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Ww Ii facts

While investigating facts about Ww Ii, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During WW II Britain stopped selling food to Ireland in order to persuade them to drop neutrality and enter the war. Ireland responded by cutting off all exports of Guinness. The supplying of food was resumed.

During WW II the 603rd unit was designated as Camouflage Engineers. Many of the soldiers were recruited from arts schools and set designers. Their objective was not only to teach camouflage, but to deceive the enemy through the art of design. They became known as the Ghost Army

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 43 of the best facts about Ww Ii I managed to collect.

  1. Albert Göring, the brother of Deputy Führer of the Nazi Reich Hermann Göring, despised the Nazis, and used his family's influence to save hundreds if not thousands of Jews and other dissidents from SS concentration camps during WW II.

  2. J. Edgar Hoover opposed the illegal internment of Japanese-Americans during WW II.

  3. Joseph Beyrle, the only American soldier to serve in both US & Soviet army during WW-II was declared dead by US military only to return in 1945 and get married in the same church by the same priest who held his funeral mass two years earlier.

  4. An American Army Air Force officer deserted in Pakistan during WW II, hitched a ride to Italy, stole a P-38 plane, deserted with the plane to the Nazis and became an officer in the SS.

  5. IG Farben, Bayer’s parent company in WW II, had extensive ties to the Third Reich, according to Auschwitz concentration camp documents. The company actually ran its own concentration camp where at least 30,000 slave workers died

  6. The "Churchill Crocodile", a WW II era tank modified as an armored flame thrower, capable of projecting flames over 120 yards.

  7. The Doughnut Dollies were women who volunteered with the Red Cross during WW I, II, and Vietnam. They drove Clubmobiles to both bases and field operations to serve soldiers coffee and doughnuts, play hit records and boost morale.

  8. During WW II a British sub sank a Japanese ship, not knowing it held 6300 POWs

  9. Only 139 cars were made in the U.S. during the entirety of its involvement in WW II.

  10. The U.S. Census Bureau gave up names and addresses of Japanese-Americans in WW II to assist in sending them to Internment Camps. This was denied for decades until finally confirmed in 2007

ww ii facts
What are the best facts about Ww Ii?

What is true about ww ii?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The U.S. Census Bureau Gave Up Names of Japanese-Americans For Imprisonment in Internment Camps in WW II.

A former WW-II era U.S. submarine is still in active service in the Taiwanese Navy. - source

During the Second Sino-Japanese War & WW II, the Japanese had encased bubonic plague, cholera, smallpox, botulism, anthrax, and other diseases into bombs where they were routinely dropped on Chinese combatants and non-combatants. Approximately 580,000 people were killed by Japanese germ warfare - source

Nat King Cole's 'Straighten Up And Fly Right' was used as a call to arms by the Tuskegee Airmen in WW II

Nearly 80000 american soldiers were hospitalized during WW II because of "jeep seat", slang term for pilonidal cyst caused by many hours siting on a jeep. - source

At the close of WW II, United States Army Air Forces wanted to use its nuclear bombs on previously undamaged cities in order to have accurate data on nuclear-caused damage.

NYC's FDR Drive is built upon the rubble of buildings which were bombed during the blitz of London and Bristol during WW II.

About the 'Baby Blitz' of England during WW II that occurred in early 1944 in which over 1400 civilians were killed

Russia an Japan still haven't signed a peace treaty after WW II

During the Vietnam war, US dropped over 7 million tons of bombs, more than twice the total dropped during WW II.

Clifton James, who played the comedy relief southern Sheriff J.W. Pepper in James Bond films Live and Let Die and The Man With the Golden Gun, is alive and well at the age of 94, and is a decorated WW II veteran.

Interesting facts about ww ii

The original copy of a symphony attributed to Mozart was destroyed in WW II.

The only bombing of the US mainland during WW II was a float plane launched from a Japanese submarine. They dropped incendiary bombs on the Oregon coast to start devastating fires but failed due to wet conditions.

Paddy Murphy, the Liverpudlian second cousin of Emperor Hirohito of Japan, who actually fought with the British against his homeland in WW II.

Soviet Union annexed Polish Land after WW II, killing over 150,000 innocent people in the process.

Today, 7 May, is the 70th Anniversary of the official end of WW II. At 2:41 am CET, General Jodl, Chief of Staff of the German High Command, signed the unconditional surrender in a schoolroom in Reims, France.

In the years after WW II, genetic engineering was done by just irradiating the crap out of a bunch of plants to see what would happen. Some of the results of these experiments are in the grocery stores today. The last remaining "Gamma Garden" is in Japan

Stan Lee was a WW-II Veteran - Enlisted after Pearl Harbor.

Symphony concerts in Berlin would not stop during WW II air raids and recordings, with AA fire in the background, exist (5:43 point of recording is clearest)

During WW I and WW II, when the US Navy ran out of ship building materials, they built dozens and dozens of new ships out of concrete. And those concrete ships FLOATED and helped the allies win both wars.

WW I, and as a result, WW II, was caused by a wrong turn.

A Russian-Polish dancer named Sylvin Rubinstein was recruited into the resistance by a German major during World War II. Rubinstein survived WW II with the help of the aforementioned major.

A Montreal WW II hero, largely unknown at home, honoured as Dutch town's saviour: One-eyed soldier Léo Major single-handedly chased the Nazis from Zwolle in 1945

Origin of 'Go the whole 9 yards'. During WW II, fighter pilots were equipped with nine yards of ammunition. (They'd given it their best shot! Gave all they had to give.)

Hemingway was the first American in Paris as the Germans fled the city in WW II. He liberated the Ritz Hotel, more specifically, the Ritz Hotel Bar. Hemingway’s mission was really about libation, not liberation!

China suffered 15-20,000,000 casualties in WW II, å number surpassed only by Soviet.

The 60mil people who were killed in WW II was 10% of the population of the Earth in the year 1700. That's like if 700mil people were killed over six years today.

During WW II "Project Pigeon" was American behaviorist B.F. Skinner's attempt to develop a pigeon-guided missile.

For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of WW II

Albert Göring, the brother of Deputy Führer of the Nazi Reich Hermann Göring, despised the Nazis, and used his family's influence to save hundreds if not thousands of Jews and other dissidents from SS concentration camps during WW II.

About the Ford "Whiz Kids". 10 US Army Air Forces vets of WW II helped the company develop sophisticated management control systems to govern the company, control costs and review strategic progress.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ww Ii. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ww Ii so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor