Upper Peninsula facts
While investigating facts about Upper Peninsula Map and Upper Peninsula Michigan Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A yooper is someone who lives in the upper peninsula of Michigan and you can now use the word in Scrabble.
how did michigan get the upper peninsula?
In January, 1985 the Michigan DNR attempted to reintroduce moose into the Upper Peninsula by airlifting 59 moose from Algonquin Provincial Park (Ontario, Canada) into Marquette County.
What cities are in the upper peninsula of michigan?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do in upper peninsula michigan. Here are 12 of the best facts about Upper Peninsula Weather and Upper Peninsula News I managed to collect.
what to do in the upper peninsula?
Thomas Jefferson once proposed making the Upper Peninsula of Michigan a state named Sylvania.
Michigan and Ohio were involved in a brief shooting war over which state could have a strip of land containing the city of Toledo. Ohio won, but Michigan received the Upper Peninsula as a consolation prize.
The proposal to break off the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and northern sections of Wisconsin to make the state of Superior (or North Michigan.) The movement to make it the "51st State" lasted until the 1970's.
There is a school in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, that's nickname is the Nimrods. In 2004, ESPN featured the school in commercials with the tag line, "Without sports, who would cheer for the Nimrods?"
In 1835 the states of Ohio and Michigan had a "war" over a piece of land that included Toledo. Congress eventually awarded the land to Ohio. Michigan got the Upper Peninsula of Michigan as a compromise.
Michigan and Ohio (kind of) fought a war over Toledo. Ohio won, but Michigan received the Upper Peninsula as a consolation prize.
Those north of the bridge to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan are known as Yoopers, while those that are south of the bridge are known as Trolls!
Michigan's upper peninsula was a compromise received in exchange for conceding disputed territory to Ohio to end a war.
Michigan gained the Upper Peninsula after giving away Toledo strip to Ohio in 1835
Norway is next to Vulcan...in the Upper Peninsula
Upper Peninsula data charts
For your convenience take a look at Upper Peninsula figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.