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7 Elevens facts

While investigating facts about 7 Elevens, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A disgruntled former 7-Eleven owner opened a new convenience store across the street from his old location. He named it 6-Twelve.

Since 1995, 7-Eleven has provided more than 6 million coupons to police departments across the country to "ticket" young people "caught in random acts of kindness" dubbed Operation Chill.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 37 of the best facts about 7 Elevens I managed to collect.

  1. In July 2007, convenience store chain 7-Eleven converted 11 of its stores in the United States and one in Canada (Coquitlam) into Kwik-E-Marts to promote The Simpsons Movie.

  2. 7-Eleven convenience stores were once called "Totem Stores" and featured an authentic inuit totem pole in front of each location.

  3. 7-Eleven owns the trademark to the word 'Brainfreeze'. The medical term is a cold-stimulus headache.

  4. 7-Eleven changed it's name from Tote'm in 1946 to reflect the company's new extended hours, from 7 am to 11 pm seven days a week.

  5. That, although originally from the US, 7/11 has technically been a Japanese company since 1991 after Southland’s bankruptcy. 7-Eleven Japan now runs more than 50,000 stores worldwide in 15 countries.

  6. Thailand has more 7-Elevens than the United States

  7. In 2007, eleven 7-Eleven locations were changed into Kwik-E Marts to promote the Simpsons movie. They sold products from the show such as Buzz Cola, Krusty-O's, pink frosted Sprinklicious doughnuts, and Squishees. Duff Bear, however, was not sold.

  8. All the 7-elevens in Oklahoma are independently owned by one family and do not have the same promotions as nationwide 7-elevens

  9. 7‑Eleven adds another store to its worldwide operations every three and a half hours

7 elevens facts
What are the best facts about 7 Elevens?

What is true about 7 elevens?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Tokyo has over 2,600 7-Eleven convenience stores and nearly 1/3 of all 7-Eleven stores worldwide can be found only in Japan.

In 1991, a 7-Eleven store in Thousand Oaks, CA experimented with use of Classical Music to Keep Youths Away - source

Pregnancy lasts 35 to 58 days and ends with one to eleven babies known as hoglets. Babies are blind and covered with soft quills at birth. They stay with their mother until the age of 4 to 7 weeks.

7-Eleven released a promotional single about Slurpees

7-Eleven has more locations in Japan than anywhere else. - source

7‑Eleven stores sell almost 45 million gallons of fountain drinks a year – enough to fill approximately 68 Olympic-size swimming pools.

7-Eleven makes its Slurpees using machines licensed from ICEE.

Japan has over 16,600 7-Eleven stores - One for every 7,700 residents and more than twice as many as the US

Clorox (parent of Kingsford Charcoal) and 7-Eleven provided the primary funding for the Daylight Saving Time Coalition behind the 1987 extension to US DST, and both Idaho senators voted for it based on the premise that during DST restaurants sell more French fries, made from Idaho potatoes.

Lawson's Convenience Store originated in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. But today exists as a Japanese company and is the second largest convenience store chain in the country behind 7-Eleven.

7-11's in Oklahoma are the only independently owned stores that carry the 7-Eleven brand, thanks to a special arrangement made in 1953 between owner William "Bill" Brown and 7-Eleven Inc.

Interesting facts about 7 elevens

7‑Eleven got its name because the stores were open from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m., which was considered to be "extended hours" back in the mid-1900s.

7 days of deals and free slurpees at 7 eleven

The word "Brainfreeze" is a registered trademark owned by 7-Eleven

Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV painting is quite large - 6'7 x 11'9 - and it took Ilya Repin 11 (eleven !) years to complete it

7-Eleven in Japan owns Seven Bank, a full service bank

There are over 300 Slurpee Flavors served at 7-Eleven stores. Also its International 7-Eleven Day, which means free Sluprees for all

In the 1980's, Clorox and 7-Eleven provided the primary funding for the Daylight Saving Time Coalition behind the 1987 extension to US Daylight Saving Time.

7-Eleven Gives Free Slurpee's on the 11th of July.

Despite now being open 24/7, the convenience store chain 7-Eleven got its name from its original operating hours back during its founding in 1946, 7am to 11pm.

In 2008, 7-Eleven was named the number one franchise by Entrepreneur, beating out Subway, which had held the number one spot for 15 years.

Lhakpa Sherpa, the most successful female Everest climber in history, works at a 7-Eleven in West Hartford, Connecticut.

7-Eleven was bought by their Japanese franchisee.

Abu Musa, a former owner of a 7-Eleven, opened a store right across from his competitor and called it “6-Twelve.” His reason for doing so was because the company accused him of “shady practices” after he argued with their suggestion to cook more hotdogs and taquitos which sold poorly.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 7 Elevens. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 7 Elevens so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor