White Collar facts
While investigating facts about White Collar Cast and White Collar Crime, I found out little known, but curios details like:
JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jaime Dimon, paid a $9 billion fine to prevent a whistle-blower from testifying in one of the biggest white-collar crimes in American History.
how white collar work?
There is a condition called Neurasthinia, aka Americanitis, involving fatigue, flatulence, anxiety, and mild depression, caused by white-collar jobs and a competitive business environment.
What's white collar crime?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's white collar and blue collar. Here are 28 of the best facts about White Collar Boxing and White Collar Jobs I managed to collect.
what white collar means?
In China, An Estimated 1,600 White-Collar Workers Are Dying From Overwork A Day
10% of China's cooking oil comes from the gutter by recycling sewage. This oil is illegal and dangerous but extremely lucrative for the sellers who can make as much as a well-paid white-collar worker.
Comedian Ron White of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour was an Executive Producer of the 2013 documentary film 'Bridegroom', which centered around a man who was unable to attend the funeral of his same-sex fiance following his tragic accidental death.
Males and females do not look alike. This phenomenon is known as sexual dimorphism. Males are brightly colored and covered with golden, brown, green, purple and white feathers. Head is red and equipped with small crest. Neck is green and have white collar. Females are covered with brown plumage. Young males are brown in color until the age of 10 weeks when they become brightly colored.
Males have orange-brown head, grey-brown back, black breast and white belly during the breeding season. They also have thick collars (ruffs) on the neck and tufts of long, bright feathers on the head that can be spread out. Outside the breeding season, males and females are grey-brown colored and have light-colored plumage on the belly. White, U-shaped marking on the bottom side of the tail is clearly visible during the flight.
Blue tit has greenish-blue dorsal side of the body, blue tail and wings and white head with blue cap. It has black stripe over the eyes and dark blue chin and collar. Bottom parts of the body are yellow colored. Females are slightly duller in color than males.
Males and females are easily distinguished by the color of the plumage. Males have green heads, white collars and brown chests. The rest of the body is grayish. Almost entire body of females is covered with brown feathers except bluish-purple wings.
Boreout" is a term used for people with office-based white collar jobs who have boredom, lack of challenge, and lack of interest.
Javelina has dark grey coat made of short, coarse hairs and "collar" made of white hairs around neck.
A man lived a normal life, had a family, and held a white collar job, despite only having a "thin layer" of brain tissue.
White Collar data charts
For your convenience take a look at White Collar figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why white collar was cancelled?
You can easily fact check why white collar end by examining the linked well-known sources.
Oceanic Airlines is not just a fictional airline in Lost but also Chuck, Buffy, Castle, Alias, Daredevil, White Collar, X-Files, and more.
"millionaires are disproportionately clustered in middle-class and blue collar neighborhoods and not in more affluent or white-collar communities" - source
About Sholam Weiss, a white-collar insurance fraud criminal given the longest white-collar sentence of 845 years in prison, which was later changed to 835 years - source
That, like white and blue collared workers, there are many "collar color" terms for other labors, including green collar (Environmental worker), pink collar (Service and customer interaction), and scarlet collar (Prostitution).
Killdeer has brown back, white belly and orange-colored rump. It has white collar, two black bands on the upper part of the breasts and white stripes on the wing. Males, females and young birds look alike.
When returning lasso white collar workers?
Lanny A. Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, said he was literally kept up at night thinking about the devastating consequences of a indicting a bank and prosecuting white collar crime.
How many seasons of white collar?
Workers are not just blue and white collar. They can also be classified as grey, black, gold, red, pink, green, orange, or no collar.
There are hundreds of bird species found in Khao Sok National Park including the rufous-collared kingfisher, blue-banded kingfisher, white-crowned hornbill, helmeted hornbill, great hornbill, osprey, banded pittas, and brahminy kite.
A 44-year-old white-collar worker from Marseille was found to have abnormally large ventricles which took up a huge chunk of his brain
In 1976, the Chicago White Sox uniforms were short pants and big disco collars on the shirts.
Utah has such a massive problem with con artists in Mormon social circles that it is the first state to maintain a public White Collar Crime Registry.