Academic Paper facts
While investigating facts about Academic Paper Format and Academic Paper Example, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Half of academic papers are never read by anyone other than their authors, peer reviewers, and journal editors
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There is an entire industry to help students cheat to get their degrees by having papers written by unemployed professors. If my students are using it, they don't get caught for plagiarism because the papers are new. The company blames "the academic system" for being corruptable.
What is an academic paper?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is concept paper in academic writing. Here are 25 of the best facts about Academic Paper Sample and Academic Paper Sample Pdf I managed to collect.
why present a paper at an academic conference?
MIT students designed an application that will randomly generate a nonsense academic paper; one of these generated papers was actually accepted to the 2005 World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
About the "Grievance Studies affair" where three academics produced bogus papers to expose how lax academic journals had become. One paper that was accepted and published by the Journal Affilia included long excerpts from Hitlers Mein Kampf where the word "Jew" was replaced with "White Man".
Martin Luther King had plagiarized most of his academic papers, and some of his most popular speeches.
Chicken Nuggets were invented at Cornell University by a professor accompanied by a full academic paper on them
In an early academic paper introducing the Google search engine, creators Brin and Page, wrote: "we expect that advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers." (See 8. Appendix.)
There is a program that generates bogus papers on CS. The results are so believable that one paper was accepted to an academic conference.
A bunch of physicists wrote an academic paper explaining why the Westeros winter is so long and unpredictable in Game of Thrones.
Both Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Futurama co-creator David X. Cohen have published academic papers on a mathematical problem called "pancake sorting"
In 2005, a group of MIT students wrote a program, SCIgen, to generate fake academic papers, with 16 published by Springer and over 100 by IEEE. These papers were presented over 30 conferences between 2008 and 2013.
The US government released hundreds of thousands of emails from Enron in 2003. Academics have written over 3,000 papers analyzing language.
Academic Paper data charts
For your convenience take a look at Academic Paper figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does the academic value the reaction paper?
You can easily fact check why are academic papers so hard to read by examining the linked well-known sources.
F. D. C Willard is the name of cat that co-authored a number of academic papers in Physics. The author wanted to use the word 'we' instead of 'I' on the papers, so he listed his cat as a co-author.
The main piece of the math equation for stealth technology was discovered by accident when a scientist stumbled upon it reading a 20 year old academic paper. - source
The British social scientist who changed his name to Perri 6 before becoming a researcher. He is routinely cited in academic papers as " 6, P " - a fact that amuses him. - source
The Concord Review is the only academic journal in the world to publish the research papers of high school students.
There was an academic paper published on searching the internet for evidence of time travelers - source
Problems when writing academic papers?
Patricia Hardy, a High Priestess of the Temple of Set, was the first to uncover the meaning of the Cairo Calendar, tomb ceiling of Seti I, and uncovered the first confirmation of the Priesthood of Set (academic peer reviewed paper, interview in comments)
How to read academic papers?
Sci-Hub, a repository of over 46,000,000 scientific academic papers and articles, is run by a Russian Neuroscientist, as a reaction to the high cost of research papers behind paywalls, typically US$30 each when bought on a per-paper basis.
An anonymous 4chan user solved an actively researched mathematical problem. The solution was then picked on by academics who published a paper titled: "A lower bound on the length of the shortest superpattern: Anonymous 4chan Poster, Robin Houston, Jay Pantone, and Vince Vatter"
Academic essay writing services tell students that if they revise each paper it's not cheating.
The Erdős–Bacon number which is the sum of the "collaborative distance" in authoring academic papers between that person and Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős and the number of links, through roles in films, by which the individual is separated from American actor Kevin Bacon
There exists a "very academic research paper" explaining the logic behind profits of investing in a meme on r/MemeEconomy!