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Visa Visa facts

While investigating facts about Visa Visa Status and Visa Visa Extension, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The japanese passport is the strongest passport in the world in terms of travel freedom alongside Singapore and South Korea. Japanese citizens have visa-free or visa on arrival access to 189 countries and territories including the world's four largest economies - China, India, USA and the EU.

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Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara, who signed transit visas in Lithuania for more than 6,000 Jews in 1940. He wrote visas for 18-20 hours every day, continuing to sign them through the window of a train and throw them into the crowd as he fled Lithuania.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the visa fee for schengen visa. Here are 50 of the best facts about Visa Visa Electron and Visa Visa Validity I managed to collect.

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  1. Japan and Singapore have the most powerful passports in the world with each granting visa-free access to 189 countries.

  2. A fake U.S. Embassy operated in Ghana for about a decade, issuing false visas and other documents until it was discovered in 2016."

  3. In 1958, as an experiment, Bank of America mailed 60,000 residents of Fresno, California a small plastic card with a $500 credit line. BoA figured if it failed, there'd be no media coverage because it was in Fresno. The experiment was hugely successful and the program became Visa.

  4. After its tourism sector boomed, Kazakhstan's foreign minister thanked Sacha Baron Cohen in 2012 for the release of Borat after the country saw a 10x increase in issued visas.

  5. Estonia is developing the world’s first Digital Nomad Visa that will allow people who do the majority of their work online to work and travel in Estonia for up to 365 days.

  6. Singapore is the only country on earth whose citizens don't need a Visa to enter North Korea, South Korea, China or the United States.

  7. The Norwegian Archipelago of Svalbard is an entirely Visa-free zone. Anybody can live and work in Svalbard indefinitely regardless of country of citizenship.

  8. The VW Beetle has changed so little that you can mount the body of a 1936 Beetle on a 2003 chassis, and visa-versa

  9. Anne Frank's family was denied visas by the U.S. government because of stricter immigration policies.

  10. Osama bin Laden's estranged son is a British resident, although his visa was initially declined because he "failed to state his father's permanent address."

visa visa facts
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Visa Visa data charts

For your convenience take a look at Visa Visa figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

visa visa fact data chart about Percentage of total population that visited the United State
Percentage of total population that visited the United States (Visa Waiver Countries in 2015)

visa visa fact data chart about U-1 Visa Petitions and Outcomes in the U.S: 2010 - 2018
U-1 Visa Petitions and Outcomes in the U.S: 2010 - 2018

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You can easily fact check why did citibank change from visa to mastercard by examining the linked well-known sources.

That, uniquely, the Norwegian special territory of Svalbard is an entirely visa-free zone. No person is required visa or residence permit, and anyone may live and work in Svalbard indefinitely, regardless of citizenship.

When Taiwan's president in 1995, Lee Teng-hui, had stopped in Honolulu to refuel his plane, the U.S government refused to grant him a visa and forced him to spend the night on his plane. Lee later complained that he was "being treated as a second-class leader." - source

Tara Strong, voice actress on Powerpuff Girls, Rugrats, Teen Titans, Hello Kitty, Ultimate Spider Man, Princess Mononoke, and many more, was given a visa into the US as an "Alien of Extraordinary Ability." - source

In 1975, two men got a marriage license in Colorado after the clerk couldn't find a law against it. When they applied for a spouse's visa, the U.S. government mailed a letter saying, "You have failed to establish that a bona fide marital relationship can exist between two faggots."

When famous mathematician R. H. Bing applied for a visa, he was asked to not use initials. Upon explaining his name was "R-only H-only" Bing, he got a visa made out to Ronly Honly Bing. - source

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Omar bin Laden (one of Osama bin Laden's sons) was supposedly denied a British spousal immigration visa because he did not provide his fathers permanent address

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Canadian-born Playboy Playmate Shera Bechard and a girlfriend of Hugh Hefner qualified for U.S. 'Genius' visa that the U.S. government reserves for "individuals with extraordinary ability"

VISA and MasterCard both started as not-for-profits and only turned in for-profits in 2006-2008

The most powerful passports are the Swedish, Finish and UK passports. If you are an owner of one of these you are allowed to travel to 173 countries without a visa

Ho Fend Shan, the Chinese consul in Vienna who was credited with saving more than 4,000 Jews by falsifying Visas, an act that was not revealed until a single sentence in his obituary was investigated.

