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World War 2 facts

While investigating facts about World War 2 Movies and World War 2 Timeline, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The autistic spectrum and the distinction between "high functioning" and "low functioning" autism was discovered by Hans Asperger in an attempt to save children in his clinic from the Gestapo during World War 2, who killed disabled children in preparation for the Holocaust.

how world war 2 started?

A school in Poland is named after an Indian Maharaja, in honour of him providing shelter and free education to hundreds of Polish women and children after they had to escape Poland due to the World War 2.

Who won at world war 2?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what world war 2 movies are on netflix. Here are 50 of the best facts about World War 2 Museum and World War 2 Summary I managed to collect.

what happened at world war 2?

  1. During World War 2, Hershey made a bar for US soldiers that was meant to taste so bad, soldiers would only eat it if they were starved

  2. A Russian family who were cut off from all human contact for 40 years in the Siberian wilderness. They were completely unaware that World War 2 had occurred.

  3. Norway sends the UK Christmas trees every year as a symbol of gratitude for “preserving Norwegian liberty” during World War 2.

  4. A Russell Crowe commissioned script for Gladiator 2 would have seen a resurrected Maximus appearing in World War 2 and the Vietnam War, and would have ended with him in a suit and tie at the modern-day Pentagon.

  5. In World War 2, German POWs in America were shocked by how African Americans were treated. This was due to the prisoners working alongside them in the fields, allowing them to become closer over their shared labour.

  6. Orville Wright, the younger of the two Wright Brothers, expressed sadness about the death and destruction brought about by the bombers of World War 2, stating “I once thought the aeroplane would end wars. I now wonder whether the aeroplane and the atomic bomb can do it.”

  7. During World War 2, the British captured Germans and put them in a bugged mansion where they served them wine and food and thus they were able to gather important intelligence from casual conversations between the 'prisoners' that helped them greatly win the war

  8. A whale's skull is so thick that it requires a world war 2 anti-tank rifle to euthanize one that has beached itself.

  9. More Indians died in World War 2 war efforts than the Britons, Americans and French Combined

  10. Agatha Christie wrote a novel in 1941 about World War 2 codebreaking featuring a character named Major Bletchley. Due to this, she was investigated by MI5, but the naming turned out to be coincidental and unrelated to the then secret codebreaking in Bletchley Park.

world war 2 facts
What caused world war 2?

World War 2 data charts

For your convenience take a look at World War 2 figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

world war 2 fact data chart about Height of key people during World War 2 vs. National Average
Height of key people during World War 2 vs. National Average - influenced by itim__office

Why world war 2 happened?

You can easily fact check why world war 2 ended by examining the linked well-known sources.

80% of Soviet males born in 1923 didn't survive World War 2

Japanese swordsmiths can only make 2 swords per month due to restrictions put in place after World War II - source

Kilroy Was Here, a popular meme that originated with US soldiers in World War 2 that was graffitied on landmarks as the soldiers moved on - source

The Shiba Inu dog breed nearly went extinct during World War 2 due to food shortages and disease.

During World War 2, Allied submarines would lie on beds of pistol shrimp. The snapping sound made by the shrimp was so loud, it stopped the submarines from being picked up on Japanese sonar. - source

When world war 2 started?

Portable refrigeration was made possibly by Frederick McKinley, a black inventor. His invention allowed the transport of perishable goods across large distances. His inventions were also widely used during World War 2 to preserve medicine, blood, and food for use at hospitals on the battlefield.

How world war 2 ended?

The Japanese emperor Hirohito, who ruled during World War 2, was a passionate marine biologist and had published many papers on the topic and even discovered several new species of Hydrozoa

Under President Reagans directive, the United States (via the CIA) funneled more than $2 billion in guns and money to the mujaheddin (which became the Taliban) during the 1980s to defeat and remove the Soviets in Afghanistan. It was the largest covert action program since World War II.

