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Whale Head facts

While investigating facts about Whale Headed Stork and Whalehead Club, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Dolphins will play with whales by lying on the whale's head while the whale slowly raises it above the water's surface

how to draw a bowhead whale?

Bowhead whales may be the world's longest lived mammal. In 2007, a 15m (49ft) specimen was discovered with the head of a harpoon embedded in its neck. The 3.5-inch (89 mm) projectile was manufactured in New Bedford, Massachusetts around 1890, suggesting the animal survived a hunt a century ago.

What does the whale's head represent to ahab?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what kind of whale has a horn on its head. Here are 42 of the best facts about Whale Head Oil and Whalehead Bird I managed to collect.

what is in a sperm whale's head?

  1. Whales sometimes let dolphins ride on their head for fun

  2. Lolita, the killer whale, has been kept in Miami Seaquarium since 1970. The orca is 20 ft long, and her tank measures 60 by 80 ft by 20 ft deep. Her only company for 10 years was Hugo, who died after a brain aneurysm caused by repeatedly banging his head on the tank windows.

  3. Sperm whales only have one blow hole which evolved from the left nostril. The right nostril is located inside the front of the whale's head and has evolved into a pair of lips used for echolocation.

  4. A Whales ears "float" inside its head and allow it to figure out where sounds are coming from underwater.

  5. The sperm whale was named after a semi-liquid, waxy substance found in the whale's head that researchers mistakingly thought was semen

  6. About Hvaldimir, a beluga whale who was dubbed a “Russian spy” after being found in Norway with a Russian camera harnessed to his head. Incredibly social and playful, he is adored by locals and fishermen.

  7. Whale shark has 4.9 feet wide mouth with 4000 teeth arranged in 350 rows. Although this sounds scary, teeth are very small (size of a match head) and look like a rasp.

  8. A sperm whale’s head contains the finest quality oil, called spermaceti. Some 2,000 litres of it lay in a huge sac called the spermaceti organ. Spermaceti oil would not go rancid in storage and remained sweetly scented. It was used for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and lubricant for clocks/watches.

  9. Bowhead whale has two blowholes on the top of the head. V-shaped blow of condensed air can reach 20 feet in height.

  10. Blue whale breathes using the lungs. It has huge nostril on the top of its head (baby can crawl through it) through which it exhales. Exhaled air, which looks like a fountain, can reach the height of 30 feet (like a three-story building).

whale head facts
What is the hole on a whale's head called?

Why is there oil in a whale's head?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Bowhead whale has stocky body with extremely large head. Jaw is arched and it looks like a bow (hence the name "bowhead"). Bowhead whale does not have dorsal fin.

East of the island of Timor there have been many rare dolphins discovered to be living. There have also been short-finned pilot whales, melon-headed whales, blue whales, and beaked whales found in these waters.

As a game, whales let dolphins ride on their head. - source

Bryde's whale has broad head, large eyes and three ridges in front of the blowholes. It has sleek body with small, thin flippers. Condensed water expelled from the twin blowholes can reach 13 feet in height.

Pilot whale has large, rounded head, short beak, stocky body (that narrows toward the tail) and sickle-shaped flippers. Mouth are equipped with 40 to 48 teeth designed for catching of prey.

What happens when you free a captive whale/dolphin?

There are multiple types of orcas (killer whales) including a type that has only been examined once and spotted less than 10 times in the wild. It has tiny eyepatches, an elongated head, and bizarrely shaped fins.

How big is a blue whale's head?

Vertebrae in the beluga's neck are not fused, which allow animal to rotate its head freely and move it in all directions.

Belugas are easily recognized by the white color of their skin and bulbous forehead (called "melon"). They can change the shape of the forehead by blowing the air through the sinuses in the head.

Right whale has large head covered with rough, bumpy patches of skin, called callosities. Each whale has unique arrangement of callosities, which facilitates identification of individual whales.

Fin whales have V-shaped head and streamlined body. Hook-shaped fin can be seen on a dorsal side of the body. Fin whales have multiple ridges on the throat which facilitate ingestion of large quantities of water with food.

The coastline of the Great Australian Bight is ideal for whale watchers. Southern right whales migrate to the region in the winter season to cave and to breed. This is most common at the Head of Bight.

Interesting facts about whale head

The sperm whale got its name from the liquid found in it's head which was first thought to be semen

Sperm whales were named because of the organ located in their heads known as spermaceti. This organ produces large quantity of waxy substance (oil) that regulates whale's buoyancy.

A killer whale kept in captivity at Miami Seaquarium committed suicide by repeatedly smashing his head into the wall.

The sperm whale’s huge head, which is up to a third of its overall body length, houses the heaviest brain in the animal kingdom - up to 9kg. The head also consists of a cavity large enough to park a car inside that contains a yellowish wax called spermaceti that was much sought after by whalers.

Sperm whales have bluish-gray, or light brown wrinkled skin. Their large, squared head makes one third of the total body size.

How to draw a whale head?

The Bowhead whale is not only the world's longest living mammal with estimates of around 200 years old , but also have the largest MOUTH in the world. Their mouth and head is 1/3 of their body size.

Unlike other whales, sperm whale has a single blowhole that is located on the left side of the head. Condensed air is blown forward and under the angle, which helps in identification of the sperm whale from a distance.

Sperm whales are named after a oily wax producing organ called the spermaceti organ found in their head.

The majority of a whale's head is the Melon, a specialized organ that amplifies echolocation.

Minke whales have two blowholes on the head. V-shaped exhaled condensed air can reach 6.5 feet in height.

Possibly) that a city in OR attempted to deal with a whale carcass by using dynamite and the results rained down on the heads and cars of onlookers.

Sperm Whales were named because the white liquid found in the whales head was mistaken to be its semen.

Sperm whales were named that because whalers thought their heads were full of semen.

When spyhopping, the whale rises and holds a vertical position partially out of the water, often exposing its head. It is akin to a human treading water. Spyhopping is controlled and slow, and can last for minutes at a time if the whale is sufficiently inquisitive about whatever it is viewing.

Even though whales do not have external earlobes, they still make earwax. An adult whale can have two foot-long column of wax in their head, and scientists can harvest them to learn more about what chemicals the whales were exposed to throughout their life.

The top ½ of (only) the Sperm Whale's head is an enormous balloon of dozens of bathtubs of gunk that looks like sperm. It smells great, feels awesome, was the finest lamp oil and the chief objective of whalers. [See Chap 77] But even today it's not settled what the evolutionary advantage is.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Whale Head. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Whale Head so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor