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Willie Johnson facts

While investigating facts about Willie Johnson Obituary and Willie Johnson Football, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Blind Willie Johnson was a blues guitarist who was blinded as a boy, abused by his father, and died penniless from disease after sleeping bundled in wet newspaper in a burnt down house. Carl Sagan preserved his legacy by selecting one of his songs for the Voyager Golden Record in 1977.

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If Johnny Depp's filming schedule didn't allow for him to be in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Dwayne Johnson would have played Willy Wonka.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to willie neal johnson. Here are 15 of the best facts about Willie Johnson Marshall and Willie Johnson Facebook I managed to collect.

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  1. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was Tim Burton's second choice to portray Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) as a backup in case Johnny Depp wasn't available.

  2. Blues singer Blind Willie Johnson was arrested for singing “If I Had My Way I’d Tear The Building Down," a song about Samson, outside of a custom house when a passing police officer thought the gravelly voice Johnson was inciting a riot to destroy the custom house

  3. Johnny Depp was the only actor Tim Burton actually considered for the part of Willy Wonka in the 2005 production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, although Dwayne Johnson was Burton's second choice in case Depp was unavailable.

  4. The youngest person to win the Medal of Honor was actually Willie Johnson, who at the age of 11 years old enlisted as a drummer in The Civil War. During a retreat, most soldiers abandoned all equipment, but Johnson refused to leave his drum, the only one in his regiment to do so.

  5. Sybil Ludington's famous night ride is mentioned in the book Colonel Henry Ludington: A Memoir, written by Willis Fletcher Johnson in 1907.

  6. The song "Dark Was The Night" by Blind Willie Johnson is inside Voyager 1, which is currently flying through interstellar space in hopes of coming across extraterrestrial life. The song was meant to symbolize us as humans are very curious about exploring the unexplored universe around us.

  7. Blind Willie Johnson's song called "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground" was chosen as the human expression of loneliness and was launched into space in 1977 to represent the diversity of life on Earth

  8. The last two tracks on the Voyager Golden Record are by Blind Willie Johnson and Beethoven, a blind musician and a deaf one side by side

willie johnson facts
Blind willie johnson what is the soul of a man?

What is true about willie johnson?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Prior to Tim Burton's involvement in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Warner Bros. considered or discussed Willy Wonka with Bill Murray, Robin Williams, Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Will Smith, and many others. Later, Dwayne Johnson was Burton's second choice.

"Blind" Willy Johnson's song "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground" was on a record sent into space on Voyager 1 as the human expression of loneliness. - source

Voyager 1 contained a disk of 'The sounds of Earth' along with other information on humanity incase alien's found the probe. On the disk Blind Willie Johnson's song 'Dark was the night, cold was the ground' was chosen to represent the feeling of loneliness nonverbally to alien life. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Willie Johnson. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Willie Johnson so important!

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