Englishman Frank Bickerton fought in both world wars, was drafted into 2 Antarctic expeditions, developed a golf course, was the hero of a novel, killed bears, wrote major motion pictures, treasure hunted in Costa Rica & married an earl's granddaughter

During World War 2 many Black and White soldiers had children with German women. Those children of Black and White soldiers that were raised in Germany showed no discernible IQ differences unlike in the United States where there is a wide gap between Black and White IQs.

The "Lazy Dog" bomb, developed during world war 2, was a 2 inch steel kinetic projectile that was dropped by the thousands at 3,000 ft and could penetrate up to 9 inches of solid concrete with no explosive.

When world war 2 ended?

After World War II, a group of Holocaust survivors called "Nakam" tried to kill six million Germans as revenge for the Holocaust. They only succeeded in poisoning 2,283 German prisoners of war.

Fish and chips were considered so important that it was one of the items not rationed during World War 2.

When the UK stopped airing TV due to World War 2, the last thing that aired was a Mickey Mouse Cartoon. After the war, the first show that played was the same Mickey Mouse cartoon.

The Soviets suffered more casualties at the Battle of Stalingrad than the Americans did for the entirety of World War 2.

Gert Fröbe, the actor who played Goldfinger in the eponymous Bond film, saved two Jews during World War 2. He was a former Nazi Party member, and Israel banned his films after this became known. But when one of the Jews he saved spoke up for him, they rescinded the ban.

How world war 2 began?

When Natalie Wood was 7 years old, her mother would tear up butterflies in front of her to get her to cry for a scene in a World War 2 movie where she played an orphan. Her mother also moved the entire family to LA when Natalie’s child acting career gained traction.

In World War 2 it was common for desensitized US troops to murder German POWs if they were wearing American boots, as it was a reminder that one of their buddies had been killed

During Operation Shingle (a battle in Italy during World War 2) Eric Fletcher Waters was shot and killed, leaving behind his son in England. This kid's name was Rodger Waters, the bassist and main lyricist for Pink Floyd. The death of his father was the inspiration for the album The Wall.

David Niven was the only British star in Hollywood to enlist during World War 2. When suspicious American guards asked during the Battle of the Bulge who had won the World Series in 1943, he answered "Haven't the foggiest idea ... but I did co-star with Ginger Rogers in 'Bachelor Mother'!"

The Japanese officer who proposed the use of Kamikaze pilots during World War 2 shot himself post-war out of guilt for sending so many young men to their deaths.

The first German defeat and the first Japanese defeat of World War 2 both came at the hands of Australian forces.

About Unsinkable Sam, a cat that managed to survive the sinking of three ships during World War 2.

Over 2,500,000 Indians volunteered to fight in World War 2, making it the largest all-volunteer army in history.

During World War 2 all venomous animals at the London Zoo were killed at the beginning of the war in case the zoo was bombed and the animals escaped

During World War 2, morale among the British Army (in desert campaigns) was directly proportional to the supply of tea that they had. This was due to them brewing it all the time in order to drink the foul-tasting water they were supplied with, as it came from fuel cans.

Despite it’s defeat during the World War 2, France is the most successful military power in European history. Out of 168 battles fought since 387BC, they have won 109.

Over 800,000 women served in the Red Army during World War 2, a significant portion of whom did so in combat roles; there were female snipers, machine-gunners, anti-air gunners, tank crews and even pilots, with some bomber regiments being made up entirely of women, including the ground crews.

Had the Axis powers won World War 2, Hitler was saddened that the white race from Australia and New Zealand would disappear under Japan's eventual colonization of the countries.

Hawaii wasn’t a state when Pearl Harbor was bombed in World War 2.

About the mid-Atlantic or transatlantic accent. It was not a natural accent; it was generally taught to actors and the upper class in north eastern American society. Many news reels from the 30s and 40s reek of it. Transatlantic accent fell out of vogue after World War 2.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about World War 2. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is World War 2 so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor