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17 Girlfriends facts

While investigating facts about 17 Girlfriends, I found out little known, but curios details like:

17-year-old Kenny Loggins wasn't going to be able to record his song "House at Pooh Corner" because Disney was enforcing their copyright to Winnie the Pooh. Upset, he mentioned this to his girlfriend, only to find out her dad was the president of Disney– he soon got permission.

Julio Macias Gonzalez, a 17 year old from Mexico City, who died after his girlfriend gave him a hickey. The suction resulted in a blood clot, which traveled to his brain, causing a stroke.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 17 of the best facts about 17 Girlfriends I managed to collect.

  1. A man was recovering in hospital after a car accident when all 17 of his girlfriends showed up at his bedside. None of the women were aware of each other.

  2. Kenny Loggins wrote House at Pooh Corner when at 17. Disney lawyers stopped the song from being released due to copyright infringement. Unbeknownst to Kenny, his girlfriend at the time was the daughter of Disney's CEO. She helped him get it released.

  3. Julio Macias Gonzalez, a 17 year old who lived in Mexico City and died after his girlfriend gave him a hickey, the suction of which resulting in a blood clot, causing his brain to have a stroke from lack of oxygen

  4. Bryan Silva, 25-year-old former Vine "sensation", was arrested for threatening his 17-year-old girlfriend with a gun and holding her against her will.

  5. A 17 yr-old North Carolina boy & his girlfriend were charged for having nude pictures of themselves on their own phones. They were 16 in the nude selfies, such pics are illegal; but the legal age of consent for sexual intercourse in North Carolina is age 16.

  6. Thad Roberts, a NASA intern who was jailed for trying to sell 17 pounds of stolen moon rocks online. After stealing the rocks, he scattered them over his bed and had sex with his girlfriend on them.

  7. Michelle Carter, a 17-year-old girl forced her boyfriend,Conrad Henri Roy III, an American marine salvage captain to commit suicide to win sympathy and attention that came with being the “grieving girlfriend” in 2014

  8. Charles Dickens divorced his wife of 20 years and 10 children when he fell in love with a 17-year old girl. He spent the rest of his life trying to keep the relationship with his new girlfriend a secret.

  9. 60 year old) Charlie Chapman stole (21 year old) J. D. Salinger's (17 year old) girlfriend, and married her when she turned 18.

17 girlfriends facts
What are the best facts about 17 Girlfriends?

What is true about 17 girlfriends?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Paul Walker was 17 years older than his girlfriend. They began dating when he was 33; she was 16.

A Chinese man had 17 girlfriends at once. One of whom he was with for a decade, and was planning a wedding with another. The man was sent to a hospital after a car crash, and his luck ran out when all his girlfriends went to the hospital to visit him. - source

A man was recovering in hospital after a car accident when all 17 of his girlfriends showed up at his bedside. None of the women were aware of each other. - source

A guy with 17 girlfriends gets caught after car crash!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 17 Girlfriends. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 17 Girlfriends so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor