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Word Faggot facts

While investigating facts about Word Faggot, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When author, journalist, and LGBT activist Dan Savage began writing his advice column pertaining to homosexuality, he urged his editors to let him name it "Hey, Faggot!" so he could reclaim the hate word.

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The words "faggot" and "Fascist" both come from the Latin word "fascis," meaning "bundle of wood."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's the german word for escalator. Here are 15 of the best facts about Word Faggot I managed to collect.

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  1. The words 'Fascist' and 'Faggot' both derive from the Latin term for a bundle of sticks.

  2. 25 years after release, Dire Straits "Money for Nothing" was banned from Canadian radio after a single complaint about the word "faggot"

  3. Barf, dildo, faggot, raunchy, snitch, twat and twerp are some of the fewer than 100 words in English with near mysterious origins. Source and more such etymologically mysterious words in comments.

  4. Canada banned 'Money for Nothing' by Dire Straits in 2011 for containing the word "faggot". Later that same year, in the face of push back about the word's ironic placement in the song, they unbanned it.

  5. In 2011 the Canadian broadcast Standards Council received a complaint about the song Money For Nothing and its use of the word Faggot. After review they concluded that it was inappropriate, but because of considerations in regard to its use in context, they refused to ban the song

  6. The word faggot was originally an abusive term for women, particularly old woman - indicating that they were burdensome like carrying a bundle of wood.

  7. Kanye West Has Never Said the Words "Fag" or "Faggot" in Any of His Songs and Has Spoken Out Against Homophobia.

  8. The history of the word "faggot" (unverified)

  9. The Supreme Court of Mexico used the country's 'hate speech' laws to rule that two words that translate to "faggot" are not protected speech

word faggot facts
What's another word for escalator?

Word Faggot data charts

For your convenience take a look at Word Faggot figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

word faggot fact data chart about West Virginia is the top state to have searched Google for t
West Virginia is the top state to have searched Google for the words "faggot" and "nigger" over the last 5 years.

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You can easily fact check why is word so crap by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Dire Strait's song 'Money for Nothing' was banned in Canada by the CSBC for using the word 'faggot' three times in the lyrics

The words fascism and faggot both originate from the Latin word fasces, meaning "a bundle of rods". Many fascist symbols involve bundles of rods. "Faggot" as a pejorative for gays makes no sense, but it seems quite fitting for fascists. - source

The word "faggot", was originally meant for old, unpleasant, worthless women, in reference to the other meaning of faggot, "bundle of sticks" (something burdensome to carry), which itself ultimately comes from the Latin "fascis", with the same meaning. This is also the root of the word fascism. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Word Faggot. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Word Faggot so important!

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