Weights Measures facts
While investigating facts about Weights & Measures and Weights & Measures Houston, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There are special bins in Mexico City in which people can deposit their dog's poop for free WI-FI, the container measured the weight of the poop then emitted a set number of minutes of free Wi-Fi for every pound of feces it collected.
how does the weights and measures act protect consumers?
More and more researchers are arguing that BMI is not a good measure of healthy body weight.
What is the weights and measures act 1985?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the weights and measures act. Here are 50 of the best facts about Weights Measures Conversion and Weights & Measures Act I managed to collect.
what is weights and measures?
The abbreviation “lb” for pound comes from the ancient Roman unit of measure “libra pondo”, meaning “a pound by weight”, which is also why we ended up calling it a “pound”.
People in Japan aged between 40-74 by law have their waist lines measured, if they are found to be over weight their companies and local government can be fined.
Pounds are abbreviated to "lbs" because it is derived from the ancient Roman unit of measure "libra pondo", meaning "a pound by weight". "Pounds" came from the "pondo" part while "lbs" is an abbreviation of the "libra" part.
A study of directly measured height and weight data, as opposed to self-reported data, revealed that Midwesterners are fatter than Southerners
The pound is a measure of weight, as opposed to the kilogram which is a measure of mass. In the United states, the actual measure for mass is the "slug", which is almost never used.
There are only 3 countries in the whole world who haven't adopted the Metric System for weights and measurements - Burma, Liberia and US
Karat and carat measure two different things: a karat measures the purity of metals on a 1-24 scale, whereas a carat measures the weight of precious stones and pearls, one carat being 200 mg
Those at risk for type 2 diabetes should take preventative measures such as losing weight, and adding exercise to their daily regimen.
As of 2011, the governing body over weights and measures agreed to investigate alternatives to the mole.
The abbreviation for pound (lb) comes from an ancient Roman unit of measurement called "libra pondo" (a pound by weight). "Libra" meant balance or scales, and is also why the symbol for the British pound (£) is a stylized L with a line through it.
Weights Measures data charts
For your convenience take a look at Weights Measures figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it important to use standard weights and measures in trade?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
He demonstrated the practical efficiency of this kind of numbering by applying it to a wide variety of mathematics-based areas of commerce, such as bookkeeping, weights and measures, interest and money-changing, and other applications.
Most species of dumbo octopi are small in size, usually with 8 inches in length. Largest ever recorded specimen measured 6 feet in length and weight of 13 pounds.
Some of these important positions included work in statistics, weights and measures, and meteorology, although his work in setting educational standards for public schools may have been the most vital to the country as a whole.
In 1880s Alaska there were wolves larger than the Dire Wolf. The Kenai Peninsula Wolf measured 4.5ft tall(shoulder),7ft long(excluding the tail), with an estimated max weight of 200-250 pounds.
Seeds of rosary pea are uniform in size and they were frequently used as standards in weight measurement in the past (especially for measuring the weight of gold).
When were weights and measures invented?
JK Rowling only joined the British Weights and Measures Association to piss off her sister
How does the weights and measures act impact a business?
The metric system is the the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce since 1975, but the conversion was "completely voluntary"
The automated snow gauge is most often used by weather stations. They work very similar to the way a rain gauge works. An automated snow gauge has a large catchment area that collects snow until a particular weight is achieved. Once the weight has been reached it tips over and dumps the snow into a snow catch. Some are heated to provide a more accurate measurement of snow weight.
Word "carat" originates from Greek word "keration" which means 'small horn". It refers to the carob seed that were used as a unit of weight for measuring of purity of gold and gems in the past.
Before krypton, the International Conference on Weights and Measures once calibrated a one meter length based on the spectral line of cadmium.
Weights measures infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Weights Measures numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.