Incredible and fun facts to explore

Three Gorges Dam facts

While investigating facts about Three Gorges Dam, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The three gorges dam in China holds back so much water it slows the rotation of the earth slightly.

A dam in the Congo River would generate 40,000 MW of power (equivalent to 20 large nuclear power stations), it would supply 40% of Africa with electricity, and it would produce twice as much power as the Three Gorges dam in China

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 30 of the best facts about Three Gorges Dam I managed to collect.

  1. The largest and most powerful power plant on Earth is the Three Gorges Dam in China. The controversial project produces power for over 60 million people, caused multiple landslides, and even slowed down the Earth's rotation a fraction of a second.

  2. When the reservoir behind the Three Gorges Dam was filled up, it slowed the rotation of the Earth

  3. Some of the largest hydroelectric power stations in the world include Three Gorges Dam in China, Itaipu Dam in Brazil and Paraguay, Xiluodu in China, Guri in Venezuela, Tucuri in Brazil, Grand Coulee in the U.S., and Xiangjiaba in China.

  4. When the Three Gorges Dam was completed it slowed down the earth's rotation.

  5. Leaders of the Communist Party of China are mostly professional engineers, which enabled them to plan ahead in a technocratic fashion to build projects such as the National Trunk Highway System, the China high-speed rail system, and the Three Gorges Dam.

  6. The weight of water behind the Three Gorges Dam in China slowed the rotation of the Earth

  7. The Three Gorges Dam in China has artificially made a standard day on earth longer and slightly flater at the poles.

  8. The Three Gorges Dam changed the length of every day on Earth by 0.06 microseconds, and shifted the North Pole.

  9. China's Infamous Three Gorges Dam slows the Earth rotation by 0.06 microseconds.

three gorges dam facts
What are the best facts about Three Gorges Dam?

What is true about three gorges dam?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The filling of the reservoir behind Three Gorges Dam in China changed the rotation of the Earth.

China's Three Gorges Dam generates twice as much electricity as all of the UK's nuclear power stations combined (22.5 GW vs. 11 GW) - source

The first big dam constructed on the Yangtze River was the Gezhouba Dam, in 1988. Three Gorges Dam was finished in 2009. It is a very large hydropower project and is also responsible for flood control.

The largest power station in the world in terms of capacity is Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China. It's capacity is 22,500 MW, equivalent to roughly 3,690,000 homes.

The Grand Inga dam, a proposed dam in the Democratic Republic of Cong which would have twice the capacity of the Three Gorges Dam in China - source

The Three Gorges Dam in China has impacted the local weather conditions, including reducing temperature by 1 degree Fahrenheit and altering precipitation patterns

The “Three Gorges Dam” in China is so massive, it has slowed down the rotation of the Earth. Although minuscule, the reason for this is owing to a phenomena known as “the moment of inertia”

China's three gorges dam slowed the rotation of the Earth.

The Three Gorges Dam changed the rotation of Earth!

The Three Gorges Dam in China is so big it slowed the earths rotation

The Channel Tunnel, Three Gorges Dam and Boston’s Big Dig between them cost over $50 billion more than originally planned

Interesting facts about three gorges dam

The Three Gorges Dam in China holds so much water that it slowed the earths rotation

Because of One of the china's dam called Three Gorges Dam, Earth rotation is decreased and added 0.06 micro seconds to a day.

A flood killing 3 million+ was one of the reasons for building the Three Gorges Dam

The most powerful and largest power plant in the world is the Three Gorges Dam in China. It produces power for over 60 million people, caused multiple landslides, and even slowed the orbit of Earth a fraction of a second after construction.

The ITAIPU DAM at the border of Brazil and Paraguay supplying approximately 75% of the electricity consumed by Paraguay and 17% of that consumed by Brazil. Also it is generating more energy than the hydroelectric facility of the Three Gorges Dam in china.

The Three Gorges Dam in China is the largest dam in the world. It's 50 stories high and is more than a mile wide.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Three Gorges Dam. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Three Gorges Dam so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor