18 Months facts
While investigating facts about 18 Months, I found out little known, but curios details like:
An 18-month-old German Shepherd named Luna fell off a boat in the Pacific Ocean, swam 2 miles to a nearby island, and survived for 5 weeks by eating mice before she was rescued by a team of Navy staffers. She was found to be slightly under-nourished, but in perfect condition otherwise.
When Eminem wanted to get clean he called Elton John who then helped him for 18 months to kick his addiction to Vicodin, Ambien and other prescription drugs.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about 18 Months I managed to collect.
In 2001 Kenny Waters, a Massachusetts man who was wrongly imprisoned for 18 years for murder, was finally freed after his high-school drop-out sister went to law school to prove his innocence. However, 6 months after his release, he died in a freak accident.
About Baltimore's Mr. Trash Wheel, a waterway trash inceptor that removed approx. 200,000 bottles, 173,000 potato chip bags, and 6.7 million cigarette butts from the inner harbor in just 18 months of initial operation.
Brandenn E. Bremmer was a child prodigy who taught himself how to read at 18 months and began playing the piano at 3. He completed high school at age 10 and committed suicide at 14.
Keanu Reeves was sued for assault by a paparazzo who slipped while taking Reeves picture. It took 18 months for the case to go to trial and 1 hour for the jury to dismiss it.
An NCAA football coach was fired after a co worker found porngraphic videos of children on his cell phone. He fought the charges vigorously after being charged with 2 felonies. He was finally reinstated after 18 months after it was revealed it was his kids taking a bath.
When Harry Wilson 18 months old, his proud Grandfather bet £50 that he would on day represent Wales in football and was quoted 2500/1 at his local bookmaker. 16 years later he became the youngest ever Wales debutant , netting his grandfather £125,000
The classic PC game "Baldur's Gate" was developed, alongside its engine, in 18 months by a team of 60 people who had never worked on a video game before.
There is a very rare type of insomnia when you just don't sleep. This leads to insanity and death within 18 months.
In 2013 a cat named Cookie went missing while on holiday with his owner in Grasse, southern France. 18 months later Cookie returned “dirty and emaciated” having travelled a journey of 700-miles, all the way home.
Sir Isaac Newton, while Master of the Royal Mint, personally went undercover in bars and taverns to root out rampant counterfeiting, which was high treason (punishable by being hanged, drawn and quartered). He successfully prosecuted 28 counterfeiters in 18 months.
18 Months data charts
For your convenience take a look at 18 Months figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about 18 months?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Keanu Reeves had his daughter and girlfriend pass away within 18 months of each other
The wrestler Mick Foley became a fan of Tori Amos in 1993. After meeting her in 2008, he got involved in a group she started to aid abused women. He has volunteered extensively, fielding calls from women in difficult circumstances, and logged over 550 hours on the phone over an 18-month period. - source
John Capes. In WWII when his submarine sank he swam 170 ft to the surface and swam 5 miles to shore. He then hid from Italians for 18 months before escaping to Turkey. - source
2 Virginia Firefighters were suspended after transporting an 18-month-old girl to a hospital in their fire engine, a policy breach that ultimately saved the girl's life.
In 2006 a woman tried living as a man for 18 months as part of an experiment on "male privilege." She walked away from the experiment realizing that men are also suffering. - source
Branden Bremmer, a child prodigy who read books at 18 months, played the piano at age 3 and started college at age 11, commited suicide at age 14 with no signs of depression, no suicide note or pressure form his parents to succeed.
In 1982, three guys lived on a billboard as part of a radio contest. The last one to come down would win an $18,000 mobile home. The contest became international news, one of the contestants was caught selling weed, and it went on for so many months that it had to be ended with two winners.
A reckless neurosurgeon in Texas killed and paralyzed several patients over 18 months in spite of many formal complaints of his malpractice by fellow neurosurgeons.
Peanut butter in a plastic jar at the supermarket usually has a sell-by date of about 18 months after it hits the shelf. Past this date, if it’s unopened it’s still perfectly good. Opened, peanut butter will slowly develop off-flavors of rancid nuts over the next five or so years.
All males in South Korea after reaching the age of 18 must go through at least 21 months of mandatory military service training.
They caught the guy behind "The Fappening". Ryan Collins, 36, accessed over 100 celebrities' accounts by simply sending phishing e-mails to the victims. Prosecutors recommended that he received a jail sentence of 18 months.
18 months infographics
Beautiful visual representation of 18 Months numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.