999 999 facts
While investigating facts about 999 999, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In an episode of the Simpsons that aired in 2003, Homer gave his email address as ChunkyLover53@aol.com. The episode's writer, Matt Selman, signed up for the ChunkyLover53 email address beforehand and within minutes of the show's airing found his inbox packed to its 999-message limit.
The Toyota Matrix's odometer has a glitch where it stops 299,999 miles, technically making it a "glitch in the matrix"
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about 999 999 I managed to collect.
In the UK if you dial 999 but can't audibly signal the operator you can press '55' to signal that you are in danger
The dewey decimal system, used to classify and order books in libraries, has one for Extraterrestrial History: 999. Aparently the guy who made this system in the 1800s was already prepared for an interplanetary/interstellar future for humanity
Oprah went on a "The Life You Want" tour where she taught attendees to 'avoid situations that devalue your worth'. Tickets cost up to $999 and workers at the event were asked to work without pay.
Charles Steinmetz, the Wizard of Schenectady, listened to a problem generator for two days before marking a spot and telling engineers to replace sixteen windings from a field coil. He itemized the $10,000 invoice thusly: Marking spot - $1; Knowing where to mark - $9,999.
1 / 998001 gives a complete sequence from 000 to 999 in order
Henry Ford once refused to pay $10,000 to General Electric for fixing a generator problem and asked for an itemized bill. The engineer from the job, Charles Steinmetz, sent this: “Making chalk mark on generator, $1. Knowing where to make mark, $9,999.” Ford ended up paying the bill.
The inverse of 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 gives the fibonacci sequence in 24 digit strings.
They detected a particle whizzing about at 0.999 999 999 999 999 999 999 9951 times the speed of light - with energy *20 MILLION* times more than the highest energy measured in radiation emitted by an extragalactic object! They call this the "Oh-My-God Particle".
No Number From 1 to 999 Contains the Letter A in Its Spelling (Word Form)
999 999 data charts
For your convenience take a look at 999 999 figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about 999 999?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Calling 999 from an Android device texts the emergency services with your location data
There is a town in Michigan called Hell and it is for sale for $999,666. - source
The world's first emergency phone number was launched in London in 1937. It initially only covered a radius of 12 miles. The 999 number was chosen due to the ease of dialing it on phones at that time. - source
2,000 feet or higher defines a mountain and the world's tallest hill, at 1,999 feet, is in Poteau, Oklahoma
The Guinness World Record for “most prolific cannibal” is held by a 19th century Fijian chief called Ratu Udre Udre, who ate between 872 and 999 people. - source
Dialing 911 (or 999, or 108, etc.) from any cell phone anywhere (assuming the phone has signal/battery) will connect you with your region's emergency services.
The number 112 can be dialed from any mobile, in any country, to connect to that country's Emergency number (999 in UK, 911 in America, etc)
When the UK's 999 emergency phone number started in 1937, Britons were told to only use it "if the matter is urgent; if, for instance, the man in the flat next to yours is murdering his wife or you have seen a heavily masked cat burglar peering round the stack pipe of the local bank building"
In the UK, if you aren't able to talk on the emergency line (999) you press 55 on the keypad, and it will bring you to an automated system to which you continue responding to with the keypad. The system is called the "Silent Solution"
If you gathered all the air on the planet in a balloon (at normal temp and pressure), it would be about 1,999 km (1,242 mi) in diameter. All the planet's water would form a sphere about 1,390 km (864 mi) in diameter.
Texas has had to exonerate more people for being wrongfully convicted than any other state - 52 people who between them served 999 years.