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Transatlantic Cable facts

While investigating facts about Transatlantic Cable Map and Transatlantic Cable Internet, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2013 some trading firms laid a new transatlantic fiber-optic cable stretching 3,000 miles and costing 300 million USD between London and New York. As a result, their stock trading orders are executed 5.2 milliseconds faster.

how transatlantic cables are laid?

On August 16, 1858, when the first transatlantic telegraph cable was laid, communication time between Europe and America was reduced from ~10 days to just a few minutes. This specific telegraph cable could transmit about 0.1 words per minute.

What was the purpose of the transatlantic cable?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the significance of the transatlantic telegraph cable. Here are 14 of the best facts about Transatlantic Cable Pictures and Transatlantic Cable Length I managed to collect.

what is the transatlantic cable?

  1. A transatlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1858, cutting the time for message transmission down to minutes rather than over a week by boat. Laying the cable involved two of the biggest ships on earth from the U.S. and British Navy meeting in the middle of the atlantic to splice the cable.

  2. The first transatlantic fibre optic telephone cable had problems with sharks attacking and destroying it because they removed the shielding for High Voltage that was required for copper phone cables.

  3. The first transatlantic cable, set to work in 1858, only endured a couple of days under the sea because it had a thin insulation. The replacement cable used 100kg of insulation per km of cable, and one of the materials was hemp.

  4. The first transatlantic cable was operational 3 years before the start of the US Civil War.

  5. The First Ever Transatlantic Telegraph Cable Was Laid by Wooden Ships

  6. GTT Express is a $300m transatlantic cable between New York and London stock exchanges to reduce transmission latency by 5ms

  7. The first transatlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1858.

  8. Hearts Content Newfoundland, where the Transatlantic telegraph cable was constructed back in 1858 connecting NA and EU, still doesn't have cell phone service.

  9. Wildman Whitehouse absolutely toasted the first transatlantic cable while he was learning to use it.

  10. Before the transatlantic telegraph cable was built, Western Union tried to create a telegraph to Europe by building through Alaska and Siberia

transatlantic cable facts
What happened to the transatlantic cable?

Why was the transatlantic cable important?

You can easily fact check why was the transatlantic telegraph cable important by examining the linked well-known sources.

The first transatlantic communication cable was already put in place in 1858.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Transatlantic Cable. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Transatlantic Cable so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor