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Accurately Predict facts

While investigating facts about Accurately Predicting Who Will Be Promoted At Work and Accurately Predict Ovulation, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When NASA's New Horizons spacecraft passed by Pluto, the trip took about 1 minute less than predicted or in a decade-long journey, NASA's forecast was 99.99998% accurate or the equivalent of forecasting a trip from New York to Boston & being accurate to within four-millionths of a second.

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Medieval scholar Al-Biruni,after accurately measuring earth's radius and judging by the size of Asia and Africa,predicted the existence of a landmass in the ocean between Asia And Europe,similar in size to the known continents and with similar geological features,likely inhabited by humans

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the advantage of accurately predicting droughts for commercial farmers. Here are 50 of the best facts about Accurately Predict My Future and Accurately Predict Earthquake I managed to collect.

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  1. A therapy cat named Oscar predicted the impending death of some 50 terminally ill patients by napping next to them a few hours before they died. After he accurately predicted 25 deaths, staff started calling family members of residents as soon as they discovered him sleeping close to someone

  2. A simple equation called Dawes Formula is very accurate at predicting success of marriages - "frequency of lovemaking minus frequency of quarrels". A positive difference predicts marital happiness, a negative one unhappiness.

  3. In 2010 Paul the Octopus, from a German aquarium in Oberhausen, correctly predicted every single World Cup match outcome for the German National Team that year. He received death threats when he accurately foresaw their semi-final loss.

  4. Deep Thunder, a weather prediction system created by IBM and processed by Watson. Deep Thunder can accurately predict weather down to a .2 mile (one city block) radius using data it collects from smartphone barometers.

  5. Facebook collects so much user data that it can help a computer program predict your personality more accurately than your friends and family.

  6. Good Judgement Project, a group of 3000 average citizens who make more accurate predictions of geopolitical events, using sources available on Google, than the CIA.

  7. Leon Trotsky wrote a book called "The Revolution Betrayed" where he accurately predicted the deterioration of communism, Stalin's totalitarianism, and the eventual fall of the Soviet Union

  8. Thales of Miletus, a pre-Socratic individual credited with being the first philosopher ever, the first person to accurately predict a solar eclipse, and the first person in history to receive credit for a mathematical discovery.

  9. A statistician in Virginia created a 50,000 entry database of incidents where hikers became lost. He can accurately predict who will live, who will die, and where lost hikers may be found.

  10. The janitor in scrubs accurately predicted where we would find Osama Bin Laden in the 2007 episode "His Story IV"

accurately predict facts
What poll accurately predicted 2016 election?

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You can easily fact check why does the failure of workers and firms to accurately predict by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 1982 cyberpunk film Akira, based in 2019 Tokyo, accurately predicted the 2020 Olympic summer games, of which the Olympic stadium sets the scene of the film's epic climax.

In 1865 Jules Verne made accurate predictions of the moon landing-from the Florida launch location to the number of crew involved. - source

Groundhog Day celebration organizers claim that predictions are accurate about 75% to 90% of the time.

In 1976, author Roger Sharpe accurately predicted a pinball shot in front of the New York City Council; because he could predict it, Pinball was ruled as a game of skill, rather than luck, and was not considered gambling and therefore legal.

There are no clocks in the world that have an accurate version of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Universal time is calculated and published weeks or months later. No one ever really knows what time it is, clocks are only a prediction of what the time might be. - source

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An amateur scientist accurately measured gravity's effect on time (as predicted by Einstein) by driving atomic clocks up to the top of a mountain in the back of his minivan.

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In 1974 Sir Arthur C Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, accurately predicted the use of PCs, the internet and social media today.

Charles Pierce who accurately predicted the path of the 1938 New England hurricane. His senior colleagues overruled him and no adequate warning was made. More than 600 died and it remains the deadliest storm in Northeast history

Kids Pick The President," a mock election for children ran by the Nickelodeon network, has accurately predicted the US president every year but one since 1988.

Radiation from Chernobyl caused nearly 7,000 cases of rare thyroid cancer in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. While an accurate number of total cancer deaths is hard to determine, Greenpeace predicts 93,000 cancer deaths caused were caused by the disaster in total.

an octopus named Paul accurately predicted the results football matches with an 85+% success rate, including the results of the 2010 World Cup.

Interesting facts about accurately predict

In 2012 6 seismologists were convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 6 years in prison for not accurately predicting an earthquake that killed 29 people.

Prior to their discovery, the locations of Ceres and Uranus were accurately predicted by the Titius-Bode law. With the exception of Neptune, this law predicts the locations of 9 other planets in the solar system with a >5% deviation, and has no solid theoretical explanation as to why.

Rep. John Dingell accurately predicted the 2009 government bailouts and formation of "too big to fail" banks in a speech to Congress that was voting on the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, in 1999.

A random person on the internet accurately predicted what the title of Star Wars Episode VII would be two years before it was announced.

"From the Earth to the Moon", a book written in 1865 about travelling and landing to the moon which had some accurate predictions considering the lack of data at the time.

How far out can weather be accurately predicted?

Groups of People tend to be more accurate at prediction than individuals.

Punxsutawney Phil's weather predictions have been accurate approximately 39% of the time since 1887. He sees his shadow about 85% of the time.

In 1971, Nobel Prize and Turing Award winner Herbert A. Simon accurately predicted how info-tech would affect the future society: " an information-rich world, the wealth of information means a dearth of something else: a scarcity of ... attention."

His understanding of the properties of elements based on their atomic weight and valence allowed him to accurately predict that new elements would be found

Vigo County, Indiana, has accurately predicted the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election since 1880, with two exceptions: in 1908 the town voted for William Jennings Bryant and, in 1952, for Adlai Stevenson.

The NYC "Pizza Principle" which is a historically accurate "economic law" reported by The New York Times where the price of a slice of pizza has matched the price of a subway ride. It has been successfully used to predict the increase in subway fare on multiple occasions.

72.4% of the time, election results are accurately predicted, simply by looking at pictures of candidates who ran, and no information was provided about party or politics.

Computers can now more accurately predict survival rates for cancer sufferers than human pathologists.

Warren Buffet once backed a $1 billion prize if someone were to correctly guess the March Madness bracket. He currently offers his employees 1 million per year for life if they predict it accurately.

Alan Watts accurately predicted webcams, XBox Kinect, and The Matrix.

Political orientation can be accurately predicted by brain structure. Self-reported liberals have more grey matter content and self-reported conservatives have larger amygdalas.

Six Italian scientists were sentenced to six years in prison for failing to accurately forecast an earthquake in response to a local man's prediction that one would occur. The scientists found the likelihood "improbable" before the magnitude 6.3 earthquake killed more than 300 people.

Hugo Gernsback's novel "Ralph 124C 41+"(published 1911) successfully predicted the invention of television, videophones, airlines, solar energy in practical use, sound films, synthetic foods, artificial cloth, tape recorders,spaceflight and contained the first accurate description of radar.

About E.M.Forster who predicted "video calling" in his 1909 novel “The Machine Stops” . He also predicted technological enhancements eerily accurate for his time.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Accurately Predict. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Accurately Predict so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor