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Translations Bible facts

While investigating facts about Translations Bible John Macarthur and Compare Translations Bible, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The forbidden fruit in the Bible was not an apple. It only became known as an apple when the bible was translated into Latin in the 4th century, because the word "Malus" means both apple and evil.

how many translations of the bible are there?

There are more than 450 different english translations of the bible. They all say things differently and It has been discovered that there are translation errors in all the popular english versions. Many christians may have beliefs based off a mistranslation.

What is the best bible translations?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the most popular bible translations. Here are 50 of the best facts about Parallel Translations Bible Gateway and New Living Translations Bible I managed to collect.

what are the different translations of the bible?

  1. When the Bible was translated into American English, homosexuality was still considered a perverse disorder. It was with this mindset that the translators interpreted the Greek word 'arsenkoitai' for a homosexual, even though theologists have argued the word is way more likely to mean molester.

  2. There is a version of the Bible translated into Hawaiian Pidgin called 'Da Jesus Book'

  3. The Bible was badly translated at one point, leading to the common misconception that the Devil's number is 666. It is actually 616

  4. There is a version of the Bible translated into Hawaiian Pidgin called "Da Jesus Book"

  5. In 2014, Assyriology specialist Dr Irving Finkel translated a cuneiform tablet that predates the Bible, which described a flood, much like the story of Noah. However, this story described the ark not as oblong, but round in shape.

  6. According to a latin translation of the bible, Moses had horns on his head. He is depicted with horns in a marble statue made by Michelangelo.

  7. King James VI, who famously sponsored the modern translation of the Bible, was open about having several homosexual love affairs and was thus sometimes known as 'Queen James' by subjects

  8. A mile was changed from 5,000 to 5,280 feet because when the Bible was translated into English, no one did the math.

  9. People have been saying “ax” instead of "ask” for 1,200 years. It's even in the first complete English translation of the Bible from 1535.

  10. The Bible has been translated into Jamaican Patois, the national language of Jamaica; the "Our Father" starts out "Wi Faada we iina evn..."

translations bible facts
What are the most accurate bible translations?

Why are there different translations of the bible?

You can easily fact check why so many bible translations by examining the linked well-known sources.

Erasmus, a theologian who compiled the first Greek translation of the Christian Bible. He caused an outcry when his version didn't include the trinity. It turns out the trinity isn't found in the earliest Greek manuscripts and he claimed he could find no source to support it.

Chernobyl actually translates to "Wormwood" in Ukrainian. In the Bible, Wormwood is the name of an angel or star that makes the waters bitter and kills many people. - source

The Bible has been translated into 3 fictitious languages including Klingon - source

The Bible is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

There is a version of the Bible translated into gamerspeak called "Jesus for the Win" - source

Translation error when importing contacts?

Joseph Smith (Mormon founder) added verses prophesying himself in his translation of the Bible (Genesis 50:33)

How many english translations of the bible are there?

Septuagint scholars, in charge of translating the Bible into Greek, may have mistranslated the Hebrew word for 'young woman' into the Greek word for 'virgin', resulting in the prophecy: 'Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son...'

The name "Jesus" in the Bible is the result of translating "Yeshua" from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English. The direct translation from Hebrew to English is "Joshua"

The Bible translation for calling Mary a "virgin" is wrong.

There’s a theory that William Shakespeare translated the text of Psalm 46 for the KJ Bible. The 46th word from the beginning is "shake" and the 46th word from end is "spear". Shakespeare was in King James' service during prep of the Bible, and was 46 in the year of its completion.

Julia Smith, the first woman to translate the Bible, only published it to highlight that women can also accomplish as much as men and aid in women's suffrage.

Translation error when importing contacts into outlook?

The iconic number 666 (number of the beast) from the Bible was actually a code for someone who really existed. In the original Greek and Hebrew text, 666 is translated to Nero(n) Caesar.

Modern translations of the Bible have a copyright. this is due to differences in translations. to use a certain version, one needs to ask for permission from the publication.

The Bible is translated even into fictional languages like Klingon (Star Trek) and Na'vi (Avatar)

The Vatican's index of forbidden books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum, active from 1559-1966) banned the bible itself, or more specifically different versions and translations of it. Martin Luther was contained twice, both under both 'M' and 'L' and it even banned some works written by popes.

How many different translations of the bible are there?

Don Quixote has been translated into More languages than any other book second only to the Bible

Daemons (demons) only shows up in the bible do to a Greek translation and used only in the rare negative context, not its usual benevolent/neutral ones

The last fluent speaker of Ngarrindjer died in 1960s in South Australia, but recent attempts to revive the language include the release of a Ngarrindjeri dictionary in 2009. The 1864 Narrinyeri Bible was the first time portions of the Bible were translated into an Aboriginal language

Unicorns are mentioned numerous times in the King James Bible. It is a translation of the word re'em

The inventor of the Slinky, Richard T. James, suffered a breakdown and moved to Bolivia to join the Wycliffe Global Alliance, a religious group that aims to see the Bible translated for every language group, thus leaving his wife Betty in charge of the company.

The first ever Morse code that was sent was translated as: “What hath God wrought?”, a message, taken from the Bible, Numbers 23:23.

As of 2014, the Bible had been translated into 2,883 languages.

The Bible is translated into "Hawaiian Pidgin," which reads a lot like ebonics

A team of 15 biblical scholars worked from the oldest copies of reliable texts, variously written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greeks to create the The New International Version Bible. First published in 1978, it ensured a high quality translation in modern English

The story that King James, who commissioned the translation of the King James Bible, demanded one of the apostles be named after him, is, in fact, false - although the apostle James's name would be more accurately translated as Jacob, the error was probably an honest mistake.

Guy Fawkes (V for vendetta white face mask guy) was trying to kill King James (the bible guy) because King James was trying to give the peasants an English translated bible that they could read and the catholic church didn't like the idea of peasants being able to read the word of God.

There was a book written by a monk named Heinrich Kramer called the Malleus Malificarum (translated into "The Hammer of Witches"). It was published in Germany in the city of Speyer in 1487. The purpose of the book was to support the killing of witches. It was second to the Bible.

Gehanna, sometimes translated as "Hell" in the King James bible, is about a 4 hour walk from Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.

American Sign Language can be written down using ASLwrite and is being used to create comics, posters and translations for the Hebrew Bible.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Translations Bible. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Translations Bible so important!

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