Incredible and fun facts to explore

X Ray facts

While investigating facts about X Ray, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The secret police in Communist Romania subjected the leaders of a 1977 coal miners' strike to 5-minute chest X-rays to ensure that they developed cancer

Radiation-blocking proteins taken from "water bear" DNA have been incorporated into human cells which boosted the protection of human DNA against damage from x-rays by 40%.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about X Ray I managed to collect.

  1. The first man to perform cardiac catheterization, did it on himself then walked downstairs to the radiology department to take the x-ray to prove you would not die. He was fired, became a Nazi, then won the Nobel Prize.

  2. Jazz on bones" or "Ribs" were bootleg vinyl recordings made from old x-rays with holes burned in the middle from cigarettes. In the 50's and 60's they were a black market method for smuggling banned music into the Soviet Union such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Elvis.

  3. Modern surgeon sponges have x-ray visible stripes because surgeons kept leaving them in patients

  4. In 1998, Sony inadvertently released a camcorder that could see through clothes. When aimed at people wearing dark clothing, the night-vision feature created an x-ray effect, meaning what ever was beneath became visible. Sony had to recall over 700,000 units after they discovered the issue.

  5. The UK still retains 18 Queen's Messengers, who hand deliver secret documents to British embassies worldwide, travelling undercover in business class. The diplomatic package has its own "passport", as though it's a human being, and is exempt from being searched or x-rayed by airport security.

  6. Many Iraqis believed that the Oakleys worn by American soldiers gave them X-ray vision, to see through Iraqi women's clothes.

  7. The leaders of a 1977 miners strike in Communist Romania were given 5 minute chest x-rays after the strike was over to ensure they would develop cancer.

  8. Because a shortage of vinyl recording material and censorship of some Western music during the Soviet era, bootleg recordings known as Ribs, Bones or roentgenizdat were produced on discarded medical X-ray prints.

  9. Biologists went to Bikini Atoll a year after the nuclear tests, caught a fish, held it up to photograph paper, and took an x-ray image using rays coming from inside the fish.

  10. Rosalind Franklin is the unsung hero of DNA research. Her X-ray Crystallography allowed her colleagues Watson and Crick to accurately characterize the double helix. Many believe she should’ve shared in their Nobel prize.

x ray facts
What are the best facts about X Ray?

X Ray data charts

For your convenience take a look at X Ray figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

x ray fact data chart about This is an X-ray like they take the border
This is an X-ray like they take the border

What is true about x ray?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In March 2012, scientist and blogger Jonathan Corbett demonstrated the ineffectiveness of full body scanners by publishing a viral video showing how he was able to get a metal box through backscatter x-ray and millimeter wave scanners in two US airports.

The first person to perform a cardiac catheterization was not allowed to perform the procedure on a patient, so he decided to perform it on himself and then walk all the way to the X-ray room with the catheter still in his arm to prove that the tube had reached his heart. - source

Peeling Scotch Tape in a vacuum releases enough X-rays to produce an image of finger bones on X-ray film - source

flat-faced dogs like pugs are so deformed that veterinary students can mistake their x-rays for dogs that have been hit by cars. One vet has publicly stated that their nose is so misshapen that they only get enough oxygen when they're intubated with a breathing tube.

Wilhelm Röntgen who discovered x-rays refused to patent his discovery as he 'wanted mankind as a whole to benefit from practical applications of the same' - source

Thomas Edison abandoned his research into x-rays when he damaged his eyesight, and his assistant had his arms amputated from repeated exposure. “Don’t talk to me about X-rays,” he said. “I am afraid of them.”

In Soviet Russia, people bootlegged forbidden Western music, but due to vinyl being in short supply, they would often use old x-rays, creating eerie-looking, hand-crafted records.

The "X" in X-Ray was just a random letter because Wilhelm Roentgen didn't know what it was.

Before the discovery of X-rays and xylophone popularity, the Persian King Xerxes was used for the X letter in children's alphabet books.

