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Winning Bid facts

While investigating facts about Winning Bidder and Winning Bid Slot Machine, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Nicolas Cage purchased a rare dinosaur skull for $276,000 in an auction after winning a bidding contest against Leonardo DiCaprio. After being contacted by authorities, he discovered that the skull was stolen and he returned it to the Mongolian Government.

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During the 1920s a class president candidate at Harvard swallowed a live goldfish in a bid to win more votes. The stunt created a trend of 'goldfish swallowing' which became so popular that eventually Massachusetts state legislature had to create a bill banning it

What is a winning bid?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is winning bid meaning. Here are 13 of the best facts about Winning Bids On Ebay and Winning Bidder Wants To Cancel I managed to collect.

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  1. The founder of eSnipe, a website that places bids for eBay users during the last seconds of an auction, placed the site for sale in December 2000. The auction was won by an eSnipe user - using eSnipe to place the winning bid.

  2. In 2014, Singapore's anti gambling agency, in a bid to leverage the world cup fever, published an advert that showed a worried kid telling his friend that his father had bet all their savings on Germany winning the world cup. Germany won.

  3. A Vickrey auction is a sealed bid auction where the high bidder wins the item but pays the price of the second highest bid.

  4. In 1997 Congress auctioned off wireless licenses but forgot to set a minimum bid. A company bid $1 on each license that was up for auction and was able to win the right to service most of Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Minnesota for $4.

  5. Former emir Hamed Al Thani of Qatar donated 100 million dollars to hurricane Katrina fund is the same man who led Qatar winning the worldcup bid

  6. Nobel Prize winning Chemist & LSD user Kary Mullis has spoken to a glowing green raccoon, who bid him a "Good evening, doctor". The incident reportedly had nothing to do with LSD use.

  7. Scientific Analysis of winning bids on eBay suggests winning bidders are more likely to have placed a single bid late in the auction, rather than use Ebay's regular bidding process.

  8. Allsopp's Arctic Ale brewed in 1852 was first listed on eBay as 'allsop's arctic ale',with one 'p' accidentally left off. With only 2 buyers bidding,the auction started with $299 and winning bid was $304. When it was again listed on eBay with the correct name,the winning bid was $503,300.

  9. EBay auctions are not the straightforward "English auctions" where winner pays the highest bid, but "Vickrey auctions", where you only pay what would be required to win against the second highest bidder.

  10. In the 1960s, Walt Disney almost developed a Ski Resort in the Mineral Kings in California after winning the bid over other developers for having a largest plan

winning bid facts
What are the best facts about Winning Bid?

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In 2002, someone grabbed a piece of chewing gum which was spit out by Luis Gonzales of the Arizona Diamondbacks and they sold it on eBay. The winning bid was for $10,000.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Winning Bid. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Winning Bid so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor