Us States facts
While investigating facts about Us States Map and Us States List, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1916 there was a proposed Amendment to the US Constitution that would put all acts of war to a national vote, and anyone voting yes would have to register as a volunteer for service in the United States Army.
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In 1992, a man named Stefan Mandel won a $27,036,142 jackpot, 6 second prizes, 132 third prizes, and 135 minor prizes in ONE lottery, by buying EVERY SINGLE COMBINATION possible - Over 5.5 million tickets. All 44 US states with lotteries have since changed their laws to prevent this.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what us states border canada. Here are 50 of the best facts about Us States Quiz and Us States By Population I managed to collect.
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4 US states have completely banned billboards
Lafayette, a Frenchman from the revolutionary war who later toasted "to the perpetual union of the united states. it has always served us in times of storm. one day it will save the world". American troops sent to France in world war 1 visited the grave and said "Lafayette, we are here"
The Queen of England has only ever broken protocol for The Changing Of The Guard once. On 9/12/2001, the day after The September 11th attacks on The World Trade Center in The United States. Instead of The English National Anthem being played during the change, it was the US National Anthem.
The US had slow average internet speed compared to the rest of the world due to (2) main things: (1) the expense of replacing old wire technologies and (2) their is no law yet stating that ISPs have to update their wiring
The state of California produces half of the fruit and vegetables consumed in the US, as well as 99% of artichokes and walnuts and 95% of garlic.
The Hawaii state flag has existed in its current form since the islands were a monarchy, and was commissioned by King Kamehameha to resemble both the US and UK flag in order to avoid being dragged by either side into the War of 1812
In many US States, it takes less training to become a police officer than it does to become a barber or manicurist.
In 1995 an inmate filed a US$5 million lawsuit against himself. He claimed that he violated his own civil rights by getting arrested. He then asked the state to pay because he had no income in jail.
There is a law in over 9 US states that forbids registered sex offenders from handing out candy or having Halloween lawn decorations on Halloween night
One of the thirteen articles in the 1781 US Articles of Confederation states that if Canada wants to be admitted into the United States, it will automatically be accepted.
Us States data charts
For your convenience take a look at Us States figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
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You can easily fact check why is the us the only country with states by examining the linked well-known sources.
The guy who wrote the US Pledge of Allegiance was a socialist, and wanted to include "equality and fraternity" but omitted them because the, "state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans."
The two largest air forces in the world both belong to the United States 1. USAF 2. US Navy - source
Blackcurrant fruit was banned in the United States in 1911 because the plant carries a disease that affects native White Pine trees. Whole forests were wiped out due to the disease. Because of the ban, not lifted until 2003, the flavor is relatively unknown in the US. - source
The Jay Treaty, signed in 1794, provides that American Indians may travel freely across the Canadian-US border. Native Indians born in Canada are entitled to freely enter the United States for the purpose of employment, study, retirement, investing, and/or immigration.
In 1918, the geographic center of the United States was determined by balancing a cardboard cutout shape of the US on a point. It was accurate to within 20 miles. - source
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One man is largely responsible for the complete ban on advertising billboards in the US state of Vermont
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The state of Texas has its own power grid to avoid dealing with the US federal government.
North Korea has a list of 375 state-approved slogans and catchphrases, one of which being "Let us construct additional pylons!"
The CIA once failed at bribing Mr Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, which was then relatively undeveloped. After he revealed this in an interview, the US denied the incident. In a rage, Mr LKY revealed a letter he received from then US Secretary of State and threatened to disclose further information.
It is legal in in 45 US states for doctors and medical students to perform pelvic exams on unconscious women for medical training, without explicit consent. This may also be done during consented medical procedures that are unrelated to gynecology.
The idea that the federal government can regulate almost any business was established in a 1942 Supreme Court case. Since a farmer could theoretically sell produce over state lines, the US government had the authority to control what he could grow.
Us states infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Us States numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.