About Clarence Dally, perhaps the first person to die of man-made radiation in 1904. He was an assistant to Thomas Edison on a new x-ray machine. He had to have both of his hands amputated but eventually died from cancer. Edison refused to work with x-rays ever again.

Under the Soviet Union, the distribution of Beatles albums was forbidden by the government, so some medical students would burn Beatles songs onto old X-rays.

Interesting facts about x ray

Rock music was smuggled into Soviet Russia in the form of “Bone Music”: since there was no vinyl, records were pressed onto used X-Ray images.

One of the most radioactive things on earth is a smokers lungs. Smoking a pack-and-a-half every day exposes a smoker to a dose of Polonium radiation equivalent to 300 chest X-rays a year.

Because Western music were so hard to come by in Soviet Russia, a counter culture known as the “stilyagi” began developing bootleg vinyl records from X-rays—also known as “bones”—that they would then sell on the black market. Getting caught with one resulted in 3-5 years in a hard labor camp.

Serial killer Albert Fish would embed needles into his groin and abdomen. After his arrest, x-rays revealed that he had at least 29 needles lodged in his pelvic region. He also hit himself with a nail-studded paddle and inserted wool doused with lighter fluid into his anus and lit it.

Peeling scotch tape in vacum generates enough x-ray to image a human finger

From the thirties until the seventies, fluoroscopes were common in children's shoe stores. They are live x-ray machines that let you see the bones in your feet when you wiggle your toes. By 1970, 33 states had banned them due to health concerns.

Many shoe stores in the U.S. during the 1940's-70's had shoe-fitting fluoroscopes, essentially X-ray machines for the feet to see how well a person's foot fit in the shoes they were considering buying.

For years, Soviet hipsters (stilyagi) bootlegged vinyl records onto x-ray paper after it was banned by the government - it was called "bone music"

The most explosive chemical in the world. Azidoazide Azide (C2N14) will literally explode if you move it, touch it, disperse it in solution, expose it to x-rays, expose it to light, and even if you did absolutely nothing to it.

Before people knew the full extent of x-rays, women would get face x-rays in order to kill bacteria which would make skin look healthy and beautiful. After a while people who did this started developing tumors on their faces and some even died. Doctors also used this method for hair removal.

Florida Man Carl Tanzler, an X-ray tech, fell in love with a patient and exhumed her body when she died to sleep with her corpse for 7 years. Charges were dropped because the statue of limitations expired by the time anyone found out.

Vincent Van Gogh painted over some of his paintings, keeping them hidden until X-ray technology brought their beauty to light.

In the comics Superman never served in the army in WW2. The reason was that if he did, he would have ended the war in mere moments, but that would diminish the role of real soldiers at the time. So, Clark Kent was made to fail the Draft due to his X-ray vision during eye test.

The jets extending from slow-motion Nuclear Explosions are the tower's support cables being vaporized by x-rays before the shockwave even hits.

Bone Music: in the Soviet Union, people craved Western pop music but vinyl was scarce, so they printed records on used x-rays

Scotch tape, when peeled in vacuum, produces enough x-rays to image a persons finger.

About MARAUDER, a real plasma cannon developed by the United States Air Force in 1993. The device could fire a ring of plasma with the force of 5 pounds of TNT. Impact effects included a high temperature explosion with x-ray radiation and EMP.

Galen of Pergamon was the doctor of emperors and gladiators. One of his many works, "On the Mixtures and Powers of Simple Drugs," the most complete surviving version of the translated manuscript was erased and written over with hymns in the 11th century. Researchers are using X-rays to read it.

Harold von Braunhut. A con artist, talent agent and the inventer of Sea Monkeys, X-Ray goggles and the dolls that eyes shut when laid down. He supported White Supremacists despite being Jewish. His greatest invention: an invisible goldfish when you got a bowl and fish food but no goldfish

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about X Ray. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is X Ray so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor