Warrior Princess facts
While investigating facts about Warrior Princess Names and Warrior Princess Mascara, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Khutulun was the original "warrior princess" a Mongol women who won 10,000 horses wrestling every man who wanted to marry her.
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The tall cone-shaped “princess hat” is called a hennin. They originated with the warrior queens of Mongolia and became fashionable in Europe after Marco Polo brought one back from his travels.
What is a warrior princess?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what channel is xena warrior princess on. Here are 9 of the best facts about Warrior Princess Costume and Warrior Princess Crossword I managed to collect.
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A guy offended by the inclusion of Indian god Hanuman in Xena : Warrior princess episodes almost got them banned through a fax spam campaign. It failed when they found out he was just a white guy from New Zealand with a brain tumor.
The team originally named Eris and its moon, Xena, and Gabrielle after characters in Xena: Warrior Princess but they have since been renamed Eris and Dysnomia.
Zoë Bell, a New Zealander stuntwoman and actress who was a stunt double for Lucy Lawless in Xena: Warrior Princess among others, has appeared in six Tarantino movies, the same as Samuel L. Jackson.
The metal frisbee blade Xena Warrior Princess used is a real weapon invented by 16th century Sikhs, called a Chakkar, and they wore them on their turbans.
Dayna Grant, stuntwoman for Furiosa in Mad Max: Fury Road, was also the stuntwoman for Xena on Xena: The Warrior Princess
Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess) had her own wardrobe malfunction in 1997, accidentally exposing her breasts during a performance of the national anthem at an NHL game.
Princess Olga of Kiev (a saint in the Catholic Church) was courted by the same tribe that killed her husband & proceeded to bury the tribe's suiters alive, burned the tribe's best warriors alive, slaughtered around 5,000 tribesmen during a celebration and burned their capital to the ground.