Veto Power facts
While investigating facts about Veto Power Meaning and Veto Power Countries, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Queen of England can veto any law she doesn't like and has real powers to dissolve Parliament, choose a new Prime Minister and even declare war.
how veto power works?
Leonard Nimoy had veto power when recasting Spock for the new 'Star Trek' films. He gave approval to Zachary Quinto replacing him in the role.
What veto power does the president have?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what veto power in hindi. Here are 13 of the best facts about Veto Power Of President and Veto Power Definition I managed to collect.
what's veto power?
The International Court of Justice ruled in 1986 that the US violated international law by supporting the Contras rebellion against the Nicaraguan government. Rather than make reparations as ordered by the Court, the US blocked enforcement in the UN 6 different times with its veto power.
The President of the United States, as head of the Executive Branch, has several powers according to the United States Constitution. These include: the ability to veto or sign into law legislation that has been voted for by Congress, the ability to appoint federal positions such as federal judges, the ability to negotiate international treaties, and the ability to grant pardons for crimes.
In Feb. 2016 CA SB-1463 proposed laws to mitigate wildfire risks posed by overhead power lines. It passed House & Senate unanimously. Gov Brown vetoed it. California had the deadliest wildfires in history, caused by overhead power lines.
Roosevelt requested that the Soviet Union join the United Nations, but Stalin only agreed to do so if it had veto power on the Security Council.
The United States Supreme Court was never meant to have the power to determine laws as constitutional, as that was meant to be determined by the states, but due to Marbury V. Madison and John Marshall the Supreme Court was granted the power to veto any and all laws.
The UN veto power which decides the fate of most UN resolutions has not been extended to any country in the southern hemisphere. No African or South American country has the veto, and three of the five permanent members are European states
Film makers are provided military hardware by the Department of Defense at use-cost ('pay for gas') under the condition that the DOD has veto power over the script. This deal has been utilized by hundreds of films since as early as the silent-film era.
Though Finland was a multiparty democracy, during the Cold War it was seen as an ally of the Soviet Union. The USSR had veto power over some of its policies but wasn't concerned enough to overthrow its government.
George Washington only used his veto power once in his two terms. It was to strike down Alexander Hamilton's method for apportioning representatives in the House of Representatives.
A Church of Scientology group helped veto a TX proposal that would have given Texas doctors more power to detain mentally ill and potentially dangerous patients
Veto Power data charts
For your convenience take a look at Veto Power figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why veto power is given?
You can easily fact check why veto power is not given to india by examining the linked well-known sources.
The president has the power to veto any bill given to him to sign by the Congress, but the Congress can override the president's veto with a 2/3 majority.