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911 Operator facts

While investigating facts about 911 Operator, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A 5 year old called 911 after his mother collapsed in her bedroom. The operator hung on the kid saying he was fake calling 911 after 3 hours he called again and another operator said he should not play games and hung up him, Mother of 10 was found dead shortly after.

Diff'rent Strokes star Dana Plato was arrested for robbing a video store in 1991. The store clerk recognized her and told the 911 operator "I've just been robbed by the girl who played Kimberly on Diff'rent Strokes."

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 12 of the best facts about 911 Operator I managed to collect.

  1. If dialing 911(the US emergency system) while in the UK, the US operators will automatically transfer you to 999(the UK system). This happens a lot from tourist.

  2. 911 operators in New York are not allowed to say 'Ebola' on their dispatch radios.

  3. A 911 operator was convicted for ignoring a 5-year-old boys call, after he called up saying his mother had collapsed. The operator accused the boy, Robert Turner, of playing games and hung up on him without sending help over. The mother was found dead.

  4. About Kevin Cosgrove, a man who died in the 9/11 tower collapse whilst speaking to a 911 operator

  5. 911 Operators don't know where you are calling from a lot of the time.

  6. A 17-Year old girl was arrested for swearing whilst talking with a 911 operator to help dying father

  7. If you accidentally call 911, you should stay on the line and tell the operator It was an accident or else police show up to check on the call.

  8. Devin Moore killed two police officers and a 911 operator before stealing a police car and fleeing. When he was caught, his actions were attributed to GTA: Vice City. Moore said, "Life is a video game. You've got to die sometime."

  9. A man called the police to report an intruder. Cops show up after the burglar left, shot the homeowner in front of his family. Dragged him out into the street while discussing how they were going to incriminate the homeowner. The 911 operator was listening in the whole time. thx /u/ispeelmydrink

  10. How Are 911 Operators So Relaxed During Emergency Calls?

911 operator facts
What are the best facts about 911 Operator?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 911 Operator. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 911 Operator so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor