1st 2nd facts
While investigating facts about 1st 2nd, I found out little known, but curios details like:
For 2-syllable heteronyms (in English) that have 1 noun meaning and 1 verb meaning, there exist a pattern where the noun is 1st syllable stressed and the verb is 2nd syllable stressed, e.g Present, Record, Contract, Project, Insult
About ablaut reduplication, an unwritten rule in the english language stating that, "if there are three words then the order must go I, A, O. If there are two words then the 1st is I and the 2nd is either A or O." It is the reason we say tick-tock, not tock-tick, ding-dong not dong-ding etc.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about 1st 2nd I managed to collect.
The US Women's National Team has finished in 1st, 2nd or 3rd in every FIFA World Cup
1st generation immigrants' children are less likely to commit crime than natives and 2nd generation children
It has been estimated that 80% of all Marriages in Human History have been between 1st and 2nd Cousins.
The classification of “First World” initially had nothing to do with standard of living or GDP. The terms 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world were devised at the onset of the Cold War to describe nations that were either aligned to NATO (1st), aligned to the USSR (2nd), or non-aligned to either (3rd).
Napoleon's 1st language was Corsican, his 2nd language was Italian, and he did not learn to speak his 3rd language-- French-- until he was almost 10 years old.
A second is called a second because it is the 2nd division of the hour by 60, the 1st division being a minute.
The 1904 Olympic Marathon’s 1st place runner was disqualified for hitching a ride in a car, 2nd place was carried over the finish line by his trainers while doping on rat poison and brandy, 3rd place took a nap after eating rotten apples, and 5th place got chased for a mile by wild dogs.
American Exceptionalism is one of 3 related ideas: 1st that the history of USA is inherently different from other nations, 2nd the idea that the USA has a unique mission to transform the world, 3rd is the sense that the USA' history & mission give it a superiority over other nations.
Why we have middle names. The 3 names used today began in the Middle Ages when people were torn between giving their child a saint’s name or a common family name. The practice of giving 3 names eventually resolved the problem with a formula, given name 1st, baptismal name 2nd, surname 3rd
Former soldier and former baseball star Lynn "Buck" Compton (Band of Brothers) perfectly timed a grenade toss on D-Day so that it exploded at an enemy's head - the toss being the same distance from 1st base to 2nd base.
1st 2nd data charts
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The royal navy also has a 2nd Sea Lord, and that there used to be a total of 5 Sea Lords at a time, explaining why the commander of the royal navy is the 1st Sea Lord rather than simply THE Sea Lord.
Supporting the Continental Army was the 1st Canadian Regiment. The 1st Canadian Regiment was later incorporated into the 2nd Canadian Regiment, which fought on the side of the Americans until the end of the war. They were unable to return to their homes in Canada.
In the weeks before the 1966 24 hours of Le Mans, Ford's team would often take amphetamine pills to fuel their work sessions through the night. Ford went on to win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, over their arch rival Ferrari, becoming the first Americans ever to win the race. - source
The sports terms 1st string, 2nd string, etc. come from archers who would carry backup strings for their bows.
Several countries other than the United States celebrate Grandparent's Day, including Australia (date varies in different states), Canada, Estonia (second Sunday in September), Italy (October 2nd), Pakistan (second Sunday in October), Singapore, South Sudan (2nd Sunday in November), Taiwan (last Sunday in August), and in the UK (1st Sunday in October).
1st" is the third most common street name in the United States. The most common is "2nd".
The Second Continental Congress met at a variety of locations during its existence. It met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from May 10th, 1775 to December 12th, 1776. It met in Baltimore, Maryland from December 20th, 1776 to March 4th, 1777. It met in Philadelphia from March 5th, 1777 to September 18th, 1777. It met in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on one day only on September 27th, 1777. It met in York, Pennsylvania from September 30th, 1777 to June 27th, 1778. It met in Philadelphia from July 2nd, 1778 until March 1st, 1781.
The Maryland Colony was founded as a refuge for English Catholics. Although the charter had been originally issued to George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, he died before it was formally executed and his son Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore was granted the charter.
Algae do not require the same amount of land as 1st and 2nd generation biofuels, but it requires a lot more water and fertilizer.
The third generation of biofuels are those produced through algae, and have many advantages over the 1st and 2nd generation of biofuels because they don"t have the same negative impacts on the environment.
The 4th, 5th, and 6th derivatives of position are "snap", "crackle" and "pop". (The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd being velocity, acceleration, and jerk.)