Visa visa infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Visa Visa numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

visa visa fact infographic about Visa Requirements for Sovereign States of 5 Continents

Visa Requirements for Sovereign States of 5 Continents

visa visa fact infographic about We can Help you with your visa to any country of your choice

We can Help you with your visa to any country of your choice, Group tours Visa, individual tours Visa, seminars Visa, conferences Visa, medical tourism Visa and business travels vi

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In 1958, Bank of America mass mailed 60,000 unsolicited credit cards, with a credit line of $500, to residents of Fresno, California. They chose Fresno so that if the plan failed, it wouldn’t get much media coverage. The program was wildly successful and marked the birth of Visa.

Otto Frank, the father of Anne Frank, attempted to gain US visas for his family but only received one for himself that was cancelled when Germany declared war on the USA. His entire family later died during the holocaust.

Tul Bahadur Pun was a Gurkha who won the Victoria Cross, Britain's highest award for Valor in combat in WWII, and was denied a visa to live there because he 'failed to demonstrate strong ties to the UK.'

The Singapore passport is valued at $50k and can travel to 179 destinations visa-free

Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania during WWII, saved 3000-6000 Jewish lives by unlawfully issuing transit visas so that they could travel to Japanese territory, risking his career and his family's lives.

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A man faked his death, lived next door without his kids knowing, fled to Panama with his wife on a fake passport, tried to build a hotel using his insurance money, after a visa policy change he returned home and pretended not to remember anything; his ruse was revealed by a Google search

Canadians are twice as likely to illegally overstay a U.S. Visa than Mexicans

Henry Winkler's Parents escaped Nazi Germany on the last day Jews were allowed to leave. Since they were given only a six week visa, Henry's father hid his mother's jewelry inside pieces of chocolate to covertly take as much wealth with them as they could without being detected by the Nazis.

In 2005 a company named SeaCode wanted to anchor a cruise ship three miles off the coast of Los Angeles, and fill it with up to 600 foreign programmers. The idea was to eliminate visa restrictions, and avoid U.S. labor laws.

The U.S. State Department recognizes competitive gaming as a professional sport, meaning people can come to the US on work visas to play video games.

Exactly six months after 9/11, the hijackers' Florida flight school received notification from the Immigration & Naturalization Service that two of them had been approved for student visas.

Several Jews fled Germany to Shanghai before the outbreak of the war as it was the only city in the world you could legally land without a visa

German citizens, born before January 1st 1928, need a visa to visit Israel, which will be issued for free if one was not a Nazi party member or involved in crimes committed during that time

During the Second World War; a Japanese government official, Chiume Sugihara, helped 6,000 Jews to flee Europe by issuing transit visas to them to allow them to pass through Japanese Territory.

In July 2009, a man from New Hampshire got charged $23 quadrillion dollars by Bank of America and Visa due to a credit card glitch.

A company is attempting to create a community of tech workers aboard a cruise ship anchored 12 miles from the US sea border so that they don't have to obey labour laws or get work visas.

Steven Colbert went before congress in character to defend Agricultural Job visas for immigrants.

Immigration officer told John Oliver when at the US embassy in London applying for a Visa "Give me one good reason I should let you back in to insult my country???... Oh, I'm just kidding. Love the show."

Shanghai was one of the few places that didn't require an entry visa in the years before WWII, so thousands of Jews fleeing Germany went there. Because German authorities required a visa to leave, Ho Feng Shan, the consul-general in Austria, made "fake" visas, over his superior's objections.

North Korean citizenship is better than Afghan Citizenship for visa free travel.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Visa Visa. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Visa Visa so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor