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Weighing Pounds facts

While investigating facts about Omar Is Born Weighing 8 Pounds and Category For Boxers Weighing 115-118 Pounds, I found out little known, but curios details like:

George Washington had a massive chain strung across the Hudson River in order to keep to British from sailing upriver. Each link weighed 100+ pounds.

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A dutch man named Jan de Doot, in 1651, removed his own bladder stone with a kitchen knife. He pulled it out through an incision he made in his perineum. It was the size of an egg and weighed a quarter of a pound. He lived for years after, and had the stone plated in gold.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the mass in kilograms of a person weighing 170 pounds. Here are 50 of the best facts about Weighing 200 Pounds and Weighing Scales In Stones And Pounds I managed to collect.

what is the mass in kilograms of a human weighing 130-pounds on the moon?

  1. An average cloud weighs 216 thousand pounds. An average storm cloud weighs 105.8 million pounds.

  2. The biggest squid ever caught weighed an estimated 990 pounds and about 39 feet long. If calamari rings were made from the squid they would be the size of tractor tires

  3. President James Madison was only 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed less than 100 pounds.

  4. The average cloud weighs about 1.1 million pounds.

  5. Despite having a wingspan of up to 7.5 feet and a height of up to 3.5 feet, a typical male bald eagle weighs only 9 pounds.

  6. President Andrew Jackson once had a block of cheddar cheese delivered to the white house that was four feet in diameter and two feet thick, weighed nearly 1400 pounds. He invited 10,000 visitors to the White House to eat it and it was gone within two hours.

  7. In 1980, the first 1 GB hard drive cost $40,000 and weighed over 500 pounds.

  8. The tar in the La Brea Tar Pits is actually asphalt and it's so sticky that a pool as shallow as 3 inches could trap an animal that weighs 10,000 pounds!

  9. Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel had an obsessive fear of being poisoned, and would only eat food that his wife prepared for him. When she had to be hospitalized for six months in 1977, he refused to eat at all and died weighing 65 pounds.

  10. Ford once created a vehicle made out of plant materials. "Ford's 1941 biological car — made of soybean, wheat, hemp, flax and ramie fibers in a soy-based phenolic resin — weighed 1,000 pounds less than a steel car"

weighing pounds facts
What is the probability of a newborn weighing at least 384 pounds?

Weighing Pounds data charts

For your convenience take a look at Weighing Pounds figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

weighing pounds fact data chart about NFL players who have weighed less than 157 pounds
NFL players who have weighed less than 157 pounds

What is true about weighing pounds?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Hindenburg had a grand piano on it; but because they can weigh up to 1000 pounds, the ship had a specially-made aluminum piano which only weighed 350 pounds.

Original Microwave Ovens were 6 ft tall, weighed 750 pounds and had to be water cooled to keep them from overheating. - source

Lead singer of Alice in Chains Layne Staley was found laying dead next to several spray paint cans with a fully loaded syringe in his right hand and one still attached to his leg. His height was 6 feet but he only weighed 86 pounds upon finding him. - source

Lizzie Velasquez has a condition that is so rare that only two other people are known to have it. She weighs 64 pounds and must eat every 15 minutes to stay alive. She is unable to gain weight.

Angus MacAskill a 7 foot 9 inch Scottish giant well known for feats of strength such as lifting a ship's anchor weighing 2,800 pounds (1,300 kg) to chest height and the ability to carry barrels weighing over 350 pounds (160 kg) apiece under each arm. - source

When does the baby start weighing pounds?

The Austrian mathematician Kurt Godel had an obsessive fear of being poisoned, and would only eat food prepared by his wife. When she had to be hospitalized in 1977, he refused to eat at all and died weighing 65 pounds

How old is a child weight 30 pounds?

A Scottish man fasted for 382 days, living on vitamin supplements and non-caloric beverages. He was morbidly obese, weighing 456 pounds, and lost 276 pounds. The fast was monitored by doctors, who detected no ill-effects. He never regained the weight. It was the longest recorded fast in history.

In the 1960's a flight attendant for Pan Am had to be at least 5-foot-2, weigh less than 130 pounds, be single and childless.

A strand of spider silk long enough to encircle the whole Earth would weigh only just over a pound

Bones found at Seymour Island indicate that, 37 to 40 million years ago, penguins stood at a formidable 6 feet tall and weighed 250 pounds.

When the body of Layne Staley - the lead singer of Alice In Chains - was discovered, it weighed 86 pounds. He was 6 ft. tall and suffered from depression, and addiction to speed and cocaine.

Interesting facts about weighing pounds

The Kiwi bird lays an egg that can weigh up to a quarter of its body mass. Proportionally, that's like a chicken laying a one-pound egg or a human giving birth to a four year old.

During WW1, artist Norman Rockwell tried to enlist into the U.S. Navy but was refused entry because at 140 lbs, he was eight pounds underweight for someone 6 feet tall. To compensate, he spent one night gorging himself on bananas, liquids and doughnuts, and weighed enough to enlist the next day.

The world's heaviest ball of twine weighs 21K pounds and was created by a man named JFK over the last 37 years. He says that in 1979 God told him to quit drinking and turn to twine.

The world's largest camera, built in 1899 and called The Mammoth, weighed 1,400 pounds and took 15 men to operate. It's pictures were so sharp, people first thought they were fake.

The youngest soldier in Korean War was Master Sgt. Gilbert Zamora, who able to enlist at 13 because he was already 6'2'' and weighed 195 pounds.

Clouds typically weigh about a million pounds.

The Bagger 293, the biggest vehicle in the world. It is an excavator that is 315 feet tall, 740 feet long, and weighs over 31 million pounds.

The most powerful sidearm ever issued by the US military was the Colt Walker of 1847. It weighed 4.5 pounds, had a 9" barrel, and fired a .44 caliber projectile with the muzzle energy of a .357 magnum. It had an effective range of 100 yards, but was prone to blowing up in the shooter's hands.

Beelzebufo, or "Devil Frog," a prehistoric frog that weighed 10+ pounds and could have eaten baby dinosaurs.

The average cloud weighs about 1.1 Million pounds

The world's biggest living organism is an aspen south of the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, made up of 47,000 tree trunks, covering 106 acres and weighing more than 13 million pounds.

The owner of the world's largest flag, Thomas Demski, had to take down the "Superflag" after neighbors complained that it flapped too loudly. The flag is 505 x 225 feet in size and weighs 3,000 pounds.

A sheep named Shrek, who hated getting his wool sheared. He escaped his enclosure and was on his own for 6 years. After being found and sheared his wool weighed 60 pounds, enough material to make 20 suits for men. All of his fleece was auctioned off to support medical charities for children.

James Madison was our smallest president. He was 5' 4" (163 cm) and never weighed more that 100 pounds

James Madison was the shortest U.S. President in history at 5 feet 4 inches tall and he weighed only 100 pounds.

The defunct Pan Am Airlines used to weigh their stewardesses before each flight, to ensure they didn't weigh over 140 pounds. On top of that, they had to be between 5'2 and 5'9, agree to retire by 32, not be married, no older than 27 to apply, not have children, and not be pregnant.

The guitarist from "Mad Max: Fury Road" was able to shoot out flames from his guitar (which weighed around 132 pounds) with the use of his whammy bar

A typical cloud weighs around 1.1 million pounds

In 2015, someone sent 2000 bottlecaps to Bethesda Game Studios and recieved a free copy of Fallout 4. The 2000 caps took him 7 years to save up and weighed 11 pounds.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Weighing Pounds. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Weighing Pounds so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor