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V2 Rocket facts

While investigating facts about V2 Rocket, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During WW2, captured German officers were sent to Britain as POWs and lived in luxury in Trent Park to make them feel relaxed. However, they were being listened to by 100 ‘listeners’. They revealed secrets about the holocaust, events in Berlin, Hitler's madness and V2 rocket bases.

After Wernher von Braun's first V2 rocket was used in combat, he was quoted as saying "the rocket worked perfectly, except for landing on the wrong planet".

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 24 of the best facts about V2 Rocket I managed to collect.

  1. The fuel for each of Nazi Germany's V2 rockets was made from 30 tons of potatoes.

  2. Nazi Germany spent 50% more on the V2 rocket program than the U.S. did on the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb

  3. In 1945 to mitigate the impacts of German V2 rockets, British Counterintelligence released false reports of rockets overshooting London, subsequently causing the Germans to readjust and fall short of London for the remainder of the war. [26:00 min mark]

  4. Laika is not the first animal to travel into space. The title actually goes to a bunch of fruit flies aboard a V2 rocket launched in 1947. They were later recovered alive.

  5. A small town in Kansas has one of the largest space museums in the world, including Liberty Bell 7, the Apollo 13 command module, the Gemini X spacecraft, Vostok and Voshkod spacecraft, an SR-71, Nazi V1 and V2 weapons, and several full-scale launch rockets

  6. The first photograph of Earth from space was taken after WWII using a German V2 rocket that was captured and re-purposed for science.

  7. During WW2 more people died manufacturing the German V2 rocket than were killed by the actual use of the weapon.

  8. The first photo from space was taken from a V2 rocket in 1946, almost 11 years before Sputnik.

  9. Wernher Von Braun, inventor of the WWII V2 Rocket, and significant contributor to the US space program allegedly once said: “I aimed for the Moon, but hit London instead”

v2 rocket facts
What are the best facts about V2 Rocket?

What is true about v2 rocket?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The scientist who created the V2 rocket for the Nazis had to maneuver himself away from Soviet forces so that he could surrender to the Americans. Less than a year later he was given clearance to work for the United States and later became one of the main contributors in the space race.

Ford Motor Company built the engines for the V2 rockets that terrorized London during WWII

The Germans during WWII were very close to launching a V2 rocket from a submersible which would have been towed behind a U-boat. 1 submersible was created but it never was tested. - source

Nazi Germany's V2 Rocket Scientist, Wernher Von Braun, was largely responsible for putting Neil Armstrong on the moon.

Wernher Von Braun, inventor of the V2 rocket, was know to go on dates with two girlfriends at the same time. He then married his cousin.

During WW2, Polish partisans disassembled a crash-landed V2 rocket and smuggled it to England.

During WW2, captured German officers, sent to Britain as POWs, lived in luxury in Trent Park. This was done to make them feel relaxed. However, they were being listened to by 100 'listeners'. They revealed secrets about the holocaust, events in Berlin, Hitlers madness and V2 rocket bases.

The German V2 rocket climbed to 6 miles height after launch, and ultimately hit the target (or whatever) going 4,000mph.

Hitler didn't support the development of the V2 Rocket until the Allies started bombing Peenemunde, which convinced him that the Allies were afraid of the V2

Interesting facts about v2 rocket

The rocket in Tomorrowland is a design of the V2 rocket

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about V2 Rocket. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is V2 Rocket so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor