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Swiss Alps facts

While investigating facts about Swiss Alps Map and Swiss Alps Skiing, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In the 90s, Tina Turner left America and started living in Switzerland. She now is a Swiss citizen, lives permanently in a village in the Alps, and has stated: "I could not imagine a better place to live."

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The Romansch language. Spoken only in a small part of the Swiss Alps, it is a direct descendant of the Vulgar Latin used by the Roman Imperial troops garrisoned there.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what mountains are in the swiss alps. Here are 24 of the best facts about Swiss Alps Bakery and Swiss Alps Train I managed to collect.

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  1. Appenzeller Sennenhund is used as rescue dogs in Swiss Alps today.

  2. In 1967 Canadian Club launched their "Hide A Case" ad campaign. Cases of CC were hidden in exotic locations such as Mount Kilimanjaro, Angel Falls, Mount St. Helens, and the Swiss Alps. A small number of cases, such as one hidden above the Arctic Circle have never been found

  3. Part of the Alps that run through Europe are within Switzerland's borders (known as the Swiss Alps).

  4. Famous V-shaped valleys include Iao Valley in Hawaii, and the Muretto Pass in the Swiss Alps.

  5. Switzerland has three main topographical regions including the Swiss Alps, the Swiss plateau, and the Jura Mountains.

  6. Roosevelt took time from his European honeymoon with Alice to scale the 15,000-foot Swiss Alp, the Matterhorn, a year after graduation with two guides

  7. Heidi is very popular is Japan and, every year, part of the Swiss Alps called Heidiland is visited by hundreds of thousands of Japanese tourists.

  8. Name "Appenzeller Sennenhund" refers to the Appenzell region (alpine area in the northeast part of Switzerland), where this breed was created, and Senn people, dairy farmers in the Swiss Alps, who created this breed.

  9. Bottled Swiss Alps Air is available on sale for anyone to buy, and that it comes with authenticity certificate and GPS co-ordinates of where it was collected

  10. In 2007, the Swiss army accidentally invaded Liechtenstein. One night, 170 Swiss Army troops got lost in the Alps because of bad weather and walked miles into the principality.

swiss alps facts
What are the swiss alps?

Why visit the swiss alps?

You can easily fact check why go to the swiss alps by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pino Lella, an German-Italian in WW2 who helped smuggle Italian Jews through the Swiss Alps into Switzerland. While acting as double agent for Hitler’s extremely secretive left hand man General Hans Leyers.

The Swiss army has bunkers, jet fighters, cannons and machine guns hidden in the Alps. With a push of a button, it'll blow your face off. - source

649 avalanches killed over 265 people in the Austrian and Swiss Alps over three months in 1950 and 1951 known as the "Winter of Terror", including one town that had 6 avalanches within an hour - source

In the Swiss Alps where the Rhine begins it is only a stream. It gathers volume and by the time it reaches Lake Constance it is important to southern Germany for drinking water.

The Swiss army's had an operation which was all about saving cows, by airlifting water from one side of the Alps to the other [Audio] - source

When does it snow in the swiss alps?

Thomas Thwaites gave up being human and lived like a goat for three days as part of a herd in the Swiss Alps

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Bryan Cranston and his wife were caught having sex on an auto train while travelling through the Swiss Alps on their honeymoon.

The Swiss Alps have bison and they're all descended from one farmer's herd he imported from the USA.

Nostalgia was believed to be a mental illness not long ago... or from the unremitting clanging of cowbells in the Alps for Swiss mercenaries.

There's a cell tower in the Swiss Alps that's struck by lightning so often, it's now being used to study lightning strikes.

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Ueli Steck, the "Swiss Machine" of mountain climbing, who climbed all 82 peaks in the Alps higher than 4000m in 62 days. He died today in Nepal while attempting Everest.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Swiss Alps. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Swiss Alps so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor