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1936 1937 facts

While investigating facts about 1936 1937, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Haiti and Liechtenstein unknowingly had the same flag until they first met at the 1936 Olympics, this led to the addition of a crown to the the flag of Liechtenstein in 1937.

John Steinbeck's next novels included In Dubious Battle (1936), Of Mice and Men (1937), and a collection of short stories titled The Long Valley (1938).

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 12 of the best facts about 1936 1937 I managed to collect.

  1. Among his many honors are the Lorentz Medal (1935), the Franklin Medal (1937), the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1936), the Priestley Medal (1963) and the National Medal of Science (1965).

  2. The Half Way to Hell Club was an exclusive club organized by the men who fell from the Golden Gate Bridge during its construction in 1936 and 1937 and were saved by the safety nets.

  3. In 1936 Beadle became Assistant Professor of Genetics at Harvard and in 1937 he was appointed Professor of Biology at Stanford University.

  4. In 1936 and 1937 she received a Guggenheim Fellowship to work in Jamaica and Haiti, the results of which she used in her 1938 book, Tell My Horse.

  5. During 1936 Braun's team worked on using rockets to propel aircraft and in June 1937 they tested the first primitive jet airplane.

  6. A crown was added to the flag of Liechtenstein in 1937 because at the 1936 Olympics they noticed they had the same flag as Haiti.

  7. Jean de Brunhoff expanded the Babar story into several more books including The Travel of Babar (1934), Babar the King (1935), ABC of Babar (1936), Zephir's Holidays (1937), Babar and His Family (1938), and Babar and Father Christmas (1940).

  8. Liechtenstein and Haiti didn't know they had identical flags till they competed at the 1936 Summer Olympics Games, prompting Liechtenstein in 1937 to add the crown found in their current flag.

  9. For two years (1936 and 1937) the Academy Awards allowed for write ins for performers not nominated. This resulted in Bette Davis being unofficially nominated for "Of Human Bondage" and Paul Muni for "Black Fury"

  10. Spanish Civil War} F. Franco wasn't supposed to be the ruler of the post-war dictatorship in Spain. Conveniently for him, his two superiors (General Sanjurjo and General Mola) died both in airplane crashes - Sanjurjo in July, 1936 and Mola in June, 1937. That's less than a year in between.

1936 1937 facts
What are the best facts about 1936 1937?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 1936 1937. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 1936 1937 so important!

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