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Tomato Plant facts

While investigating facts about Tomato Plants and Tomato Plants For Sale, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There's a plant called the TomTato which is a cherry tomato plant with potatoes as roots. It yields large quantities of both tomatoes and spuds.

how tomato plants grow?

Scientists found a tomato plant on a volcanic island and were perplexed as to how it got there. Turns out it grew up fertilized in the poop left by a previous researcher.

What tomato plants are indeterminate?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tomato plants to grow. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tomato Plant Care and Tomato Plants Online I managed to collect.

what tomato plants are determinate?

  1. About The Ketchup ’N’ Fries plant, also known as the Pomato, is the stem of a tomato plant grafted onto the root system of potato plant that can grow both tomatoes and potatoes at the same time.

  2. Potato plants can grow fruit. They look like tiny green tomatoes and are poisonous.

  3. There is a plant that is able to simultaneously produce both tomatoes and potatoes, cleverly named the "Ketchup 'n' Fries" plant

  4. Inspired by a 1999 episode of The Simpsons, an Oregon man in 2003 grafted a tomato plant onto tobacco plant roots creating real-life "Tomacco."

  5. The The Ketchup 'n' Fries plant. Also known as the Pomato is the stem of a tomato plant grafted onto the root system of potato plant that can grow both tomatoes and potatoes at the same time.

  6. While most people know that nicotine can be found in tobacco, low levels of the compound can be found in peppers, tomatoes and other members of the Solanaceae flowering plant family.

  7. Farmers forcibly bypass the adolescent years of fruit trees by attaching a mature branch to a newly planted stem. The process known as grafting can also be used to grow two plants together such as tomatoes and potatoes on one plant.

tomato plant facts
What tomato plants should be pruned?

Why tomato plant leaves turn yellow?

You can easily fact check why tomato plants turning yellow by examining the linked well-known sources.

It is possible to combine a tomato plant and a potato plant into a "tomtato", a hybrid that yields both tomatoes and potatoes

Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, chili peppers, petunias, and tobacco are all closely related, in the family of plants named after extremely poisonous nightshade, also closely related. - source

One can grow potatoes and tomatoes on the same plant using grafting - source

The most tomatoes harvested from a single plant in one year weighed 522.464 kg (1151.84 lbs).

Around 150 million of tons of tomatoes are produced annually. Greatest producer of tomato in the world is China.

When tomato plants turn yellow?

A "pomato" is a tomato plant grafted onto a potato plant, and it grows tomatoes and potatoes at the same time.

How tomato plants pollinate?

Tomato is rich in acids that can remove smell released by skunk. These acids can also be a part of various lotions and hygienic products that are used for cleansing of the body and various objects in the house.

Tomatoes in the wild are pollinated by insects such as halictid bee. Cultured varieties of tomatoes can be self-pollinated. Some of them are pollinated by the help of artificial wind and by cultured bumblebees.

Most popular tomato species are red. Cultivated tomatoes can also be yellow, orange, pink, green, black or white in color.

Tomato is harvested unripe to prevent rotting and to ensure longer shelf-life. During the early "90, scientists created genetically modified tomato that can remain fresh extended period of time.

Basil can be used fresh or in a dry form. It is especially important part of Italian cuisine. Most people use basil for dishes made of tomato, pesto, soups, salads and dishes made of chicken meat.

When tomato plant leaves turn yellow?

Parsley is one of the most popular herbs in the world. It is used as an ingredient of salads, soups, stews and dishes made of tomato, meat and fish.

Although most people believe that tomato belongs to the group of vegetables, this plant actually belongs to the group of fruits. Fruit of tomato is called berry.

If allowed to mature, the potato plant produces a small green poisonous fruit, called a Potato Fruit, that looks similar to a cherry tomato

Tomato grows like a vine. Stem is covered with fine hair which facilitates bonding to the ground or substrate.

On Surtsey, one of the youngest islands in the world, where human interference is strictly controlled, an improperly handled human defecation resulted in a tomato plant taking root which had to be destroyed.

How to prune tomato plants?

A plant was modified to grow potatoes and tomatoes and is called "ketchup-n-fries"

Oregano is best known as "pizza herb". Other than that, oregano is used as basic ingredient for the preparation of famous Italian specialties such as pastas, spaghetti and tomato dishes.

Comfrey is often used as fertilizer because it accumulates large quantities of valuable minerals and nutrients in the leaves. Cut leaves and liquid solution made of comfrey leaves facilitate growth of commercially important plants such as potato and tomato.

Ripe tomato is safe and highly recommended piece of fruit because it contains high level of mineral and vitamins. Tomato can be consumed raw, in the form of soups, juices or as ketchup.

Tobacco, potatoes, chili peppers, tomatillos, and tomatoes are all members of the nightshade family and tomatoes and potatoes can be quite lethal if the wrong part of the plant is consumed at the wrong quantity.

Honey bees can not pollinate tomato plants, but only bees native to N. America can.

Angel trumpets are closely related to potato, tomato, eggplant, petunia and tobacco.

Bumblebees are highly appreciated by people because they pollinate plants that are used in human diet. Bumblebees pollinate plants such as apples, cherries, tomatoes, cotton, mustard…

Borage can protect spinach, tomatoes and legumes from the pest in the gardens.

Small quantities of Nicotine (the drug used in cigarettes) are present in tomatoes, green bell peppers, potatoes, and eggplants. Nicotine is also present in Coco plants.

Mimosa is highly invasive plant that negatively affects growth of important agricultural crops such as corn, coconut, tomatoes, soybean, banana, coffee and sugar cane.

Wood of marula was used for the manufacture of toilet seats and tomato boxes during the colonial times. Today, wood is mainly used for carving. Inner bark is used for the manufacture of ropes.

Young, tender pods can be consume whole, as green beans. More commonly, large beans are extracted from leathery pods and used for the preparation of stews, soups and dishes made of lamb, poultry and seafood. Fava bean has sweet, mildly grassy flavor and starchy or creamy texture which is excellent in combination with tomato, onion and carrot. Fava bean can be also purchased in dried form or in a can.

Parsley has prolonged germination period (at least one month). Gardeners like to plant parsley near roses (to keep them healthier and to intensify their smell) and tomatoes (because parsley attracts bees - main pollinators of tomatoes).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tomato Plant. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tomato Plant so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor