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Timely Manner facts

While investigating facts about Timely Manner Synonym and Timely Manner Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Highway hypnosis is a mental state where a person can drive a vehicle great distances responding to external events in the expected safe & correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so. Partial or complete amnesia related to the time spent driving can develop for the driver

how do you respond to incidents in a timely manner?

Gauss personal diaries indicate that he had made several important math discoveries years/decades before his contemporaries published them. Math Historian Temple Bell said that if Gauss had published all of his discoveries in a timely manner, he would have advanced mathematics by 50 years.

What's timely manner?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does timely manner mean. Here are 14 of the best facts about Timely Manner Definition and Timely Manner In A Sentence I managed to collect.

what timely manner means?

  1. The Macaronis were young English men who adopted feminine mannerisms and highly extravagant attire. They were members of the Macaroni Club, and wore a feather in their hats. They also wore two fob watches: "one to tell what time it was and the other to tell what time it was not".

  2. DC police officer William West warned Ulysses S Grant, the sitting President of the United States at the time, about recklessly driving his horse-drawn carriage. The next day West saw Grant driving in the same manner and placed the POTUS under arrest. (Washington Post, NOV 7 1925)

  3. Samuel Morse invented the telegraph in response to missing his wife's death. After traveling days to be by his dying wife's side, Morse arrived a couple of days following her burial. He vowed to make a communications device that would allow dire messages to be delivered in a timely manner.

  4. The earliest moment in the history of the Universe where our current theories work is 10^-43 sec after the Big Bang. This is the shortest amount of time that we can probe in the lab with our current knowledge, and the time at which gravity was formed for the first time in an unknown manner.

  5. When mule deer are faced with potential danger, they will try to escape by moving in a 'stotting" manner (bounce from the ground with all four feet in the air at the same time). Mule deer are able to jump 2 feet in height and travel distance of 15 feet in a single leap. They can achieve speed of 45 miles per hour using this technique.

  6. O tempora o mores" was a observation made by Cicero, which translates to 'Oh the times! Oh the customs!' Edgar Allan Poe later used the phrase in a poem to criticize the erosion of manner of politicians and the common men in his time.

  7. There is disagreement about who invented the U.S. zip code: "Not until at least the third time Mr. Moon sent his idea to the top was it adopted and then in no direct manner. To this day, the United States Postal Service declines to give him unshared credit for the invention."

  8. Jerboa has short front feet and four times longer hind feet which are designed for hopping. Jerboa usually leaps distance of 5 inches, but when it needs to escape from predators, jerboa can jump distance of 9.8 feet! It can achieve the speed of 15 miles per hour and move in a zigzag manner to confuse the predators.

  9. The famous Scottish poet, Robert 'Rabbie' Burns, has a collection of poems called the 'Merry muses of Caledonia', covering all manner of degeneracy some of which would have been verging on pornographic literature at the time.

  10. Low Latent Inhibition, a condition which causes the brain to treat familiar stimuli in the same manner as it would new stimuli. This can make it very difficult for someone with LLI to focus as they perceive every minute detail as if it was their first time experiencing it.

timely manner facts
What to do when a client doesn't pay in a timely manner?

Why is it important to complete documentation in a timely manner?

You can easily fact check why is it important to exchange information in a timely manner by examining the linked well-known sources.

Good table manners - it is time to learn together with international modern school

In 1925 DC police officer William West issued a warning to Ulysses S Grant, the sitting President of the United States at the time, for recklessly driving his horse-drawn carriage through the streets of DC. The next day West saw Grant driving in the same manner and placed the POTUS under arrest. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Timely Manner. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Timely Manner so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor