The Skin facts
While investigating facts about The Skin I Live In and The Skin Doctor, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Black people in ancient Rome were not discriminated against because of their skin colour or physical features. They were not excluded from any profession and there was no stigma against mixed race relationships. Classical writers did not attach social status or degree of humanity to skin colour.
how the skin functions?
A boy whose whole body looked like an open wound because of a genetic condition which led his skin to be paperthin, had a skin sample taken, its DNA repaired, & the modified skin cells grown to make skin grafts totalling 0.85 sq m. He now leads a normal life.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what the skin disease. Here are 50 of the best facts about The Skinny Dip and The Skinny Taste I managed to collect.
what is picking at the skin?
Sunburn is not caused by your skin cells being damaged by the Sun and dying. Rather it's their DNA being damaged and the cells then killing themselves so they don't turn into cancer
The skin of a Honey Badger is tough enough to resist several machete blows and is almost impervious to arrows and spears
Papercuts hurt so much because they bleed very little, if at all, leaving the skins pain receptors open to air
Ellen and William Craft, who escaped slavery by travelling openly from Macon, Georgia to Boston. Ellen, who was light skinned, dressed as a man with a sling to hide the fact that she could not write and passed as William's slave owner. Eventually, they fled to Liverpool, England.
5-10% of Melanesians (a dark-skinned Pacific Island people) have blonde hair. This is not due to mixture with European populations, but rather due to an independently arising mutation.
A poisonous tree and its antidote often grow so close together that their roots intertwine. The Chemchem tree excretes a poisonous black sap that raises a blistering rash on the skin while its counterpart, the Chaka tree, offers chemical compounds that can counteract the rash.
Clouds don’t protect you from the sun. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, up to 80% of UV rays pass straight through and people often end up with serious burns on overcast days.
The "Dinosaur Mummy" - Borealopelta remains discovered with the protective armor, skin, and partial stomach intact. It's been so well preserved that scientists deemed it closer to a mummy than a fossil.
In 1851 "A muskrat skin was equal to a quarter of a dollar; a racoon skin, a third of a dollar; a doe skin, half a dollar, and a buck skin, “the almighty dollar.”
About bog bodies. A bog body is a human cadaver that has been naturally preserved in a bog wetland. This is due to the acidic, low temperature, and low oxygen environment. They often retain their skin and internal organs. They are basically a pickled human.
The Skin data charts
For your convenience take a look at The Skin figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why the skin is itchy?
You can easily fact check why the skin is itching by examining the linked well-known sources.
The skin of arctic tribes people are dark because they get all their vitamin D from fish instead of sunlight. Their skin does not need to lighten to try and get more sun for vitamin D production.
Chris Pratt of Parks & Rec did a scene in which Andy shows up at Ann's house totally naked wearing skin-tone briefs. After several takes, Pratt felt that Amy Poehler did not seem convincingly surprised, so he took off the briefs. Poehler's genuine reaction was later aired on TV. - source
Old People Smell" is caused by a molecule called 2-nonenal, which is secreted by ageing skin - source
Octopuses have a sucker-proof coating on their skin to make sure they don't grab and tangle their own tentacles.
There are more skin cancer cases attributed to tanning beds than lung cancer cases attributed to smoking. - source
When the skin is dehydrated?
Red 'Delicious' apples taste horrible because farmers chose to modify the fruit for beauty over taste, such as having thicker skin to hide bruises and dents.
How the skin glow?
Some densely populated countries use Election Ink to prevent double voting. The ink uses silver nitrate which stains the skin and is only removed by shedding of external skin cells, therefore providing a sure way of knowing who has or hasn't voted.
In 2016, the iconic Vietnamese "Napalm Girl" received over 50 laser treatments on her "4th degree" burns that greatly reduced her pain and softened her skin after 45 years of suffering. The treatment was provided free-of-charge.
The underbelly membrane of lobsters is the toughest material of all natural hydrogels, including collagen, animal skins, and natural rubber. The membrane is about as strong as industrial rubber composites, such as those used to make car tires, garden hoses, and conveyor belts.
Cat bites can be incredibly dangerous. Due to the fact that a cat's teeth are sharp and narrow, the resulting wound can heal over easily - resulting in bacteria trapped beneath the skin.
The feeling of euphoric chills some people can get while listening to music is called 'frisson' (pronounced "free-sawn"), and researches have described the sensation as a skin orgasm.
The skin infographics
Beautiful visual representation of The Skin numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Comparing skin tone of models for American Eagle and Gucci