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Trapped Rubble facts

While investigating facts about Spider Man Trapped Under Rubble and Spider Man Trapped Under Rubble Comic, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An elephant destroyed a house in a remote village in Bengal and then turned to head back into the forest when a baby trapped under the rubble began crying. The elephant turned back and gently removed every last bit of debris covering the baby with their trunk.

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A German soldier was trapped in an underground food and supply warehouse for 6 years after retreating troops dynamited the entrance. Polish workers removing rubble discovered him in 1951.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 10 of the best facts about 9/11 Trapped In Rubble and Spider Man Trapped Under Rubble Fanfic I managed to collect.

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  1. A dog in Mexico named Frida saved the lives of 12 people who were trapped under rubble due to earthquakes. She identified a total of 52 bodies during her career and is considered a national heroine in Mexico. She is now officially retired.

  2. A dog in Mexico named Frida has identified and saved the lives of 12 people trapped under rubble from earthquakes, and has identified a total of 52 bodies during her career. She is now considered a national heroine in Mexico.

  3. A factory worker saved 34 lives from the 9-story Rana Plaza collapse. Against all warnings, he climbed inside the rubble to pull people to safety. When a doctor was too afraid to go in to amputate the limbs of some that were trapped, the worker took a knife and did it himself to save them.

  4. Rescuers had to cut a (dead) woman in half with a chainsaw in order to amputate the leg of a young boy trapped in rubble of the collapsed I-880 overpass following the 1989 SF earthquake

  5. In the collapse of a department store in Seoul, South Korea that killed 502 and trapped 1,500 the building's chairman was aware of its eminent collapse and he left the building but didn't inform his daughter-in-law who also worked there. She was found in the rubble several days later.

  6. Genelle Guzman-McMilan, the last survivor pulled from the rubble of the World Trade Center after being trapped for 27 hours. There, she heard the voice of a man named Paul, telling her that help is coming. When she tried to find Paul to thank him, she was told no one was with her down there.

  7. NATO routinely used double-tap strikes in Libya, killing responders and neighbors scrambling to help people trapped in rubble, and one such attack on August 8, 2011 killed 34 civilians including women and children, 35 if you count the late-term fetus of a woman who went into labor as she died.

  8. About Omayra Sánchez. She was a 13 year old girl trapped under the rubble of her house after a volcano in her remote Columbian village. Rescuers could not free her. She suffered for 3 days before dying while the world watched helplessly.

trapped rubble facts
What are the best facts about Trapped Rubble?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Trapped Rubble. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Trapped Rubble so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor