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Witches Flying facts

While investigating facts about Witches Flying Ointment and Witches Flying On Brooms, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Witches in parts of medieval Europe where weighed. A witch had to be almost weightless to fly on a broom. Nobody was found guilty of witchcraft at the weigh house in Oudewater.

how to make witches flying ointment?

The country of Swaziland has banned witches from flying above an altitude of 150 meters in 2013

What is the origin of witches flying on brooms?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is flying witches. Here are 37 of the best facts about Witches Flying Ointment Recipe and Witches Flying On Broomsticks I managed to collect.

what is witches flying ointment?

  1. "witch windows", or diagonal windows, exist almost exclusively in Vermont. The name comes from the superstition that witches cannot fly their broomsticks through slanted windows.

  2. A Russian all-female bomber unit flying biplanes against the Germans in WW2. While two pilots distracted the searchlights, a third would cut her engines and glide in to deliver her bombs; 23,000 missions were flown and the enemy dubbed them "Night Witches"

  3. A Soviet all-female aviation regiment nicknamed the "night witches" would fly thousands of feet up, cut their engines and drop almost to the ground to bomb German forces undetected.

  4. The costliest trial in US history was the McMartin Preschool Trial, a case of satanic abuse hysteria. The investigator's bias resulted in children recalling stories of witches flying, travelling in hot-air balloons, being flushed down the toilet, and having been assaulted by Chuck Norris.

  5. Eric Clapton was long-conned by a witch who got him to take herbal baths, smear his own blood, & chant midnight incantations, all with a phone call. She convinced him to fly to the US to have sex with a virgin (herself), began asking for money, then sent pregnant pics of herself to the tabloids.

  6. While playing the Wicked Witch of the West, Margaret Hamilton suffered second-degree burns due to a pyrotechnics accident, so she refused to do any more "fireworks" scenes. Later her stunt double was on a flying broomstick, which exploded between her legs and left her permanently scarred.

  7. There's a Russian superstition that if there's a fly in the room, you shouldn't say anything that's secret because flys are all spys for Baba Yaga (the witch that lives in the woods). Its an old pagan superstition from before the communist revolution.

  8. Witches are depicted as flying on brooms, because in the Middle Ages, people used a broom handle to vaginally inject a liquid concoction of hallucinogenic plants which would cause the "witches" to imagine they were flying.

  9. Flying Monkeys is a phrase in popular psychology used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath. It is based on the Wizard of Oz. The wicked witch sent them to carry out her attacks

witches flying facts
What are the best facts about Witches Flying?

Why did the salem witchcraft trials happen?

You can easily fact check why do the putnams believe there is witchcraft in salem by examining the linked well-known sources.

Butterflies are called so because people in English colonies believed witches turned into flying creatures at night to steal butter.

The image of witches riding broomsticks comes from the medieval practice of witches applying a potent "flying ointment" onto the handles of brooms or whisks and placing it between their legs to absorb the hallucinogenic properties through the mucus membranes of their vaginas. - source

According to the legend, witches were preparing ointment made of belladonna and opium poppy to lubricate brooms and facilitate flying.

Witches are pictured as flying on broomsticks, because the easiest way for women to get high back in the middle ages, was to smear different types of plants and fungi on brooms and then cowgirl the crap out of them

"witch windows" are almost exclusively found in Vermont due to the superstition that witches can't fly their brooms through slanted windows. - source

When witches go flying and black cats are seen?

Historical claims of witches using broom handles to apply hallucinogenic substances to their nether regions. This is possibly the source of modern depictions of witches "flying" on broomsticks.

How to use witches flying ointment?

Why witches have brooms: To achieve their hallucinations using ergot & similar drugs without the side effects of oral consumption, 16th century people started to brew ointments, apply on handles of brooms & insert them anally, thereby absorbing them through mucus membranes & basically fly "high"

Eric Clapton was long-conned by a witch who got him to take herbal baths, smear his own blood, & chant midnight incantations, all with a phone call. She convinced him to fly to the US to for 'certain' types of rituals, & began demanding money, then sent pregnant pics of herself to the tabloids.

A Witch Post is a superstition where the St. Andrews Cross is placed on the fireplace to prevent witches flying down the chimney and into the house

the Befana is a witch-like hag who, in Italian folklore, brings coal or candy and "sweeps away" the problems of last year with her flying broom, on the night of Jan 5th.

Traditional witches would smear their "broomsticks" with drugs and ride them naked to absorb the drugs through the "hairy place". This would simulate flying.

Interesting facts about witches flying

"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" (the book) contains amongst other things, the tin man decapitating minions of the wicked witch of the west with an axe, the flying monkeys being used to enslave a race of people, and the lion killing an elephant size spider.

You can fly on a Fire Extinguisher like a witches broom

Why Witches are commonly depicted to be flying on broomsticks; it's because they get high off of it.

The depiction of witches flying on brooms came from the medieval era where women would use a broomstick to apply hallucinogens to their vagina in order to get high.

Witches used to rub henbane (a hallucinogenic drug) on their broomsticks to fly. This was absorbed through the mucous membranes of the vagina and caused them to hallucinate and think they were flying

Swedish children dress up as witches for Easter, mimicking witches that would fly to a mountain to cavort for Satan

A diagonal window placed parallel to the roof slope on a house is called the Witch Window. The name stems from the superstition that witches can't fly their broomsticks through tilted window.

Witches are associated with broomsticks because early witches were known to make hallucinogenic compounds (which gave the sensation of flying) and then lather a broomstick with it. "Riding the broom" while naked would allow them to take in the chemicals through their genitals.

Witches fly on broomsticks to shove drugs up their hoohas.

The Night Witches, a female only Soviet bomber regiment during World War 2. They would fly high up in their quieter WW1 bombers, cut their engines, and bomb the German front line in the middle of the night. This earned them the nickname "Nachthexen" by the Germans.

Swedish children dress up as witches for Easter mimicking witches that would fly to a mountain to cavort for Satan

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Witches Flying. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Witches Flying so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor