Incredible and fun facts to explore

Wear Mask facts

While investigating facts about Wear Mask, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In the 1980's, people living in the borders of forests in India and Bangladesh were issued plastic face masks to wear on the back of their heads. Tiger attacks virtually stopped because the tigers thought people were looking at them when their backs were turned.

The Man in the Iron Mask. An unidentified prisoner held for 34 years, until his death in 1703, who was forced to wear a mask to ensure no one knew his true identity. His cell had multiple doors so no one could listen; if he spoke of anything other than his immediate needs he would be killed.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Wear Mask I managed to collect.

  1. Under secrecy, that the first jet powered aircraft flown in the US was piloted by Jack Woolams. Already confused by seeing a plane flying with no propeller, other pilots who spotted Woolams would then see him in the cockpit wearing a gorilla mask, a bowler hat, and smoking a cigar.

  2. A theme park in Lithuania recreates life as a USSR citizen. Visitors have their belongings confiscated, wear gas masks, experience interrogation, and must learn the Soviet anthem. Their reward is a shot of vodka.

  3. The Bald Knobbers, a vigilante group from Missouri who killed and arrested members of the KKK and the Confederacy while wearing hooded horned masks at night

  4. Three masked instigators at a peaceful protest in Quebec were found out to be undercover police. Protestors figured it out when they noticed the boots they were wearing were the same as police.

  5. When attending Comic Con 2013, Bryan Cranston disguised himself by wearing a mask of Walter White over his own face. People told him he sounded like Bryan Cranston, but didn’t realise it was him. The charade only ended when he removed the mask at the Breaking Bad panel.

  6. The first goalie mask worn in a NHL game wasn't until a goalie took a puck to the face, got stitched up, and refused to return to the game unless he could wear a mask.

  7. A group of crows got so mad at a mask wearing researcher for giving them identification bands that they recruited more crows to harass anyone wearing the same mask years after the fact.

  8. The Lead Mask Case: the unsolved death of two men found on a hilltop wearing lead eye masks with no apparent injuries. A nearby notebook was found to contain the message '16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal mask'

  9. The British WW2 Civilian Respirator gas mask had filters containing blue asbestos and arsenic. Because of this, it is recommended to wear a gas mask when handling the gas mask.

wear mask facts
What are the best facts about Wear Mask?

What is true about wear mask?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A mysterious unsolved murder where two dead men were found wearing lead masks and suits next to a notebook that said "Be at the place arranged at 16.30. Take capsules at 18.30. After feeling the effects, protect half the face with lead masks. Await the agreed signal."

About the "Batman Effect", which shows that wearing a Batman-mask improves perseverance among 4-6 years olds - source

The surgery masks that the Chinese began wearing to protect themselves from the polluted air has now become a fashionable accessory. Designer face masks with different details and mascots have become a big hit in the country. - source

Comedian Ron White regularly smoked so much weed on his private jet that the pilots had to wear oxygen masks

The Lead Mask Case: the unsolved death of two men found on a hilltop wearing lead eye masks with no apparent injuries. A nearby notebook was found to contain the message '16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal' - source

Many Asians wear surgical masks not only to stop viruses from spreading, but also because women want to avoid having to put on make-up before hitting the streets. Pop stars, actresses and models also wear them to avoid getting recognized in public and getting caught by paparazzi.

The most common reason Japanese people wear face masks is to protect us from THEIR germs. Not from other people's.

When Niels Bohr escaped from Denmark, he was smuggled out in the bomb bay of a Mosquito bomber. Because he didn't wear his helmet, he didn't hear the pilot instructing him to put on his mask, causing him to pass out from oxygen starvation for most of the flight.

Ninjas didn't actually wear black masks. The black mask associated with ninjas is actually an amalgamation of how a thief dressed in Japan. Ninjas also didn't use shuriken Throwing stars), they were used by Samurai swordsmen.

According to an autopsy report an Alabama minister who died of “accidental mechanical asphyxia” in his home, was found hogtied, wearing two complete wet suits, including a face mask, diving gloves and slippers, rubberized underwear, a head mask, and had a dildo in his anus covered with a condom

Dr. John Fryer of Philadelphia appeared at the 1972 APA convention wearing a rubber mask to deliver a speech about the hardships of being a psychiatrist and gay. His speech was vital to getting homosexuality off the list of mental disorders.

Interesting facts about wear mask

The first goalie mask worn in a NHL game wasn't until a goalie took a puck to the face, got stitched up, and refused to return to the game unless he could wear a mask.

In 1987 someone wearing a Max Headroom mask interrupted 2 TV broadcasts in Chicago. The FBI investigation was never solved.

Smog in LA got so bad in 1955 that workers who had to ride motorcycles went on strike until they were given gas masks to wear while riding.

The first television Hacks occurred In 1987 on a Chicago Television station by someone wearing a Max Headroom mask, who broadcast them self during the News and Doctor Who.

Actor Kevin Spacey has become an unofficial mascot for the Florida Panthers NHL team and has been spotted at games wearing a mask of himself

In 1907, a man named Harry Bensley was wagered to walk around the world wearing a iron mask and pushing a baby carriage with no financial aid. He managed this for 7 years until World War One.

It is required by law to wear a Mardi Gras mask in New Orleans while participating in a parade.

When the SARS outbreak occurred people began to wear masks to help reduce the risk of infection due to coughing or sneezing.

If you are on a Mardi Gras float in NOLA you are legally bound to wear a mask!

Some American pilots had to wear oxygen masks during the firebombing of Tokyo due to the smell of burning human flesh.

On this date 55 years ago Jacques Plante became the first NHL goaltender to wear a mask in a game.

The assassin bug wears the corpses of its victims to mask the odor of themselves

In Japan, people wear surgical masks, not only for health reasons, but also to avoid being approached by strangers, as a fashionable item and because they believe it helps them lose weight

Skippy, an American pit bull pointer, completed seven combat missions over the Mediterranean during WW2. He was more than a mascot, he was an official B-17 crew member, wearing an oxygen mask and logging over 200 hours of flying time in battle missions.

Due to budgets restraints for 1978 movie Halloween, they had to use the cheapest mask that they could find, a $2 Star Trek William Shatner 'death mask'. When Shatner found out, he took his kids trick or treating while wearing one.

Dave Grohl played a show with the metal band Ghost, yet no one knew since Ghost's members are anonymous and wear masks during sets.

A Klingon style Bat'leth blade was used to rob two 7-11 stores in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 2009. Witnesses told police that a man wearing a black mask, black jacket and blue jeans entered the stores carrying the Bat'leth and robbed them of cash before fleeing.

Some people in India wear face masks on the back of their heads to avoid getting attacked by tigers.

Steve Jobs refused to wear his oxygen mask whilst in hospital because of it's poor design. The hospital had even offered him 5 different designs of oxygen masks.

There's a village in Indonesia where monkeys are forced to wear dolls heads and masks

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Wear Mask. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Wear Mask so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor