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Weather Channel facts

While investigating facts about Weather Channel Hurricane and Weather Channel App, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Weather Channel released a compilation of the music used during their 'Local on the 8s' segment. It peaked #1 on the Billboard Top 100 chart for Contemporary Jazz.

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Winter Storms Are Not Named by the National Weather Service (There's No Official Naming System)- Instead The Weather Channel Does, After Their Marketing Department Saw An Opportunity in Late 2011

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to the weather channel app. Here are 22 of the best facts about Weather Channel Chicago and Weather Channel Nyc I managed to collect.

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  1. Winter Storms in the United States are named solely by the Weather Channel and not recognized by other agencies including the National Weather Service.

  2. Jim Cantore, a reporter for The Weather Channel, was attacked on-air by a college student. Jim saw the attack coming, and kneed the student in the groin.

  3. The Weather Channel released two smooth jazz albums in the mid 2000's.

  4. One member of Congress told a NOAA administrator 'Dr, I don't need your weather satellites, I have the Weather Channel,'"

  5. The Weather Channel started naming winter storms as a way of advertising.

  6. The only organization that names winter storms is the Weather Channel, having started in 2011 in what's been broadly criticized as a ratings ploy. NOAA and NWS disagree with the practice and have policies to not use the names.

  7. People that enjoy studying weather have many possible career opportunities, including becoming the Weather Man or Weather Girl on news channels.

  8. The Weather Channel's schedule only includes five programs about current weather conditions versus 17 long-form shows that are categorized as documentaries, reality shows, specials or other programs loosely related to weather.

  9. A balloonist named Jean-Pierre Blanchard launched from Paris in 1785 with American John Jeffries to cross the English Channel in an attempt to measure the upper atmosphere for the first time but a near crash caused Jeffries to throw his equipment overboard. The mission was scrapped.

weather channel facts
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You can easily fact check why is weather channel app not working on ipad by examining the linked well-known sources.

In late 2009, The Weather Network announced “The Weather Channel Presents…” to broadcast full "weather-related" feature films, including The Perfect Storm, March of the Penguins, Misery, and Deep Blue Sea.

The Weather Channel ( and Weather Underground ( are owned by the same company: The Weather Channel Companies - source

The Weather Channel believes that Korean fan death is real - source

The Weather Company is owned by IBM, it licenses out The Weather Channel name and branding to NBCUniversal.

The Weather Channel had such high demand from viewers for their music they play during segments, they actually released albums featuring the music or “Muzak” as this style of music is commonly called - source

When was the weather channel started?

The comedian Byron Allen is a media mogul. He produced the movies 47 Meters Down and the western Hostiles. He just bought the weather channel too.

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In June 2007 a Czech artist collective hacked into the weather camera of TV channel CT2 and replaced it with a video loop they overlaid with a mushroom cloud explosion. The TV channel received frantic phone calls from viewers who thought a nuclear war had started.

The Science Behind Naming Winter Storms at The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel actually has albums of their muzak they play during segments after heavy demand from viewers

The U.S. have an entire TV channel dedicated solely to weather reports.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Weather Channel. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Weather Channel so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor