World Trade facts
While investigating facts about World Trade, I found out little known, but curios details like:
On September 11th, 2001, Officer John Perry of the NYPD went to headquarters to file retirement paperwork. When he heard the explosion at the world trade center he immediately responded and was later killed when one of the towers collapsed. He was the only off-duty officer killed on 9/11.
About Roselle, a seeing-eye dog that led her blind owner, Michael Hingson, down 1,463 steps from the 78th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Dog and owner exited just before the South Tower collapsed, and both survived.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about World Trade I managed to collect.
There is a mental delusion called "The Truman Show delusion" where patients believed their lives were reality television shows. One traveled to NewYork to check whether the World Trade Center had actually fallen—believing 9/11 attacks to be an elaborate plot twist in his personal story line.
The Queen of England has only ever broken protocol for The Changing Of The Guard once. On 9/12/2001, the day after The September 11th attacks on The World Trade Center in The United States. Instead of The English National Anthem being played during the change, it was the US National Anthem.
Judy Melinek, a medical examiner who identified hundreds of bodies from the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, many of which were merely scraps of flesh or pieces of limb. She was called in mid-August 2002 because they had found a foot bone on top of another skyscraper 1/5 mile away.
Joseph Trombino, Brinks truck driver, who narrowly survived an armed robbery in 1983 and the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, only to be killed in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey raised the tolls on bridges and tunnels by 56% to help pay for the construction of the One World Trade Center, then decided against using any of the proceeds for that purpose.
Iran is the only country in the world that allows citizens to trade kidneys for money via a regulated marketplace. There is no waiting list for transplant patients. Citizens are even exempted from military service if they donate as the gvt. contends they have already served their country.
That, starting during their golden age in the early 17th century, the Dutch had a monopoly on trade with Japan that lasted until 1854. During this time, the Dutch were Japan's only source of information on the Western world.
Salty and Roselle, two separate guide dogs who were in the World Trade Centre during 9/11. They were on the 71st and 78th floor of Tower 1 respectively. They each led their owners safely out of the burning tower amidst the chaos, and both owners and dogs survived.
In 2002, the popular MMORPG Everquest was the 77th richest country in the world inbetween Russia and Bulgeria. Virutal internal markets and illegal online trading meant that the in-game country 'Norrath' had a Product Per Capita of $2266, more than India and China.
World Trade data charts
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What is true about world trade?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Japan imports rice from the U.S. as required by the World Trade Organization, but almost none of it ever actually reaches Japanese dinner plates. Instead, the imported rice is donated to North Korea, fed to pigs, or left to rot in vast Japanese warehouses, sitting in storage for years.
NASA recovered metal from the World Trade Center and used it on Martian rovers as a tribute to those fallen on the 9/11 attacks - source
More than 900 workers have already died building Qatar’s World Cup infrastructure. The International Trade Union Confederation says that if conditions don’t improve, at least 4,000 migrants will die before kick-off. - source
In 2012 a 9-year-old boy decided he wanted to help the families of fallen US soldiers. He started a Facebook page and ‘traded up’ his toy soldier into $900 worth of Disney World gift certificates. He then gave the dream holiday to a 2 year-old girl who had lost her father in Afghanistan.
A live album from the band Dream Theater was released on 9/11/2001, which had the skyline of NYC (with the World Trade Center) in flames on its album art. The album was recalled and re-released a short time later, but the incident remains one of the most bizarre coincidences in music. - source
During the rebuild of the World Trade Centre, a 30-min lunch break actually ran much longer as workers had to wait for elevators to ferry them up and down. To accommodate these workers, Subway created a mobile restaurant that moved up the building as they finished each floor.
The President of the World Trade Center Survivors’ Network lied about being on the 78th floor of the south WTC during the attack. She was actually in Spain during 9/11.
The pilot episode of the Lone Gunmen was about a conspiracy of the US government to hijack an airline and fly it into the World Trade Center to start a profit making war. It aired March 4, 2001.
The US-Canada trade relationship is the largest in the world, surpassing even US-China trade. The amount of goods crossing the Windsor-Detroit bridge alone is larger than annual US-Japan trade.
The pilot episode of an offshoot of The X-Files called The Lone Gunmen featured its heroes racing to stop a plane getting hijacked by govt agents and flown into the World Trade Center to increase defense spending while blaming foreign enemies. Aired 6 months before 9/11.
Out of the 50,000 workers that could have been in the world trade centre on September 11th 2001, only around 19,000 were there that day for two main reasons; because people were late taking their kids to the first day of school and voting at local polling station for the mayoral election