Year Resolutions facts
While investigating facts about New Year's Resolutions and Good New Year's Resolutions, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Fifty years ago, 5 unmanned lunar orbiters circled the moon, taking extremely high resolution photos of the surface that if you printed it would fit a billboard without losing any quality.
how to keep new year's resolutions?
The third Monday in January is typically considered to be ‘Blue Monday’, allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Factors contributing to this theory include: debt, miserable weather, post-Christmas blues, failing New Year’s resolutions and low motivation.
What are new year resolutions?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the bible say about new year's resolutions. Here are 23 of the best facts about Funny New Year's Resolutions and Unique New Year's Resolutions I managed to collect.
why do we make resolutions at new year?
Some old movies like Ben-Hur (1959) were filmed on 65mm film which translates to about a 30-40 mega pixel resolution. Standard 4K resolution is roughly 9 mega pixels. We do not have the technology to watch some movies from 60 years ago in the resolution they were filmed.
In 1997 Kleberg County, Texas voted unanimously to adopt "Heaven-O" as the county's official greeting. The resolution was the result of years of campaigning by local resident Leonso Canales who opposed the use of 'Hello' because it contained the word 'Hell.'
An individual has been aggregating fairly high resolution scans of sandwich cross sections for over five years.
For more than 150 years Texas has been able to split itself into five states without any action from Congress - a power no other state has, due to a quirk of a 19th- century Congressional resolution.
New Year's resolutions date as far back as the Babylonians, who would make promises to their gods in order to gain their favor at the start of the year.
80% of New Year's resolutions fail by the second week of February.
The practice of making resolutions for the new year is thought to have first caught on among the ancient Babylonians, who made promises in order to earn the favor of the gods and start the year off on the right foot.
Researchers have created computer models showing people have subconscious urges to overeat when food is historically more scarce. This is likely why we enjoy eating so much in winter, and News Years resolution diets are so likely to fail.
HMS Resolute which was commissioned in search of the Sir John Franklin expedition, was trapped in the ice and abandoned in 1854. It was recovered two years later by an American Whaler and returned to Queen Victoria, who then presented a desk to POTUS made out of the wood from the ship.
It was later revealed that no North Vietnamese vessels were involved in the second Gulf of Tonkin Incident on August 4. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara later admitted the second incident never took place and President Johnson even said in private a year later that "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there." The second incident was to be the causus belli for war.
Year Resolutions data charts
For your convenience take a look at Year Resolutions figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
Why do we make new year's resolutions?
You can easily fact check why do new year's resolutions fail by examining the linked well-known sources.
8% of Americans who make New Year's resolutions are successful.
Kansas: It's illegal to sell liquor by the glass in over 25 counties in Kansas, which repealed prohibition a full 15 years after Congress. Counties may by resolution or petition prohibit the sale of alcohol in public places where 30% or less of their gross revenue comes from food sales. - source
According to a 1981 NPC resolution, all able-bodied Chinese citizens older than age 11 have an obligation to plant three to five trees every year - source
Why My New Year's Resolution Is To Eat More Chocolate!
So he goes around asking Drunk Girls whats their New Years Resolutions..... results are hilarious! - source
When did new year's resolutions start?
It’s been reported that fewer than 10 percent of New Year’s resolutions actually last
How long do new year's resolutions last?
Good new years resolution, quit eating pringles. "Cancer in a can, and the chemical is not listed in ingredients list"
That, typically, the third Monday in January is considered Blue Monday, allegedly the most depressing day of the year. The ‘formula’ (debunked by many) includes such factors as debt, time since Christmas, failing our new year’s resolutions, and low motivational levels.
In 1960 Senate Democrats passed a resolution against election-year Supreme Court recess appointments
Hershey's still uses forced child labor where children are abused for working too slowly, which they promised to resolute 13 years ago
Year resolutions infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Year Resolutions numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.