that portrays how an actor perceives things?
Judy Garland was frequently molested by actors portraying munchkins on the set of the Wizard of Oz; apparently many of them were 'little monsters' who were repeatedly drunk & disorderly and had mass orgies in their hotels, believing they could get away with anything because they were so small.
During audience testing for the 2005 movie "Good Night, and Good Luck" a common complaint was that the actor portraying Joseph McCarthy was overacting, not realizing that it was the actual McCarthy through archive footage.
Actor and olympic gold medallist Johnny Weissmuller, best known for his portrayal of Tarzan, had requested the famous "Tarzan yell" he invented to be played three times at his funeral.
There is a widespread but incorrect belief that onscreen portrayals of U.S. military uniforms must contain inaccuracies to protect actors and producers against claims of impersonating military forces.
Nick Offerman(Ron Swanson) from Parks and Recreation is actually a skilled carpenter with his own workshop. He's also married to the actor portraying his ex-wife on the show.