Incredible and fun facts to explore

Washing Machine facts

While investigating facts about Washing Machine Cleaner and Washing Machine Repair, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Willem Kolff created the first dialysis machine in the Netherlands during WWII. Lacking materials, he used sausage casings, tin cans, a washing machine, and salt water. He also saved more than 800 people from the Nazis by hiding them in his hospital. And he later invented the artificial heart.

how washing machine works?

Only 40% of Amish people use refrigerators but 97% of them use washing machines.

What washing machine is the best?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what washing machine is the quietest. Here are 50 of the best facts about Washing Machine Sale and Washing Machine Repair Near Me I managed to collect.

what washing machine to buy?

  1. Supermodel Kate Upton's great grandfather was the co-founder of Whirlpool Corporation and the inventor of the first mass produced electric washing machine.

  2. A Sheffield, UK based company wants to replace the water in your washing machine with thousands of tiny polymer beads to save on water and energy.

  3. Laundry was for 50 years often mailed. Until the 1960s, many US college students mailed dirty clothes home for moms to wash and mail back (often including food), using reusable boxes and USPS parcel post. Modern washing machines that made washing clothes locally easier ended laundry mail.

  4. The washing machine and electricity had a profound impact on the lives of women, giving them the possibility to access the marketplace.

  5. The only modern technology that every single Amish sect allows is washing machines

  6. The Bank of England operates a Mutilated Banknotes service so if you damage a tenner in the washing machine, you can send it off for a replacement.

  7. Levi Strauss CEO Chip Bergh remarked at Fortune’s Brainstorm Green conference that if you want to do your part for sustainability, stop washing your jeans. “These jeans have yet to see a washing machine,” he said, of the dark blue, year-old pair, he had on, “I have yet to get a skin disease.”

  8. The band Rush used washing machines to fill up space on stage.

  9. An Irish teacher climbed a 2,365 ft mountain and walked the equivalent of nine marathons with a Washing Machine on his back, and plans to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro with the Washing Machine to raise funds for Mental Health Services.

  10. The initial Dialysis machine was built during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands "...using sausage casings, beverage cans, a washing machine, and various other items that were available at the time."

washing machine facts
What washing machine is the most reliable?

Why washing machine smells?

You can easily fact check why washing machine wont drain by examining the linked well-known sources.

The luxury Samsung Tower Palace in Seoul is highly automated. Everything from lighting, curtains, home networks and even washing machines can be pre-set to perform certain actions at a defined time and controlled from a mobile phone. A helipad is located on the roof of all seven buildings

Robby the Robot (Forbidden Planet) and Robot B-9 (Lost in Space) were built by a washing-machine designer. - source

Cruise ships dump "grey" water (water from showers, washing machines, dishes etc) directly into the ocean. - source

The amount of time washing machines takes to clean depends on water pressure, amount of soilage, laundry weight and amount of detergent used. Most washing machine calculate the time that an optimum load will take. This is why your washing machines timers are always "wrong"

You should leave your washing machine door open to prevent mold and funk - source

When washing machine wont spin?

Most washing machines have concrete in them to maximize the spin velocity

How washing machine wash clothes?

Certain enzymes inside the stomach break down different types of food e.g proteins, fats. The reason why we have bio washing powder is because they contain these enzymes to break down food stains on clothes inside the washing machine.

The earth has either one moon, definitely not two moons, maybe four or five moons, or even thousands of moons - one being the size of a washing machine and thousands the size of a basketball.

In order to compete with electricity, gas companies produced gas powered alternative to common electronics. This included gas powered washing machines, gas irons, and even a radio.

early explorers used Old Faithful as a washing machine

The jingle that plays after a wash cycle on many Samsaung washing machines is "Die Forelle" by Schubert

When washing machine wont drain?

A typical washing machine comes weighted with 25kg of concrete to stop it moving on a spin cycle

Sperm can be transferred from one article of clothing to another in the washing machine.

A chain sinnet (or chain sennit) is a method of shortening a rope or other cable while in use or for storage. It is formed by making a series of simple crochet-like stitches in the line. It can also reduce tangling while a rope is being washed in a washing machine.

The plastic cup that comes with some Tide detergent can be thrown in the washing machine in order to clean it.

there are three ways to drain a washing machine, and mine was set up incorrectly. Yay! Clean clothes again!

How washing machine clean?

A babysitter put a toddler in a laundromat washing machine as a game, which locked the kid inside and began the cycle.

Waste PP PE plastic film washing recycling machine and pelletizing machine

You can upgrade your front-load washing machines by lashing in a huge concrete brick.

There is a Washing Machine Club with over 3,000 members who get together and watch washing machines.

There's an aggressive washing machine that says 'come on then'

The band Rush used washing machines to fill up the empty space on stage.

It takes specially designed machines and a team of 36 workers about three months to completely wash the 24,348 windows of the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa.

Front-load washing machines have a huge concrete block inside to stabilize their spin.

Jeans shouldn't be washed on washing machine.

I've been using my top loading washing machine wrong. You're supposed to turn it on, add detergent as it fills, THEN put your clothes in, not the other way around.

The first kidney dialysis machine was made in 1943 Nazi-occupied Netherlands from beer cans, sausage casings, and a washing machine.

Washing machines in India are launched with a 'curry' button

You can watch washing machines go through complete cycles on youtube. There really is something for everyone on the internet.

Dry cleaning isn't dry at all, it uses liquid solvents. Oh, and it goes in a machine that looks just like a regular washing machine. Somehow I figured it was done on that conveyor belt...

Dry cleaning isn't 'dry' at all, but washed in a machine with a solvent

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Washing Machine. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Washing Machine so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor