Upper Lower facts
While investigating facts about Upper Lower, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Parliament building in Bucharest is so massive that even though it already contains both lower and upper houses of parliament, three museums, and an international conference centre, 70% of the building is still empty. The heating and electrical bill alone amounts to $6 million a year.
After his wife was denied access to a village well by upper caste members, an Indian man spent 40 days digging his own well by hand. It now quenches the thirst of an entire village of Dalit (lower caste).
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Upper Lower I managed to collect.
The numbers we write today are all upper case. Lower case numbers exist and some include ascenders and descenders
The names for upper-case and lower-case type come from the physical storage method for typeset letters.
The Earth likely has an underground ocean between the upper and lower mantle, with as much water as all the outer oceans combined
Ancient Egypt was formed from the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt around 3000 BC, and the pharaohs wore a double-crown, with one half, the White Crown, representing Upper Egypt, and the other half, the Red Crown, representing Lower Egypt.
The names for domestic food animals while they're alive, come from the lower class Anglo-Saxons who tended them, and the word for their meat come from the upper class Norman French who could afford to eat them.
Most playing cards are right-handed, a southpaw will have to fan theirs with their off hand. An ambidextrous deck will have numbers in all four corners, a lefty deck will have numbers in the upper right and lower left corners.
In the early Roman Republic, when the lower class got fed up they all left the city until the upper class was willing to negotiate
Geoffrey Chaucer’s contemporary use of lower-class Saxon English to write his works. rather than conventional Latin or upper class spoken French, has perplexed scholars for centuries. He was the first to truly begin to develop English into a highly flexible literary language.
Modern capital letters are characterized by straight lines and supple curves to make them easier to carve into stone. Lower case letters were only used for everyday writing and weren't originally used in conjunction with upper case.
In the Middle Ages, European dishes were much more rich with complex flavors and spices. This only changed when those spices became available to the lower class and the upper class decided that said spices and dishes were no longer “fashionable”.
Upper Lower data charts
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What is true about upper lower?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Movable type capital letters were stored in a separate drawer or case from the regular letters. The capital letters in the "upper case" and the others in the "lower case" and are hence called so.
The terms "upper case" and "lower case" originated from the common layouts of drawers, called cases, used to hold movable type for letterpress printing. Capitol (or majuscule) letters were stored in the upper case; smaller (or minuscule) letters, in the lower case. - source
In 2004, a hurricane badly damaged a building in Cocoa Beach, Florida. While the lower levels rotted, a windowless upper space was used as a residence for ten years. The space's resident was finally evicted in 2014, but committed suicide the next day. - source
Over the course of the evolution of mammals, one lower and one upper jaw bone lost their purpose in the jaw joint and were put to new use in the middle ear, giving mammals improved hearing ability.
A single brown diamond found in Brazil has convinced geologists that there is an ocean deep inside the earth, between upper and lower mantles (about 500km/300mi deep). - source
'upper case' and 'lower case' letters refers back to the days of movable type, where capital and non-capital letters were kept in separate drawers (or cases), with the capital letter usually stored on top.
The first Pharaoh that ruled lower and upper Egypt was killed by a hippo
Before being unified, Upper Canada was south of Lower Canada
The clarinet body is made up of the mouthpiece, barrel, upper joint, pads, keys, ring key, rod, lower joint, and bell.
Cookiecutter shark has extremely large (compared to the rest of the body), triangular-shaped teeth in the lower jaw. Upper jaw is filled with small, erect teeth.
The terms lower case and upper case originated from the fact that typographers would store the most common letters in a lower case, closer to them and easier to reach, while the less common capital letters were stored in a case higher up.