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Warning Signs facts

While investigating facts about Warning Signs Of A Stroke and Warning Signs Of Cervical Cancer, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Rose plants are placed at the end of a row of grape vines on vineyards to act as early warning signs of mold or mildew.

it's funny how the warning signs?

About Tilly Smith who, at age 10, helped save her family and hundreds of tourists in Thailand from the 2004 tsunami by recognizing warning signs of a tsunami that she had learned in her geography class two weeks earlier.

What warning signs of a flood?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the early warning signs of pancreatic cancer. Here are 46 of the best facts about Warning Signs Of A Seizure and Warning Signs Of Diabetes I managed to collect.

what warning signs make volcanoes predictable?

  1. Groping is so common in Japan, signs warning of it are visible everywhere and train companies designate women-only cars where women can feel safe knowing they won't be groped.

  2. Japanese train drivers and conductors "point and call" at all important signs and warnings. As it turns out, research conducted in 1994 by the Railway Technical Research Institute found that the combination of pointing and calling reduced mistakes by almost 85 percent.

  3. A man who was napping under a tree and had his skull crushed by a 16 pound pinecone sued various governmental agencies for $5 million due to the lack of warning signs.

  4. Japanese train drivers must point at all important signs and warnings, this shows that they have noticed it and are aware of it.

  5. A 10 year girl saved hundreds of people during the Thailand Boxing day Tsunami of 2004 after learning about the warning signs of Tsunami 2 weeks prior.

  6. Researchers determined that 'deer crossing' warning signs do not prevent accidents

  7. Supreme Court found random drug checkpoints unconstitutional in 2000. Since then, police have gotten into the habit of putting signs up warning drivers of upcoming drug checkpoints, and then detaining and searching drivers who make illegal u-turns.

  8. IRA snipers killed about 200 British soldiers/policemen from 1971 to 1997, and even shot down army helicopters. A "Sniper at Work" sign warned soldiers of the danger.

  9. Reckless driving was so rampant in the early 1900's that many cities held safety parades. Mangled cars with warning signs were towed through streets and thousands of children dressed as ghosts to represent each death that year, followed by grieving mothers who wore stars to show their loss.

  10. The Roman Empire had "Beware of Dog" signs. Mosaics have been found in Pompeii warning "Cave canem" ("beware the dog"), with a color drawing of the dog.

warning signs facts
What are the 5 warning signs of prostate cancer?

Why warning signs are red?

You can easily fact check why do speed cameras have warning signs by examining the linked well-known sources.

Before the 2004 tsunami, a 10yo tourist named Tilly Smith recognized the warning signs (receding ocean, frothing bubbles) because she had learned about tsunamis in school two weeks before. She told her parents, who spread the word and evacuated the beach before the wave hit.

There are scientists at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory that monitor the area for signs of a possible eruption. Most scientists believe that if a major eruption were to occur there would be weeks, if not longer, of warning signs to alert them, which would give ample time for evacuation.

Before it sprays the victim, skunk will turn its back, lift its tail, start hissing and stumping with its feet. Those are the warning signs that precede spraying.

The street sign for Horneytown, NC, is stolen so often that police had to install RFID and GPS tracking, along with an additional warning sign for would-be thieves. ‘Horneytown’ is the most stolen sign in the county, with 'Rolling Green’ coming in at a distant second

The Russian autonomous, atomic lighthouses. Built to guide ships along northern routes during the cold war, rendered obsolete by GPS, and now stripped by looters who didn't understand/care about the radiation warning signs. - source

Warning signs when introducing cats?

In 2014 the Dallas suburb of Frisco was unable to prosecute a man holding a sign warning about a speed trap down the road, so the city council made standing in the median illegal.

Masked palm civet fights against predators by releasing foul smelling substance from the anal glands. Prominent facial mask serves as a warning sign that this animal can fight back when it is threatened.

There is a secret sign language in Vietnam that drivers use to warn oncoming traffic of police ahead

Like canaries in a coal mine, cats served as an early-warning indicator of Mercury poisoning if/when they displayed signs of having developed "Dancing Cat Fever", in which the cats would convulse and leap to the sea.

A new radioactivity warning symbol for was created to better convey the danger than the old yellow and black trefoil sign.

Warning signs when vaping?

The Miami Hurricanes mascot is a bird because a bird is the last sign of wildlife to take shelter before a hurricane hits, giving warning that danger is imminent.

Airplane still have an ashtray on the inside of the lavatory's door despite the no-smoking policy and many warning signs is to safely put out a cigarette just in case someone decides to smoke.

After World War II he and his wife, Ann became peace activists and in 1955 he joined Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell and eight other scientists in signing the Russell-Einstein Manifesto warning against the dangers of nuclear weapons.

About Sanpaku Eyes. A Japanese term meaning "three whites", it represents physical imbalance in the body and that the condition of sanpaku is a warning, a sign from nature, that one's life is threatened by an early and tragic end.

A character in A Sign of Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was given the right to remain silent. A book published over 20 years before the earliest version of the Miranda Warning.

So many people visiting Sweden, Norway, and Finland stole road warning signs about moose that generic warning signs were put up in their place

The skunk displays warning signs before it can spray. They include the stomping of the feet, the raising of the tail and running towards the threat, stopping, squealing and hissing. Some types of skunks will do handstands before they spray to warn its predators.

In September 2010 cosplay participants dressed as Pedobear were accused of being pedophiles after the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department issued a warning that Pedobear was a sign of the presence of pedophiles and suggested that Pedobear was a kind of mascot among pedophiles.

A man who put up a sign warning potential buyers of a house next door that he had no apologies about being a bad neighbor, warning "3 Rottweilers, Loud Parties, Loud Music, Loud Cars, Anti-Horse, Fireworks".

There is a bridge in Durham, NC called the "can opener bridge", because of the damage it does to trucks that ignore warning signs. Since April 2008, there have been 101 stuck truck incidents at this location.

Hugh Williamson, who saw the Boston Tea Party, warned the British Govt. what would happen if they weren't reasonable, and went on to sign the US constitution.

There are towns throughout the US called "Sundown towns" because they put up signs warning black Americans to not be in the town after sun set

The Vajont Dam disaster. The Italian government insisted on the safety of the dam despite early warning signs, even arresting some journalists for reporting on the issue. A 250m wave was generated by a massive landslide, 5x the height of the tsunami that struck SE Asia in 2004.

Japanese train drivers must point at all important signs and warnings, this shows that they have noticed it and are aware of it.

5 Warning Signs The Universe Sends When You Are On The Wrong Path In Life

One Month Before Stroke , Your Body Will Send You These Warning Signs – Don’t Ignore Them !

The Ethiopian 737 Max crash in March exhibited similar traits as the LionAir 737 Max that crashed in October. Despite the warning signs from the first crash, Boeing put out a bulletin for airlines, but took no further action until another plane crashed.

The U.S. government released a film in 1947 warning of the signs of Fascism.

Armand Trousseau first described a warning sign of pancreatic cancer (Trousseau's Sign) in the 1860s; he later found the same sign in himself, was subsequently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died soon thereafter

The 3rd Leading cause of death in infants is SIDS, a condition where the infant dies with no signs, warning's, or explanation.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Warning Signs. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Warning Signs so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor