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Toxic Substance facts

While investigating facts about Toxic Substances Control Act and Toxic Substances, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The 9/11 tragedy released a cloud of asbestos fibers over NYC. 400 tons of asbestos was in the WTC building. An estimated 410,000 people were exposed to the toxic substance. Nearly 70% of rescuers have lung problems. Experts expect cancer diagnoses to peak in 2041-four decades after the attack.

how toxic substances enter the body?

The caffeine in the coffee plant, like capsaicin in chili peppers, is meant to be a toxic substance to deter herbivores.

What toxic substance is most likely to produce dermatitis?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what toxic substance is released when welding stainless steel. Here are 50 of the best facts about Toxic Substance Crossword and Toxic Substance Crossword Clue I managed to collect.

what toxic substances are found in computer components epa?

  1. In 1988, the administrative law judge for the DEA stated: "Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal effects. But marijuana is not such a substance. There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality".

  2. A real-live "Flubber" was produced by Hasbro to promote the sequel to "The Absent Minded Professor," but the substance turned out to be severely toxic and impossible to destroy or dispose of.

  3. Cashew shells are highly toxic and contain a corrosive substance that has caused permanent injures to the hands of those who work in processing them.

  4. Some larvae secrete drops of blood (process known as "reflex bleeding") loaded with bitter, unpalatable or even toxic substances to protect themselves against predators.

  5. Boreal toad uses toxic substance produced in the warts and parotid glands to defend against predators such as snakes, raccoons, salamanders and birds of prey. Some animals developed clever technique to avoid poisoning. Ravens, for example, do not swallow entire frog. Instead, they consume only internal organs that do not contain toxins.

  6. Leaves and bulb contain toxic alkaloid called lycorine. This substance keeps predators (except certain types of insects) on a safe distance.

  7. Leaves of chaya contain toxic substance - cyanide and they need to be cooked before consumption (15 minutes of cooking destroys toxin). Pots made of enamel, steel and clay can be used for cooking, while aluminum pots should be avoided to prevent creation of toxic substance that induces diarrhea in humans.

  8. Sap extracted from the leaves, stem, root, flowers and seed contains toxic chemicals known as furanocoumarins. These substances induce strong reaction on the human skin known as phytophotodermatitis (light-induced skin irritation). Plant's sap destroys natural defensive mechanisms which protect skin from the negative effects of the sun (more precisely of the UV rays). As a result, large burns and blisters appear on the skin.

  9. Wisteria produces poisonous seed, but flowers of some species can be used in human diet and for the manufacture of wine. All parts of Chinese wisteria contain toxic substances. Ingestion of even the smallest piece of Chinese wisteria induces nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in humans.

  10. Environmental concerns that are negatively affecting Long Island Sound include the contamination due to toxic substances, pathogen contamination, over-development, man-made pollution such as debris, industrial waste, and sewage systems.

toxic substance facts
What toxic substances are found in computer components?

Why was the toxic substances control act created?

You can easily fact check why is wood dust considered a toxic substance by examining the linked well-known sources.

Sea cucumbers use yet another interesting technique when they are faced with danger. They are able to expel internal organs along with toxic substance (called holothurin) toward the predators. All missing organs will be regenerated in the next 1.5 to 5 weeks.

Banded cat-eyed snake is able to eat poisonous amphibians (frogs that secrete toxic substances to protect themselves against predators) without any visible side effects.

Rough-skinned newt secretes toxic substance called tetrodotoxin from the glands in the skin to protect itself against predators. This toxin belongs to the group of neurotoxins and it can induce skin irritation (after dermal contact) or paralysis and death (after oral intake) of humans. One newt contains enough toxin to kill 25.000 mice.

Cinnamon can induce allergy in sensitive persons. It also can induce liver and kidney disorders when consumed in high amount due to toxic substance called coumarine.

Heart-protective properties of foxglove were discovered in the 18th century. Digitoxin and digoxin are toxic substances that are extracted from the plant. They are able to slow down the heart beat and increase the strength of contractions and prevent edema by facilitating removal of the excess water from the body.

When referring to a toxic substance exposure assessment?

Nectar of some species of grevillea contains cyanides (group of toxic substances) that can induce intoxication in humans.

How to remove toxic substances from body?

Green potatoes indicate the presence of a toxic substance, and should not be eaten.

