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William Bill facts

While investigating facts about William Billy Evans and William Billy Flynn, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1989, Bill Gates answered a Microsoft tech support call, and identified himself only as "William", then solved the issue. The customer called back later specifically requesting him.

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Robin Williams and Christopher Reeve were good friends who attended Julliard together and that Robin paid many of Christopher's medical bills after the equestrian accident.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 38 of the best facts about William Bill Overbeck and William Bill Crawford I managed to collect.

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  1. Senator William Spong of Virginia, to prevent his name from being mispronounced as "Sponge", made his first act as senator introducing a bill called the Long Fong Spong Hong Kong Song Bill, which would protect the songwriters in Hong Kong. This was, of course, cosponsored by Sen. Long and Fong.

  2. When Robin Wright showed up at Rob Reiner's house to meet William Goldman, the door opened and "[Wright] was standing there in this little white summer dress, with her long blonde hair, and she had a halo from the sun. She was backlit by God. And Bill Goldman… said, 'Well, that's what I wrote.'"

  3. That, to make sure people pronounced his name correctly, Senator William Spong proposed a bill to protect the rights of songwriters in Hong Kong. He would be joined in this effort by Senator Long, and Senator Fong, and together they would present the Long Fong Spong Hong Kong Song Bill.

  4. Hadassah Peri, a private nurse in NYC, was given over $30 million by her heiress client, Huguette Clark. The gifts were in the form of houses, cars, paid medical bills and private school tuitions. Huguette Clark was the reclusive daughter of the 19 century copper baron, William Clark.

  5. In 1864, US Congress issued a 5 cent bill to have a portrait of "Clark" on it. Without saying which Clark, Currency Bureau head Spencer M Clark put his own face on the bill instead of intended US explorer William Clark. Furious, Congress passed a new law forbidding living people on US currency

  6. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Arkansas. His full name is William Jefferson Clinton and he was born in 1946. He was the 42nd U.S. President, and he served two terms.

  7. William "Bill" Pickett invented the rodeo technique bulldogging. He would bite the lip of the steer then wrestle it to the ground. He started cowboying after fifth grade and was the first black cowboy movie star. He died in 1932 after a kick to the head by a horse.

  8. Cody, Wyoming was named after the famous William "Buffalo Bill" Cody.

  9. William Shakespeare's wife, Anne Hathaway, was 27 years old when she married 18 year old Bill in 1582.

  10. Robin Williams suggested to MicroProse cofounder Bill Stealey that "you should put Sid's (Meier) name on a couple of these boxes, and promote him as the star.'

william bill facts
What are the best facts about William Bill?

Why is bill a nickname for william?

You can easily fact check why is william shortened to bill by examining the linked well-known sources.

The major tributaries of the Colorado River include the Fraser River, Blue River, Eagle River, Roaring Fork River, Gunnison River, Dolores River, San Juan River, Little Colorado River, Bill Williams River, Gila River, Green River, Dirty Devil River, Escalante River, Kanab River, and Virgin River.

In 1999 Christopher Hitchens" book criticizing U.S. President Bill Clinton was published. It was titled No One Left to Lie To: The Traingulations of William Jefferson Clinton.

Other Chicago Bears Hall of Fame members include George Blanda, Dick Butkus, Guy Chamberlin, George Connor, Jimmy Conzelman, Richard Dent, Mike Ditka, John Driscoll, Jim Finks, Dan Fortman, Bill George, Harold Grange, George Halas, Dan Hampton, Ed Healey, Bill Hewitt, Stan Jones, Walt Kiesling, Bobby Layne, Sid Luckman, William R, Lyman, George McAfee, George Musso, Bronko Nagurski, Alan Page, Walter Page, Gale Sayers, Mike Singletary, Joe Stydahar, George Trafton, and Bulldog Turner.

Bill Gates' nickname is Trey, in reference to the III in his full name William Gates III.

Sam Welles was taken to the first dilophosaurus specimens ever found, in the Kayenta Formation, in 1942, located in Arizona. A Navajo named Jessie Williams had discovered the specimen in 1940 and took Sam Welles, Ed Kott, and Bill Rush to the location two years later.

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The man who billed for Virginia to join the Confederate States in 1861, William Ballard Preston, had 30 years earlier created legislation to end the slave trade in Virginia; The attempt was unsuccessful due to the Nat Turner slave revolt, and brutal slave codes were enacted instead

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William Nigh died the same exact day Bill Nye was born.

The polygraph machine was originally billed as a "Love Meter" by its inventor, William Marston. He is also the creator of Wonder Woman, who carries her own lie detector in the form of a lasso.

Bill Stealey, co-founder of Micropose, credits Robin Williams with the recommendation of putting Sid Meier's name on the box of the Pirates and Civilization games.

The Biotic Baking Brigade, a group of activists known for throwing pies at people such as Bill Gates, Milton Friedman, Carl Gustaf, Jean Chrétien, William F. Buckley.

A notice of a meeting of the Friends of Bill W. on your cruise ship daily schedule indicates an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. William Wilson founded AA as a society of members dedicated to helping each other achieve and maintain sobriety.

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Louis William "Bill" Conradt, Jr., an assistant district attorney from Texas, after being busted by Dateline NBC's To Catch a Predator, shot himself upon encountering SWAT team members that were serving an arrest warrant at his home.

Prior to Tim Burton's involvement in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Warner Bros. considered or discussed Willy Wonka with Bill Murray, Robin Williams, Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Will Smith, and many others. Later, Dwayne Johnson was Burton's second choice.

Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and Bill Gates had all, at least once during their lives, been the richest man in the world. They shared one thing in common - a father named William.

After a WWI Imperial German Raider sank the American ship, William P. Frye, the German government was billed $228,059.54?

The official music video for Don't Worry Be Happy features Bill Irwin (famous comedic actor, Mr Noodle in Elmo's World, TARS in Interstellar) and Robin Williams

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Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are also referred to as ‘Friends of Bill W’ meetings, after the co-founder William Wilson.

7-11's in Oklahoma are the only independently owned stores that carry the 7-Eleven brand, thanks to a special arrangement made in 1953 between owner William "Bill" Brown and 7-Eleven Inc.

The US Treasure has created large denomination notes in the past, the largest of which is $100,000. The bills feature William McKinley ($500), Grover Cleveland ($1,000), James Madison ($5,000 also on the $1), Salmon P. Chase ($10,000), and Woodrow Wilson ($100,000).

Bert Williams, a black man and the most popular vaudeville minstrel star of his time, went to the Hotel Astor in New York, and when the bartender, trying to get rid of him, told him drinks were $50 because of his race, Williams pulled a wad of $100 bills and bought a round for the bar

William "Bill" Redington Hewlett of Hewlett-Packard (HP) served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War II. Dave Packard ran the company when Bill was away.

The "ROTH" in ROTH IRA is not an acronym, but is named after Senator William Roth. He was the chief sponsor of the bill which created the Roth IRA.

William "Wild Bill" Donovan is the only man to ever win the United States four highest honors and was the impetus and architect of the Central Intelligence Agency.

William "Bill" Pickett invented the rodeo technique bulldogging. He would twist the steer toward him and bite its upper lip, wrestling it to the ground. He started cowboying after fifth grade and was the first black cowboy movie star. He died in 1932 after a kick to the head by a horse.

Bill Clinton's birth name was William Jefferson Blythe III.

The nickname "Trey" is often used to mean "the third". Notable example include Randolph Severn "Trey" Parker III and William Henry "Bill" Gates III (family calls him Trey).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about William Bill. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is William Bill so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor