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911 Emergency facts

While investigating facts about 911 Emergency, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2003, after Kenneth Maxwell called 911 to report a fire he saw while driving home, his voice cut off, and when emergency personnel arrived on the scene he was found shot to death in his car. The fire was set to disguise a double homicide, and the killer saw Kenneth make the call.

When Michael Jackson's car broke down once in Beverly Hills, he called 911 for help. He was advised to only use 911 in emergency situations. He was very suprised when they refused to assist him, even after he told them that he was Michael Jackson.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 34 of the best facts about 911 Emergency I managed to collect.

  1. Police in Clearwater, FL received 161 calls to 911 from the rooms of the Fort Harrison Hotel within a span of 11 months. Each time, Scientology security denied them entry, insisting there was no emergency.

  2. In 2013, someone hacked the Emergency Alert System in Montana. They sent out an alert that the "dead bodies are rising from their graves and attacking the living." Several people believed it and called 911.

  3. About 40 percent of the calls that come in to the emergency hotline (911) in San Francisco are deemed non emergencies. Examples include people complaining about rap music next door, car towing and, in one case, no internet.

  4. Antarctica has a emergency phone number: 911. It Calls the nearest island/country that has a Police / Emergency system.

  5. The of murder of Kitty Genovese, murdered in 1964 around an 'apparent' 37 witnesses who stood by an didn't act. One criticism was the lack of a recognisable emergency number, and 911 was born.

  6. The US TV show 'Rescue 911' saved hundreds of lives. By using information they learned while watching the docudrama about what police/fire/EMT personnel did in emergency situations, viewers saved at least 350 people.

  7. In 2014 a Lincoln, Nebraska, mother called 911 when she emerged from the bathroom to find her 3-year-old son missing. Moments later Lincoln police received a call from a nearby bowling alley to report a toddler happily playing inside the iron claw machine.

  8. Dialing 911 (or 999, or 108, etc.) from any cell phone anywhere (assuming the phone has signal/battery) will connect you with your region's emergency services.

  9. Text-to-911 is only available in 10% in the US. There are no nation-wide methods for deaf people to quickly call 911 in an emergency.

  10. In 2014 a man from Deltona, Florida, accidentally and unknowingly dialed 911 and then talked to his partners in crime about their production of methamphetamine. Hearing the conversation, the emergency dispatcher sent the local police to perform a bust on the man's meth lab.

911 emergency facts
What are the best facts about 911 Emergency?

What is true about 911 emergency?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Old cell phones that are no longer active can still call 911. This is great for your parent or grandparent that maybe doesn't want a phone, but can keep one in their car for emergencies. You can also donate them to a local battered woman's shelter.

The number 112 can be dialed from any mobile, in any country, to connect to that country's Emergency number (999 in UK, 911 in America, etc) - source

France has separate emergency numbers for Fire(18), Medical(15), and Police(17) [along with the EU emergency number 112], but 911 is more well known to French people than any of these numbers - source

In North America, you can call 211 for community info, 311 for municipal services, 411 for directory assistance, 511 for traffic info, 611 for telephone service, 711 for TDD, 811 for utility locations (and 911 for emergency services, of course)

Some counties in 16 states allow you to text to 911, and only in Massachusetts can you use the keypad on your phone to respond to a 911 dispatcher. These features are especially important if you are disabled or if you are in an emergency situation in which it is not safe for you to speak. - source

Massachusetts offers a "Silent 911 Call" procedure for those who cannot speak openly to emergency dispatchers

If dialing 911(the US emergency system) while in the UK, the US operators will automatically transfer you to 999(the UK system). This happens a lot from tourist.

The first city in North America to use "911" for emergency calls was Winnipeg in 1937, but it didn't come into wide-spread use throughout the continent until the 1980's.

A security guard named Rick Rescorla predicted 911. He was prepared for the attacks but didn’t trust emergency response teams in the event to be able to evacuate properly so he conducted his own drills over many years. Today he is credited with saving the lives of 2687 Morgan Stanley employees

AT&T proposed the emergency phone number 911.

About "reverse 911", a system currently owned by Motorola that notifies people of an emergency by accessing user data from major mobile phone companies.

Interesting facts about 911 emergency

Text-to-911 is only available in 10% in the US. There are no nation-wide methods for deaf people to quickly call 911 in an emergency.

There is actual "Rescue 911" footage of Boston's Charles Stuart, who in 1989, lied that a black man shot he and his wife. He later committed suicide when the truth emerged.

After 911, the number 112 is the most used around the world for an emergency call, where it is used in most of Europe and much of Asia, although there is much variation worldwide. In Australia they use 000.

In general 911 is the emergency number for North America while 112 is for Europe while 999 is used in a number of countries in each continent.

Text-to-911 is only available in 10% in the US. There are no nation-wide methods for deaf people to quickly call 911 in an emergency.

If you have iOS 11, your phone has a cool safety feature. In case of any emergency, you can now press your power/wake button 5 times in a row to access features which can dial 911 for you, ping your location to a nearby police station or give you your medical info. Kinda cool.

How Are 911 Operators So Relaxed During Emergency Calls?

A cat owner tried to teach his cat to press a 911 speed dial in case of emergencies. One day, he collapsed from his wheel chair due to a seizure. The police arrived at the house after receiving a 911 call from the house & discovered the man on the floor incapacitated and the cat beside the phone

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 911 Emergency. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 911 Emergency so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor