Twin Brothers facts
While investigating facts about Twin Brothers Pizza and Twin Brothers Nassau, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2007, a twin brother was born at 1:32 AM, However, then Daylight Savings Time occurred. His twin sister who was then born at 1:06 AM, is considered 26 minutes older.
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Identical twin boys were raised as a brother-sister pair (botched circumcision). The truth came when the one being raised as a girl INSISTED he was a boy; the parents admitted he was the subject of an experiment trying to prove gender identity was nurture, not nature. He later committed suicide.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are ron weasley's twin brothers names. Here are 50 of the best facts about Twin Brothers Bahamas and Twin Brothers Movie I managed to collect.
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The first of a set of twins, Samuel, was born at 1:39 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. His brother Ronan was born 31 minutes later just as daylight saving time had ended, making him 29 minutes older.
Identical twin boys were raised as a brother-sister pair (botched circumcision). The truth came when the one being raised as a girl INSISTED he was a boy; the parents admitted he was the subject of an experiment trying to prove gender identity was nurture, not nature. He later committed suicide.
Gary Oldman and Matthew McConaughey stared in a 2003 movie called "Tiptoes" in which McConaughey's entire family are dwarves. And Gary Oldman in "a role of a lifetime" plays McConaughey's twin brother, also a dwarf.
Astronaut Scott Kelly will become even younger than his twin elder brother (also an astronaut) Mark Kelly (born 6 minutes before Scott), by three milliseconds after the completion of his one year mission on the ISS
Laverne Cox has an identical twin brother who plays the pre-transition version of her character in Orange Is The New Black
A set of British twins separated at birth and raised by different adopted parents, fell in love and got married only to realise that they were brother and sister
In 17th century Italy conjoined twins were on trial for murder. Authorities arrested Lazarus after he stabbed a man for teasing his parasitic twin brother. Though he was sentenced to death the court let him go, finding that they could not execute him without killing his innocent conjoined twin.
Most authors in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction (1920-39) agreed to a set of "Ten Commandments," which banned lame plot devices like secret twin brothers and hidden passageways.
Popeye's nemesis, Bluto, was renamed Brutus because Paramount Pictures owned the name "Bluto." To address this, modern-day comics presented the notion that Bluto and Brutus are actually twin brothers, and it's since become canon
Elvis Presley had a twin brother that was born stillborn 35 minutes before him
Twin Brothers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Twin Brothers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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Alamjan Nematilaev who in 2003, aged 7, went to a hospital after movements were detected in his enlarged abdomen. An operation intended to remove a cyst uncovered the fetus of Alamjan's identical twin brother, which had lived as a parasitic growth inside the boy throughout his entire life.
The mystery of the man in the iron mask has been solved, he was actually a disgraced military officer and not the twin brother of Louis XIV. - source
Henrik Lundqvist started playing the goaltender postition because his younger twin brother, Joel, volunteered him by raising his hand for him at a youth practice. - source
About Kthanid, Cthulhu’s twin brother. He is completely identical to Cthulhu, however his eyes are bright gold instead of crimson, and he is incapable of violence.
From 2006 to 2007, Poland's President and Prime Minister were identical twin brothers. - source
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Malaysian identical twin brothers have escaped hanging for drug trafficking as a court failed to decide which brother was the criminal and cleared both. Even the DNA test couldn't identify which twin owned the drugs because they shared the same DNA.
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Because astronaut Scott Kelly has spent so much time orbiting the Earth at incredible speeds, time dilation now makes him 5 milliseconds younger than the twin brother he was born 6 minutes before.
The transgender character(Sophia Burset)on "Orange is the new black" is actually transgender woman IRL and her twin brother played her pre-transition scenes
Actor Rami Malek has an identical twin brother named Sami
Elvis Presley had an identical twin brother
The term "Siamese Twins" is named after two conjoined brothers who lived 62 years, married sisters, shared a bed for all four and fathered 21 children in total.