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Wooden Leg facts

While investigating facts about Wooden Legs and Wooden Legacy, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Joe Pyne once started his interview with Frank Zappa by saying "So I guess your long hair makes you a woman." to which Zappa responded "So I guess your wooden leg makes you a table!"

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An American gymnast with a wooden leg won six medals, including three gold, in a single day at the 1904 Olympics. He was the only Olympian to have competed with a prosthetic limb for the next 100 years, until 2008.

What do you call a man with a wooden leg?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the chances of getting a legendary out of a wooden chest. Here are 25 of the best facts about Wooden Lego and Wooden Legs For Furniture I managed to collect.

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  1. Despite the loss of her legs, Li Juhong has been a doctor in her Chinese village since 2001. She uses wooden stools to travel around, has treated over 6,000 people and has a stay-at-home husband who carries her on his back so she can reach patients who live in isolated areas.

  2. Mansfield Smith-Cumming, the first head of the British SIS, had a wooden leg which he would suddenly stab with a pen knife in the middle of agent interviews. If the man flinched, he wasn't fit to be an agent.

  3. Virginia Hall, one of the most highly decorated spies in American history. Her small resistance team is credited with destroying four bridges, derailing dozens of freight trains, killing 150 German soldiers, and capturing another 300 enemy troops. She did all of this with a wooden leg.

  4. In 1920, U.S. Mint employee Orville Harrington stole an estimated $80,000 in gold by methodically hiding the bars in his hollow wooden leg.

  5. During the English Civil war in 1649, a Loyalist officer Arthur Aston was beaten to death with his own wooden leg by Parliamentarian soldiers. They believed it held gold coins.

  6. About radio host Joe Pyne. The former Marine and WWII veteran once had Frank Zappa on his show. Pyne quickly went on the attack with, “So I guess your long hair makes you a woman.” Zappa quickly fired back, “So I guess your wooden leg makes you a table”.

  7. Cher Ami, a World War I homing pigeon who saved the lives of 194 soldiers by delivering a plea for help despite being shot through the breast, blinded in one eye, and having a leg hanging only by a tendon. She was awarded the Croix de Guerre Medal and a small wooden leg for her service.

  8. In 1904, gymnast George Eyser won six Olympic medals in one day, including gold in the vault, while using a wooden prosthesis for his left leg.

  9. Gymnast George Eyser won 6 medals in the 1904 Olympics despite having a wooden leg (to replace his leg than was run over by a train).

  10. American gymnast George Eyser competed during the 1904 Summer Games despite his wooden left leg, winning the gold medals in the vault, parallel bars and rope climbing.

wooden leg facts
What does it mean to have a wooden leg?

Why did pirates have wooden legs?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1904, German-American gymnast George Eyser won six medals at the St. Louis Olympics... with a wooden leg - source

American gymnast George Eyser competed during the 1904 Summer Games despite his wooden left leg, winning the gold medals in the vault, parallel bars and rope climbing.

When did they stop making wooden ladders?

Virginia Hall, aka the "limping lady." Her wooden leg gave her an unassuming appearance which allowed her to be one of the most successful spies in occupied France. When her security was compromised she hiked across the Pyrennees Mts.

How to fix a broken wooden chair leg?

Most decorated American female spy had a wooden leg

In 1920 Orville Harrington stole gold ingots from Denver Mint by hiding it in his wooden leg.

General Antonio López de Santa Anna lost his left leg twice. The second time, his wooden leg, was captured by Illinois soldiers during the Mexican-American War. There has been an ownership feud over this war trophy between Illinois, Texas, and Mexico ever since.

Santa Anna's wooden leg was captured by Illinois soldiers, during the Mexican-American War, who brought it back to their state where it now resides in the Illinois State Military Museum.

To emphasize his arguments, the eccentric founder of MI6, Sir Mansfield Smith-Cumming, stabbed his prosthetic wooden leg with a knife.

Interesting facts about wooden leg

Lego is a Danish company that initially made wooden toys and whose name comes from "leg godt" - play well

About James Edward Hanger, a Southerner who lost his leg at the Battle of Phillippi. Unsatisfied with the wooden "peg" leg, he designed and built himself an articulated prosthetic leg. The company he founded to build prosthetics for Civil War soldiers is still in business today.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Wooden Leg. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Wooden Leg so important!

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