Coloration of the body indicates that ladybug can be dangerous for potential predators. In the case of danger, ladybug secretes toxic substance from the knee joints that keeps the predators on the safe distance.

Pollen and nectar of some species of rhododendron contain toxic substance called grayanotoxin that can induce poisoning of humans and animals. Horses are especially sensitive to this type of toxin. Signs of intoxication include abdominal pain, irregular heartbeat, involuntary muscle contractions and coma that can lead to death.

All parts of laburnum (root, bark, wood, leaves, flowers, pod and seed) contain toxic substance called cytisine (alkaloid that has similar chemical structure like nicotine). Ingestion of any part of the plant may induce fatal poisoning of humans and animals (such as goats, sheep and horses).

Green parts of potato contain substance called solanine. This substance induces toxic effects in humans. Main purpose of solanine is to protect plant from the predators.

Occurs when the victim swallows a toxic substance?

Wyoming toad produces toxic substance in the glands on the neck to protect itself from the predators.

Tremetol is toxic substance found in the stem and leaves of white snakeroot. Even the small doses of this substance can be deadly for cows, sheep, goats and horses.

Green toad secretes toxic substance from the large warts on its backs which makes it unpalatable for most predators. Some snakes hunt and eat greed toads despite that.

Crowberry sheds its leaves every 2 to 4 years. Leaves are covered with glands that produce toxic substances. When they fall to the ground and start to decompose, leaves release toxins into the soil and prevent growth of other, competing plant species (toxic substances ensure successful growth of crowberry in the wild).

'ship breaking' in the United States is not economically viable, so ships are exported to developing nations where labor is cheaper and environmental regulations on the disposal of toxic substances (lead paint, asbestos) are virtually non-existent.

How can carbon aid the spread of toxic substances?

Psychoactive toads exist. Colorado River toads contain a substance 5 times as potent as DMT- a strong hallucinogenic drug banned in the US. People have been arrested for attempting to get high by licking the toxic glands of the toads, when in fact the drug has to be extracted to be used.

Angel trumpet contains toxic compounds, chemically known as alkaloids. They can be found in all parts of the plant. Seeds and leaves contain the highest level of alkaloids. These substances induce poisoning of humans. First signs of intoxication appear quickly after ingestion of the plant (even the smallest piece).

Wisconsin statute 101.58(2)(j)2.f. f. (Employee's Right to Know) specifically states that lutefisk is not considered a toxic substance.

During WW1 many women in the UK who worked making TNT turned yellow, gaining the nickname "Canary Girls" because of the yellow colour and because of the canary's used in the mines to warn of toxic substances

Liquorice can actually be quite toxic to the body. Liquorice poising is actually quite common and can cause kidney failure and even paralysis. The substance is obviously used to make candy, but is also found in numerous teas and other sources.

Lungwort is one of the rare plants that can survive underneath the black walnut tree, which produces substance that is toxic for most plant species.

Gloria Ramirez aka the "Toxic Lady" who entered the ER due to complications from cancer. After her blood was drawn, an unknown substance caused 23 people to become ill and the ER was evacuated.

There is a new drug in South Africa that is a combination of cannabis, heroin, antiretroviral drugs for HIV and many other toxic substances

Horseshoe crab blood contains a substance which is vital to the detection of toxic bacterial infections during surgery.

Cuban tree frogs produce toxic substance to protect themselves from the predators. Also, they easily change the color of the body to match with the colors of the environment so that predators cannot spot them.

Acrylamides are a substance believed to cause cancer. Processed and fried potato foods such as French fries and potato chips contain acrylamides in high enough concentrations to be considered among the worst foods that expose people to this substance. It is believed it is the potato and the high heat and oil that cause this dangerous toxic substance to form.

The Wisconsin state legislature has explicitly defined "toxic substance" in their "Employees' Right to Know Law" to exclude Lutefisk

Some substances have biphasic toxicity, which means that they are more toxic at lower doses than higher doses. GHB (a previously over-the-counter supplement) had biphasic neurotoxicity

The Slow Loris, a type of primate, secretes a toxic substance from its elbows that it licks causing a chemical reaction with its saliva and allows them to deliver a venomous bite.

In 2001 a Green Party member's office in New Zealand was fooled by the DHMO scare, and announced that they would support the campaign to ban the toxic substance. The National Party released a press release criticizing the Green Party but didn"t mention they had also fallen for the same hoax six years prior.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Toxic Substance. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Toxic Substance so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor